Axel drowns his sorrows.

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I was greeted with a big hug from Candace and Marvin, who was both in their home attires. Marvin, the huggable, bear-like, daddy-like man was already in his pajamas, while Candace, who looked like a supermodel in commission, wore one of her shortest shorts and a spaghetti strap top.

"Aww, you poor baby." Marvin patted my head. "You're still our sad, little boy deep inside."

"Would you mind helping me with the plates, honey?" Candace interjected, pointing at Marvin. Even her posture makes me want to straighten my life for a bit. She put a big plate and served a huge serving of hotdogs with eggs on it.

The whole apartment was modest, at the very core. White walls and the wooden finishes made the whole apartment rustic and modern. A huge television was on with a Netflix film on it. Wall cabinets were next to it. One was open and polos were peeking right through it. A small partition was in the middle of the room, separating the two rooms and the kitchen. 

Paula went to her space, which was in front of the kitchen, and dropped her bag.

I sat on the sofabed in front of the television for a while. The room smelled like breakfast and lavender. I put my bags under the dining table, which is within my hand reach.

"Do we have some rice left?" Paula asked.

"Yes, of course," Candace announced with glee. "Fried rice or not?"

"Fried rice!" Marvin answered. 

"God, I am so thirsty," Paula exclaimed.

"Let me change my clothes first," I said.

Marvin threw some of his comfortable clothes that I always use when I crash in their place. It was a huge basketball jersey and a pair of boxer shorts. I went inside the bathroom to change.


I missed the feeling of belongingness with these crazy kinds of people around me. Maybe that was something lacking in my dull life. Or not.

After we ate dinner while talking about our bosses and team leaders, we gobbled on the beers and tequila. Candance, who has a really bad memory of strong, hard drinks, promised for her life never to drink those again. So she turned to her favorite almost-alcoholic drink, Smirnoff. However, her boyfriend, Marvin, had the lowest alcohol capacity. He could only drink San Mig Light or else, after two tequila shots, he would be hugging the toilet and go to sleep afterwards.

Paula was the notorious one among us. She seemed to have a black hole when it comes to alcohol. Her record, as far as I can remember, was fifteen bottles of Red Horse in one night, after she and her ex-boyfriend broke up two years ago. That was such a great night.

And me? I just like the occassional tequila and San Mig Pale Pilsen. But this night, my dear boy Jose Cuervo calls me.

Let's do this.

We sat on the floor, just like we usually do. The only space available was the spot in front of the sofabed a

First shot. Candace mixed her famous chili salt, which is a blend of chili flakes, paprika, and salt, the dipped a half-face of a lemon. Shot. Take a sip of lemon with chili salt.

"Y'know, Sir Gabe and Ma'am Kath are still in ICS," I began after sipping the lemon. "They're still great."

"Do they still remember me? I hope they do," Marvin said, while taking small sips of his San Mig Light and took a big handful of chips.

"I kept on seeing Ma'am Kath on online shops on Instagram," Candace commented. "My goodness, her taste in fashion is impeccable." She puckered her lips. "I hope she gets a boyfriend soon."

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