Karl believes in destiny.

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I believe in destiny, however corny and cheesy that may sound for a sixteen-year old college stud. The thought of everything has a reason, that every interaction and word has to have a meaning somewhere. And these little actions build you every step of the way.

But that time, I wasn't thinking that and what I've been thinking is that the conversation with this guy Axel has been a little too annoying, to be honest.

I don't know what irks me about him. He didn't show off his wealth, nor was he talking in a way that most rich people do. At his very core, he seemed to be a very normal person who was just fashionable on the outside!

When the lecture ended, which was just an introduction about the course and the lecturer (I love Prof. de la Rosa), we walked out of the lecture hall. It was necessary to put my earphones out and listen to Speak Now. I put my notebook in my small backpack and headed out.

I didn't even notice that Axel was beside me, one of his earphone buds on his right ear. He had a Hawk bag on his one shoulder. His hands was on his pocket. I could see him take glances at me, and because he was taller, I would look up occasionally.

"So where are you headed at?" he asked.

"Probably getting some lunch," I replied. "You?"

"I'll go to my next class, which is in Engineering. Ugh."

As we walk out the CAS A2 building, we were welcome by a new surge of students coming in the lecture hall. A little cramped, and I was pushed to Axel. I caught the whiff of citrus and wood on his polo. I immediately moved away once this pesky woman who pushed me walked in the room.

We were outside the building and I took my umbrella out. Being an absolute clumsy individual, I put my name and contact number on the body of the umbrella using a white correction pen. I don't think Axel noticed, but he was texting someone on his phone before talking to me again.

"Where will you have your lunch?" he asked. He put his phone on his pocket and dipped his head a little inside my umbrella. "Mind if you share? I'm already in."

"Probably at Grove," I answered. "And you?"

"I'll walk with you until the gate. I'll just ride a jeep to there. This heat will probably give me a heat stroke or something."

I shrugged and laughed courteously. We crossed the road and walked towards the Kwek-kwek Tower.

"Have you eaten at Selinas?" he asked.

"Where is that?"

"The restaurant in front of Centtro Mall?"

"Didn't know that."

"Hmm, it's next to a big laundry shop," he explained, "that was next to a cafe, and then next to Mernel's."

"Haven't checked that out yet."

"It feels like home," Axel said. I looked at him and his eyes were straight on the road. "Something about that place feels oddly relaxing and comforting. And their meals tell it more."

And, I don't know what I'm thinking at this time. I would eventually blame it on destiny and shit. I asked to Axel:  "Do you miss your home?"

"Not that much really, which was the most surprising," he answered. I couldn't read his face well. "You?"

"Oh, not at all. This feels like the taste of freedom that I've been wanting for a long time."

"And then it hits you later?"

"Yep. Sooner or later."

When we were at the Carabao Park, he unplugged his earphones. "Come on, can we walk to the jeepney stop?"

"But that's not--"

"Come on!"

He held my wrist and walked a little faster. We walked on the sidewalk of the Admin building, which is in front of the College of Development Communication. We almost got hit by a motorcycle, for goodness' sake.

"I'm almost late for my next class!"

"You don't have to drag me!"

"Then it wouldn't be that much fun, right?"

When he laughed, I swore to God that there is an angel who fell from the Heavens in the form of this guy.

We ran a little faster before a jeepney goes off. He wasn't even covered by my umbrella anymore. He released my wrist and rode the jeepney. And there he was. Gone.

I took a moment to look at my wrist, which was a little wet from the sweat from his palm and red on how tight he held it. A jeepney waited for me to ride, but I shook my head and crossed the road.

Huh. I guess I'll have to try Selinas today.

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