Axel dips in the pool.

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Marc took his distance away from me the whole night, which was the best thing he could ever do before my fist lands on his face. He made sure that he was at least five people away from me, but he still had that smirk on his face whenever our eyes meet. As if saying, "You already lost, asshole."

I focused on my party, instead. 

Marvin was having the time of his life. He was everywhere. One time, he was on the pool. Then, he would go to the karaoke with a towel on his back, drinking tequila from a plastic cup and eating grilled meat with his hands. Then, he would sing a song in a semi-drunken state that he would miss the note but we would laugh and cheer for him anyway.

I didn't drink that much, since I knew that the liquor wasn't enough for us. When the clock hit midnight, the bottles were already emptied and the food was almost gone, and the crowd wasn't drunk enough.

I drove to the nearest 7-11 and bought some more. I bought Emperador since it was the cheapest and the sure ball that they would be drunk and miserable after. I also got a couple of iced tea sachets and 2 liter softdrinks for chaser.

When I came back, the dramatic songs already played. Alex, one of my blocmates, was singing his heart out along with my blocmates and Marvin's high school friends. My orgmates were in the floor, drinking what's left of the mixed drink and the end of bottles.

They flocked at me when they heard the clink of bottles in my hand. They immediately placed the bottles on the floor and opened one.

I laughed and cursed at them for being that thirsty.

Marvin was sitting at the edge of the pool with a drink on his hand. His feet were on the water as he played with the waves.

I sat beside him.

"So, how was the party?" I asked. I opened the Coke on my hand and dipped my feet on the water as well.

"It's so fun." He smiled and looked at the sky. "I'm a bit drunk."

"You should be wasted," I told him. "Out of the five of us, you're the hardest to reach the peak of your drunken state, but the easiest to be tipsy enough to be stupid. We only managed to get you wasted one time and that's it."

"That was the time I cursed GSM Blue for its horrible hangover the next day."

"Yes! Same!"

We both laughed, then we clinked our drinks.

"You're the best, Axel." He nudged my arm. "Thanks for this."

"This is the least I could do for you and Candace."

He sipped a bit of his drink. "Well, you could be one of the godfathers of my child."

My eyes widened and gasped. "She's pregnant?" I said, bewildered on his statement.

"Of course not!" He laughed, and I splashed my feet to him.

He cursed at me and did the same, causing my shorts to be wet. I was going to use this tomorrow, but oh well.

"She would never agree for now," he continued. "We're planning to have kids in five years when I've achieved what I want and she's been promoted to a high position, our salaries no lower than six digits."

"Wow, I fully support that. That's crazy family planning."

"Did you know that proposing to her wasn't part of our plan?"

I raised my eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Yeah. We're not supposed to get married until we're both 28. Or 30. Just not mid-twenties," he explained. He rested his palms on the edge of the pool. "That's why I was so scared of proposing to her because we might never be the same as before after my rejection."

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