Axel reaches out.

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After we ate our dinner and talked about some wedding business, Candace and Marvin went to their room. I went to help Paula wash the dishes.

"So, what should I do?" I asked. I was wiping the plates, she was scrubbing it. "On the reunion."

"Do you really wanna know what I think?" Paula glared at me, throwing soap bubbles on my elbow. "I think you should go for it."


"The coffee date with Karl."

"It's not a date."

"If it's not, then I don't know what to call it."

"It's just a friendly catch-up," I defended. 

"Whatever." She threw another handful of bubbles on my wrist.

"H-How would I ask him out?"

"Oh God, how would I view this as not a date?" She put down the plates, intertwined her hands, and closed her eyes. "Please help him instead."

"I knew I should've asked Marvin instead." I threw the towel on the counter, but she held my wrist with her soapy hands. 

"Jeez. You're so dramatic." And I need to wash my hands as well. This girl really cracked my nerves sometimes.

I dried my hands on Paula's back, but she was already on guard. She immediately punched me on my gut.

"Get your phone," she ordered. "You're gonna message him, whether you like it or not."


I held my hips and sat on the sofa bed. I got my phone on the pocket of my shorts and opened it. Paula sat next to me and laid her head on my shoulders.

"Sometimes, I think about why you're so hurtful, both physically and emotionally."

"It means that I love you, but I'm still calling you a bitch."

"Ugh. I don't know his new number."

"Just message him on Facebook."

"We're not friends as well."

She gasped, and she slapped my bicep. "You're not friends?"

"He unfriended me way back."

Her glares were extra sharp, and I tried my best to avoid it. I could be dead to it. "And you didn't add him?"

"Nope." She pulled her hair up, and I just scratched the back of my head and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." 

I searched for his profile on Facebook, and by the time it loaded, I couldn't recognize the same, skinny boy with tanned lines on his shoulder because of his refusal to ride the jeepney and walk to places instead. His profile picture was professional and quirky, with the brown bricks of the Physical Sciences building behind him and he was smiling when he was asking for another scoop of ice cream. He had his circular glasses and his textured haircut fit his head's shape.

I hesitated before clicking the Add Friend button.

"Oh c'mon, don't be a sissy." Then, Paula pushed my finger that was on top of the button, and the color changed to blue with the text Cancel Friend Request appeared. "Now, all you need to do is to wait."

I heaved a sigh. This was the the easiest part and I was already whining. 

Paula stood up, her eyes glued on the screen of her phone and tapping with her one hand, and went to the cupboard to grab some chips.

"Do you have some beer?"

She threw the bag of chips on my lap. "San Mig Flavored Beer or San Mig Light?"

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