Axel spins the bottle!

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I woke up with someone pinching my chest and continuously screaming "Wake up!" near my ear. I almost punched Paula, who was on top of me, just to wake me up.

"What?" I didn't hide my frustration.

"It's evening, dipshit."

The room was illuminated with the light from the hallway. I stood up and got my polo on my left. "What time is it?"

"Almost 9," she replied. "Wow, you really slept all day."

"I'm tired of living," I said as we walked outside the room. "Have you guys eaten?"

"Yes! We ate with the newbies of the org earlier, then dinner here," Paula answered. She clung her arms on mine. "In fact, we're already drinking below."

As soon as we stepped down the stairs, I was greeted with a round of applause. They were all sitting in the carpet and the sofa, with various chips, a big pot of Adobo, and a pitcher of mixed drinks in the table. They all waved, even Karl, while I was walking down the stairs.

"Sleeping Beauty has risen!" Candace shouted.

"Shut up, Candace! You're drunk again," I exclaimed at her. 

"I'm not!" As soon as she said that, she leaned on Marvin, who was busy munching on the chips.

He gave me a thumbs up. "She's good."

The room was well-lit with the lights from the living room and the kitchen turned on. All of them were still in their outfits earlier this morning. My stomach growled as soon as I smelled freshly-cooked rice and the Adobo near them.

"Why don't I give you a plate and eat before we start another game?" Sir Gabe offered. "We're playing Exploding Kittens."

He stood up to get me a plate full of rice, and handed me the utensils. I mouthed, "Thanks."

"I told you, I'm bored at that game already," Paula said. She sat beside Karl, who was lying on the sofa with his phone above his head. I sat on the arm of the sofa. "Let's just play something spicy."

Candace swooned. "I like that!"

"Everyone should join," Ma'am Kath interjected. "That means you too, Karl."

He groaned. "Fine."

"How about Spin the Bottle?" Paula suggested. "Truth or shot Empi, no chaser."

"We are really becoming the Titos and Titas of Elbi," Sir Gabe commented. He shared a high-five with Ma'am Kath. "I'll bring the shotglass."

I gobbled down my food as fast as I could and joined the circle in the carpet. Paula was in the middle of Karl and I. I was beside Jaycee and Erika, then Candace and Marvin, and Sir Gabe and Ma'am Kath.

Sir Gabe brought an empty tequila bottle placed it on the middle. Two bottles of Emperador Light was nearby, with a shotglass full of it near the empty bottle.

Ma'am Kath asks the question to Marvin.

"Alright, let's start something easy, favorite major subject?" Ma'am Kath. "And I mean you should answer my class just because."

Marvin chuckled. "But it's true! I love your class ma'am. Absolute favorite."

She clapped her hands and did a little dance while on her seat. 

Marvin spun the bottle--Karl asks, Erika answers.

"Alright, of all people who went yesterday, who's your crush?"

"Before I answer that, I think we should all get wasted and drink Paula's concoction again." 

Sir Gabe stood up as well and got us all mugs and glasses filled with Paula's evil potion. Just the smell of it tastes like heaven and sin at the same time.

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