Axel goes to work.

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My Mondays were always filled with melancholy, and then chaos, chaos, chaos. Don't ask me how. The next morning, my day went like this:

1. I woke up at 6:17AM after three unsuccessful attempts of turning off the alarm. I always put my phone on the night stand on the left of my bed, but for some reason, it was now under my bed. I have three alarms set to make me groan and get out of the bed--6:00, 6:10, and 6:15. The last one was to make sure I'm really awake.

2. Candace gave me some of their leftover spaghetti with meatballs after I hung out with Paula yesterday. I tossed it out of the fridge to cool it down. I contemplated whether to take a bath first or to preheat the pasta. For three minutes, I weighed down the pros and cons. In the end, eating took precedence because I didn't want to smell like marinara.

3. I never believed in microwaves in the first place. I grabbed a small non-stick skillet pan, added a tablespoon of oil, and threw the pasta in. And I failed miserably because I also slipped the tupperware in the pan.

4. I went online to check some messages and my schedule for today. A stand-up meeting at 11. Client meeting by 3. By the time I was finished calculating the work I need to do today, the pasta was already heated. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and ate directly on the pan. I added chili flakes and pre-grated Parmesan cheese to kick up the flavor. No offense to Candace.

5. I grabbed my towel and went to take a bath that takes exactly 10 minutes. It was a routine ever since high school.

6. I picked some fresh clothes from my wardrobe--today's pick was something sleek and professional but also casual and approachable. I grabbed a short-collar cream polo, brown slacks, and a my good burgundy belt to match my walnut leather shoes. I put some wax on my hair.

7. I struggled to find my backpack, which should have my laptop. After a couple minutes, I found it under the bed. Again. I grabbed my essentials and put it in my messenger bag. 

8. Parking lot. Drove to EDSA and cursed three times to one driver who kept on beeping behind me.

9. After an hour or so, I arrived at our office. Miranda, the receptionist, greeted me as always. She has a crush on me, according to Miguel, one of my co-workers. I didn't mind.

10. When I checked in, I immediately left as soon as I left my bag in my cubicle. I carried my wallet, phone, and my Starbucks tumbler. I peeked at Miguel's cubicle next to mine and knocked. I asked him if he wanted to have coffee at Starbucks. He brought his breakfast sandwich prepared by his wife and gave me a whole tupperware of my own. Sweet.

11. The baristas at the nearby Starbucks knew our order. One of them, Brad, adds more milk to my Cafe Latte even though I just ordered a Grande. When he gives my order, he would hold my hand for a quick second. I brushed it off as usual.

12. Miguel, or as I call him Migs, would tell more stories about her wife and their newborn child. Her wife worked at an accounting firm in Makati as well, but currently is on maternity leave. So he's enjoying homecooked lunches and wrapped sandwiches for the last month. And I was lucky because his wife loves me as well for taking care of Migs, thus the free sandwich.

13. We went back to our office after a few minutes. We both groaned when we saw Narcia, the annoying, cat lady in our floor. And she's part of the stand-up meeting at 11.

14. I began reviewing code from our team as soon as I got my desktop running.

15. By the time I was done, I emptied my coffee tumbler. I cursed and Migs heard me. He commented, "Too early before our meeting."

16. I chatted on our Slack channel to remind of the 11am meeting. After a few minutes, all of my team and the cat lady's team met on the Lounge. I led the team, adding some jokes along the way, which cracked them up and eased the tension a little bit.

17. By the time we're done, Migs and I were hungry for lunch. Just in time for Tita Mari to arrive at the doors of our office to sell packed lunches. I bought my favorite of her cooking, Bicol Express.

18. I invited our team to have a lunch on the Lounge. I grabbed a couple of fresh fruits on the counter, cut them, and shared it with the team. I learned from Migs that the best way of eating apples is to add salt on it.

19. It isn't time to resume to work yet, so we played some Mobile Legends first.

20. More code review. Improve unit tests. Then, I supervised my juniors on using one of the technologies we're using. One of them really improved, which made me really proud. A little bit teary-eyed when that one started to help the others.

21. Client meeting.

22. After the meeting, Migs grabbed a couple of beers at the fridge for me. He noticed my frown as soon as I sat down on my seat. I finally had to wear off my smile from that 2-hour meeting. Migs didn't say anything. He just understood.

23. Improvement of code base while listening to another new pop album, then I dropped it when I couldn't focus. I tuned my Study Playlist #2 instead. Meanwhile, I was on my first bottle of beer.

24. Internally planning to hit the gym. 

25. Migs went home earlier. Still doing some work. I didn't drink the 2nd and 3rd beer if I want to go home alive.

26. Marvin sent me a message to help him pick his suit for the wedding. Ah, a positive thing amidst the depression building in my cubicle. 

27.  I turned off my desktop and left work. The cat lady even said good-bye to me. I politely nodded and waved at her. Even though her voice annoys us, it's always nice to be kind.

28. Parking lot. Now, beat the Makati traffic. I jammed to Ben&Ben instead, tapping the steering wheel and careful not to bump the car in front of me.

29. After two hours, I arrived at my condo. I threw my bag at the bed and grabbed my gym bag.

30. Gym. I was getting uncomfortable of one guy who kept on stealing glances at me. He was also a regular here. I didn't know if I was giving him signals. He didn't make a on me, thankfully. Or else I would need a new gym.

31. I went back to my condo.

32. I didn't eat dinner.

33. I didn't watch any new series.

34. I lay on my bed after taking a nice, long shower. I gazed on the ceiling instead. And I thought about nothing.

35. Nothing at all.

36. Karl.

37. I sent a message to Karl's old number: I listened to your Study Playlist again. It never fails me.

38. I chatted Karl on Messenger: We're set on Saturday, right?

39. I waited a few minutes for him to reply, only to find myself asleep until my phone beeped for a message.

40. He replied: Yep

41. I smiled and closed my eyes again.

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