Karl tries to belong.

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Unlike my friends in high school, I hadn't tried anything alcoholic in my whole life after my mother made me swore to never try it. Alcohol was one of the things prohibited in the Molina Residence. My grandfather to my mother's side was a raging alcoholic, so she didn't want us to travel in the same path. So, when I was five years old, I made a promise to my mother never to drink unless I'm old enough to know what's right and what's wrong.

Was this a time that I understood my morality compass? Definitely not. I was still debating whether it was right to have feelings with my best friend. Fine, let's throw in the fact that he's also a man. And let's not forget that he's straight!

So, when Paula asked me if I want to attend her and Candace's birthday bash later at LB Square, I immediately told her no.

"You're such a kill joy!" Paula smacked her heavy palms on my amrs. "I would be there. Candace would definitely be there. Of course, Marvin would be there. And Axel's gonna be there! You should go."

We were walking out of our class in the Humanities building. Normally, I would go and eat lunch at Grove, but Paula asked me if we want to hang out. I couldn't say no because she was already dragging me to PhySci.

"Candace bugged me a lot of times and she always got mad when I said no. Marvin tried, but I refused," I defended. "I just can't stand crowds, that's all."

"Oh please. We're just a few people."

"And how many is a few?"

"About 20?"


"Oh please, you're coming to Candace's debut on Saturday, right? That one has a lot of visitors."

"I know, but I don't wanna miss that one," I explained. "I'm part of the 18 Roses! Plus, I get to eat fancy food there. And, I'd go to Manila."

"So what's the difference of that one and this party bash?"

"There's... booze?"

Paula exclaimed, "Girl, if you don't want to drink, then don't!"

"I know, but knowing you, you'll chug them on my mouth anyway."

"Fair point," Paula said. "But please? Can you come for me? As my best boy-space-friend in the whole wide world?"

I sighed. "You're not using that card on me."

"Oh yes, I'm using it."

"Fine, but I leave at 8."

"It starts at 8."

"9 then."

"Alright, deal!"

We entered the Physical Sciences building and went up the stairs. There are thirty minutes left before our next class, which is a laboratory class. Ever since Axel gave me the Lucky Jacket, I had been using it almost everyday to make me feel good about myself. It pairs in anything--a printed shirt, put that on to make me dashing! A plain shirt, even more hot! A tank top? Hottest!

"Can we stay at the tambayan first?" Paula asked.

I gulped. As much as possible, I was avoiding that place entirely. Axel had asked me countless times, ever since three months ago when he was accepted and joined the organization. I also said no for a thousand times and reiterated that I would not step in their boundaries.

He assured me that it was legal, but for someone who wasn't part of that organization, I was trespassing that property. 

She went to the bathroom and waited for her at the door. She signaled me to sit, but I wouldn't, after I saw three people sat there as well, talking quite loudly.

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