Karl marches forward.

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Days after being wasted, I was feeling the best that I have ever been in the past four years. Not only was I having more time with myself researching and creating modules, I was free of secrets from my friends (well, except Axel). I always hugged Candace and Paula whenever I see them, and I cooked for Marvin often.

Axel invited the four of us for a road trip, but I refused since I was making significant progress on my research. A (very) small part of me didn't want to see him after being tainted by the Nameless Bitch™. A considerate part of me wanted to move forward without him, because I had been stuck in this endless loop for years.

So I told them to enjoy by themselves. They didn't push me further, or I'd snap at them.

By the time September arrived, I had already completed the first chapter for my SP. (Yes, I was keen on finishing my SP early purely because I was having fun. Call me weird and a complete geek because I am!)

I was in my room alone on a Monday night. The four of them had another meeting. It must be tough for them since they were all part of their org's Executive Committee. I was binging F.R.I.E.N.D.S. while trying to ingest scientific papers side by side for my RRL. Was I doing progress. Definitely not. Was I entertained? Yes.

I wasn't expecting a call from an unknown number. I was hesitant to answer it since it may be a scam. But I was curious...

I pressed Answer.

My voice was a little shaky. "Hello?"

I heard a loud Cheers! from the background, as well as the faint tune of MYMP's Tell Me Where It Hurts

I repeated a little louder, "Hello? Who's this?"

"Karl, I miss you."

My muscles tensed upon hearing that voice. It was Marc. His voice was a little villainous and deep.

I deleted his number a week after he confessed to me. I figured I didn't need to contact him anyway, plus I wanted to erase our past conversations. 

"Why are you calling me?"

He giggled. "I miss you so much."


"Why can't you love me the same way?"

I sighed. I paused the video in my laptop.

"I just don't like you that way," I said flatly. "Are you drunk?"

"No." He laughed. "Maybe I am. A little bit."

"Stop drunk calling me."

His voice turned to a whisper, then a silent sob. "Please, give me another chance."



I had no choice but to tell him the truth if I wanted to turn him down completely. "I'm in love with someone else," I confessed. "And again, I just don't like you that way."

He scoffed. I heard a loud gulp on the other line.

"You're a fucking faggot, Karl. I know it's Axel," he said.

I could almost throw my phone in the wall. My jaw clenched as I said to him, "What did you say?"

"Fuck you!"

"Well, fuck you too!"

I dropped the call before I could even tell him some truly hurtful words that would send me straight to hell.

What a pathetic loser.

I ease my anger, I closed the tabs for all the scientific papers I was reading and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. full-time. I needed some real Phoebe humor.

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