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 I felt my face flush and smiled back, rolling my eyes. "Hey, I'm about to set up a playlist while Corey's not out here. Any music suggestions?" Chazz shrugged. "Whatever we can dance too brother." Of course he would say that, being one of the best dancers out here. Colby nodded, and tugged on my hand for me to walk with him over to the huge bluetooth speaker they had outside. "That thing is massive," I said, my eyes going wide. He laughed, and sat down on the bricks that made up the seating area near the fire pit. "Yea, it's Corey's. I've been trying to talk him out of it, but he won't give it to me," he said, connecting his phone to it. "Why don't you just buy yourself one?" I asked, knowing he had plenty of money to do so. He glanced up at me, then back to his phone. "I don't know. Don't really see the point. I can just use this one if Corey isn't using it. Besides," he said, flashing me one of his heart stopping smiles. "It's more fun to see if I can wear him down." I giggled, and sat down next to him. "So, I hate to bring this up, but are we planning on telling anyone what happened the other night...with Amber?" I asked, hesitantly. I didn't want to destroy his mood, but it felt like we were avoiding the situation. If that's what he wanted to do, then I was behind him, but I still needed to know. He shook his head, keeping his eyes fixed on his phone. "No, we aren't telling anyone. At least not today. I just want to enjoy today, okay?" He asked, meeting my gaze again. I could see the internal conflict inside of him. "Okay," I said, nodding. "But Colby, know that it's okay. It's not something that you need to be embarrassed about, or think that your friends will think less of you. Okay?" He gave me a soft smile and nodded, then leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. "Okay," he whispered against my lips, before he went back to scrolling his music. Corey and Devyn had come out while Colby and I had been talking. She looked effortlessly amazing, just like she always did. It warmed my heart to see her and Corey together again, and you could tell how much they loved one another by the way they looked at each other. She hugged Chazz and the other guy. I guess it was someone that had been friends with Corey and her for a while. Maybe another one from Florida. "I'll be right back," Corey said, then walked over to us. "Trying to still my speaker Colby?" he asked, a smile on his face. Colby laughed. "Of course brother, but I wouldn't have too, if you'd just give it to me." "Not gonna happen," Corey said, laughing with him. "We're going to wait a little while for others to get here, before we start the games. Cool?" "Yeah man, whatever you want. Remember Terra is still recovering though. Go easy, okay?" "Brotheeeeerrr I already told you that I would. I'm gonna need you to calm the fuck down, mmkay?? We're probably just going to have a water balloon fight or something." "Oooo, that sounds like fun!" I said excitedly. It  had been so long since I had done anything besides just walk. Well, besides the riding and the beach with Colby. That was still calm things. I wanted excitement. Something to make my heart race, and my adrenaline kick in. I caught Colby's eyes then, and blushed when another activity that I had partaken in popped into my mind. "T, you okay? Your face is getting all flushed. You need a bottle of water? Hey Dev! Bring T a bottle of water please!" Corey shouted. "You are a little flushed T. You okay baby girl?" Shit, now Colby calling me that, and Corey acting up, made it even worse. I don't think I had blushed this much since PlayList. My face felt like it was just going to erupt into flames. "I'm fine. Honestly. I'm okay. Just got a little hot." "Here ya go," Devyn said, jogging up to us. "How are you hot? It's not even hot out here. You're from Georgia. There's no way you think this is hot?" Corey asked, confusion lacing his voice. I blushed again, and turned my face. "Um, I don't know. Maybe it's my meds or something." "Wait, your face is flushing again. OH! YOU'RE BLUSHING! But why are you blushing?" Corey said, trying to figure out what was going on. I couldn't help but to glance at Colby, but I quickly looked away. He had a smirk on his face, which meant he figured it out. Damn it. "Oh, OH, EW!" Corey yelled. "YA NASTY! Here we are, trying to have a wholesome day, full of friends and games, and you're thinking about Colby naked! UGH, Terra, I'm disappointed," he said, shaking his head in a playful manner. "Shut up Corey," I mumbled, knowing my face was beet red at this point. Colby laughed, which made me want to punch him. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek, then whispered in my ear. "It's okay, I'm thinking about you naked too." "EW!" Corey yelled again. "DEVYN DO YOU HEAR THESE TWO? No, that's just unacceptable. You're both grounded." Devyn giggled, and rolled her eyes. "Come on, you big goof. Let's go greet the other guests. I told everyone to just come on to the backyard." She pulled on his beefy arm, mouthing the word 'sorry' to me. I just smiled. "Fine, but this isn't over," Corey huffed out. "Y'all better behave while I'm gone. None of this nasty business." Colby had started laughing deeply, the sound reverberating up from his chest and out his mouth. I loved the sound of his laugh, especially when he started to wheeze. "Come here," he said, pulling me against him and kissing me. I was breathless when we broke apart.

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now