1 Colby's POV

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I was on my way to the hospital to see Terra again. This girl, she meant everything to me. Unfortunately, she had been in a car accident with her boyfriend (yes I said boyfriend). The accident had caused hemorrhaging in her brain and banged up her body really badly. So, she had fallen into a semi-coma, meaning that she was breathing on her own, and that sometimes, she may have been able to hear us, but for the most part, she just slept while her body repaired itself. I had visited her in the hospital every single day, since she had been admitted. Sam, my brother of choice, best friend, and YouTube duo partner, had tried to talk me into taking a day off for myself. "Colby, she doesn't even know you're there. She's just sleeping. She hasn't woken up at all since that one hour. I know Terra would want you to take care of yourself and get some rest. Come on brother, the circles under your eyes are darker than I've ever seen them and that's saying something, "Sam tried to convince me to stay home yet again." Not gonna work Sam, "I yelled, as I made my way out the front door, with a fresh bouquet of flowers that I had delivered to the home I shared with Sam, and a couple of our best friends, Jake Webber, and Corey Scherer, also YouTube Influencers. risk today being the day that Terra wakes up, and I wasn't there to see her when she did. I would never forgive myself. Days had turned into weeks, and weeks into months with no sign of her waking up. The doctors were losing hope, but not me, I knew she wouldn't give up. She was strong, and she was a fighter. She was going to wake up, and I just had a great feeling about today. Her best friend, Denise, texted me while I was parking my car in the hospital parking garage. "Hey, you almost here?" she asked. I smiled at the fact that she knew I was coming when I hadn't told her. It was just what both of us did now. "I'm here. Just parked the car. Be there soon," I answered, before getting out and sticking my phone in the pocket of my white jeans. I grabbed the flowers, and the little stuffed koala that I had brought from home, then closed the car door and locked it, setting the alarm on my old Corolla. I wasn't sure how much longer my old car had but I didn't like to change all that much. I had an attachment to that car. It kept me grounded and reminded me of where I came from, who I was. I didn't ever want to become one of those famous people who thought they were better than others just because they had money. That would never be me. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I shuffled the things I had into one arm, and pulled it out. "Grab me a bag of M & M's?" I laughed at the text Denise had sent and made my way inside the massive hospital building. I stopped at the vending machines and got some peanut M & M's, then headed to the elevators. I was in good spirits, despite what the doctor had said about Terra. They were losing hope, thinking that it would be a good idea to start thinking of long term care facilities to have her moved too. She would not be able to stay in the hospital after this week. They didn't know her like I did. She was going to wake up. I stepped out of the elevator, onto her floor, and nodded at the nurses that I knew by name as I walked through the nurses station. "Good morning Katie, new hairstyle? I like it. Drew, looking good my husband. Charlotte, how's your son? Good, I hope." I called out to most of them, smiling and nodding as I made my way to Terra's room. I knocked quickly, then let myself inside, closing the heavy door behind me. "Where's Justin?" I asked Denise, handing her the bag of candy. She took them and shook her head. "Don't know. He'll probably be by later. I think he had to work today." Justin was Terra's boyfriend. The one who had caused the accident that had put her in this position. Well, maybe it wasn't entirely his fault, because I knew some of the blame was on me ... but he had been driving the car. I didn't think that he and I would ever like each other or become friends, but somehow, we had. I mean, we weren't super close or anything, but I didn't want to punch him in the face every time I saw him either. "Any signs today?" I asked, going over to Terra's bed and staring down at her beautiful pale face. "I thought she had been trying to open her eyes earlier, but it didn't happen," Neece replied, popping a piece of candy into her mouth. "It's going to be Neece soon. I can feel it," I said quietly, taking Terra's hand in mine. I let my warm hand slide up and down her forearm, warming the cool skin. "T, baby, are you gonna wake up for me today? We're still waiting for you. The doctors are getting worried, but I know better. You're gonna wake up today, aren" t you baby girl? We're all still here for you. Me, Denise, and all your friends have been waiting for you. And Justin. He's still here too. You know that guy actually isn't that bad, but don't tell him I said that, okay? Don't wanna ruin my image. "Denise quietly laughed at me and shook her head." It's not going to know how to act when she wakes up to you and Justin being friends, "she cocked her head to the side quizzically. "I wonder if you'll still be friends when she wakes up and chooses one of you. I pursed my lips, turning my head to Denise." I'd like to think we could both be adults about it. But honestly, it's going to break me if she chooses him. "

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