Karl receives a weird message.

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Home is a very special word in my vocabulary. To begin with my explanation, I must describe my parents and siblings.

My mother, Karen Molina, is an elementary teacher. She finished her BS and MA degree in Elementary Education in Philippine Normal University, in which she struggled with so much because she was balancing her full-time work in a public school in Cavite and me. Probably one of her best traits (and sometimes, people tell me that I do have that trait as well) was that she was very patient with her students and her family. She was my main teacher during my formative years. That's why I learned how to create reviewers (and sell them for a price) without her supervision.

My father, Karlo Molina, is a jeepney driver. His route goes from Trece Martires to Dasmarinas everyday. He wakes up as early as 3AM for his first trip. For his first roundabout, I would get my daily allowance from his sales then he would drop my mother and I to our schools. That was our routine ever since I was a kid to high school.

So my name, Karl, was patterned because of their names starting with K. My sisters, Karina and Karisa, were both gorgeous and beautiful. Karina was always hailed as the muse and the top contender for school pageants. She was always exuding with confidence, something that I usually lack. Karisa was just like me--would rather stay inside than go outdoors, watch television, or read school materials.

Our home was at Sampaguita Village, south of Trece Martires going to Indang. It wasn't the largest or smallest house either. It had two floors with three bedrooms--I had the smallest one to give me privacy, then my parents, and my sisters on the biggest. The only part of the house that had the most complete things was the kitchen, because my father liked to cook so much that he and my mother conceptualized a take-out lunch business for the jeepney drivers.

Other than that, we had the staples--a small television, a bamboo sofa, and a clean bathroom. It wasn't much but I really loved our home and our dogs, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup. They had their own cages at the bottom of our terrace inside the house. My parents trained them so they wouldn't poop everywhere except the litter box.

It was very different from my dormitory. The faded white walls just contributed to the overall sadness of the room. The good thing was I'm in a four-person bedroom, unlike the eight-capacity rooms which is chaotic for sure.

Would I survive this? Of course. I've never lived with strangers before, but they must be good people!

I became accustomed to my room after a week. I got to know my roommates: Marvin, who was also a Computer Science student, has chubby cheeks and he let me pinch it earlier today. Carl--with a C--took Civil Engineering, and he was the funniest among us. And Harry, my bunk bed buddy who took the bottom bed, took Nutrition and was the naughtiest among us because he already has an electric boiler which was against the rules but we promised to keep our mouths shut for Pancit Canton parties soon.

The bunk beds were beside the window overlooking the lower side of the dormitory. Good thing that Marvin's grandparents (which were just the sweetest!) brought two curtains. Then next to the wooden door was our cabinets (surprise! It's also in white). We don't have our own tables and chairs, but Carl has his own (courtesy of his parents) and Harry has his laptop table.

The only tables were in the Lounge, which had a plasma TV and ceiling fans.  I was a bit hesitant on using it, because I couldn't focus with too many people within my eye range, but I also couldn't study without a proper table! This was really one of my biggest dilemmas as a freshman.

I reminded myself of my schedule tomorrow. SOSC 1 (Social Science), NASC 1 (Natural Science), and MATH 17 (College Algebra and Trigonometry). 2 out of 3 subjects with an annoying brat. Good thing that Marvin was with me on NASC 1.

The only challenge posing to me was my 7AM SOSC 1 class. I haven't been accustomed to my body clock in UPLB. I sleep at 10 and wake up around 8 or 9. I set an alarm on my phone to remind myself that, yes, I am a grown, independent man who does not need his mother to wake him up.

Before I closed my eyes, I checked my phone for any messages. I still have close contact with my friends in high school through text, but I need to find a way to connect to the Internet. This dormitory doesn't have the Internet connection, sadly. Facebook has been sort of integral in my life for the past year.

There was one, unknown message.

Hey, Karl.

I replied: Who's this? Is this some kind of prank???

I closed my eyes and my phone vibrated on my palm.

We just met earlier!

I thought about the people I met earlier that I gave my number to. I don't remember. But it sure is sweet to be friends with my seatmate in PSY 1, Gianna, whose voice was just melancholic.

I met a lot of people earlier, u gotta be more specific

It's me, Axel.

How did u get my number??


And you just got it w/o my permission???


At this point, I was sure that he would be that annoying classmate who just asks for everything from me. And I hate those types. Bring a goddamn notebook and take notes!

What do you need?

Do we have any assignments?
Forgot to take note

None as I could remember lol

Okay hahahaha
Pls reserve me a seat tom


I will be late
I'm pretty sure of it

Ok sure

Thanks :)))))
See u tom

I put my phone to Silent mode and hid it behind my pillow. If he replies, I would pretend that I'm asleep instead.

What's weird was, I couldn't stop smiling before closing my eyes.

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