Axel throws a party!

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I had a new goal for 2023--find a new hobby.

Not that New Year's Resolution, because everyone knows that once they were said, they wouldn't come true. So I made myself a lot of notes--from a sticky note in my wall, ref, and cubicle to my phone wallpaper.

I was committed on trying to find a new groove for the new me.

I still did my usual routine. Work. Gym. Occasional hang out with my friends at their condo. I also added the additional jamming with some of my co-workers that was organized after the Battle of the Bands. 

During weekends, I tried something new, and the only thing that stuck was hiking mountains in CALABARZON, baking cookies, and playing a musical instrument every night. Hiking was during the weekends when the weather was forgiving. Playing music made me cautious about the sound after a complaint addressed to me from a couple in another floor, but my neighbors were enjoying the chill, background music.

In return for their compliment, I also gave them my attempts at baking. It was passable, but still not good enough. I wasn't pressuring myself, though. I was doing Bon Appetit's Best Chocolate Chip cookies, and it needs practice to do so.

Did I get the answer I was looking for in my attempts in resolving my feelings to Karl? 


I still think of him from time to time but not as much as I did before. He was a quiet memory that rollbacks during the small times from our experiences together. He was the rush whenever I play Taylor Swift songs. When I see the the two of us in pictures, I think of it as a happy memory in the past that could never be replayed in the present.

It was sad, but I was starting to accept my reality.

Little by little.

I wasn't rushing.

Two months before the wedding, I was full time on helping Candace and Marvin. Of course, I had to do my best man duties for Marvin. 

The time and place were all set in the Church wedding and the reception venue in Batangas. I was the one who suggested St. Therese in UPLB since both of them met in college, making the place extra special for both of them. Marvin's parents insisted to make the reception in Batangas since they already found a suitable beach resort and their whole clan was supposed to come. So, save money on transportation.

The church wedding will happen in the morning, while the reception will be done in the evening. There was a gap in between which was reserved for photo shoots and change of attire, since the reception would be summer-themed as requested by Candace.

As much as possible, we tried to cut the expenses. I was in charge on the whole music in the reception and I whiffed up an amazing playlist to play in full order, from upbeat to songs to slow-dance with. I had Candace and Paula's approval, with a minor comment from Marvin: "Add more OPM!"

The most expense was the reception and the event photographer. If our guests want to stay for the night, they have to book their own room.

Since I was tasked to sing at their reception, I tapped Migs and Macky again to join me as a band. They agreed, as long as they can bring their partners as well. We agreed on singing the same songs we played on our Christmas outing, as well as bring in some songs I had practiced before when I played solo.

We'd practice during Sundays and holidays, with the approval of Migs's wife since she was looking forward on going to the beach. Ethan played along with us after Macky pulled him. Now, we have a bass!

The only thing left to do was what to wear on the day itself.

Marvin and I took a trip to Lumban, Laguna for a custom made barong since we skipped the suit and tie for the occasion.

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