104 Colby's POV

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 I watched her take in my black jeans and my black BLISS button up shirt, and the usual rings and chains on my pants. "You're not gonna make it in this heat wearing that," she said, smirking at me. "Why not?" I asked, twirling in the spot. "Because you're not used to the humidity and black attracts the sun," she said. "I'll be fine. Besides, you're wearing black too," I pointed out. She looked down at what she was wearing. "Oh yeah...well, I guess neither or us are gonna make it then. Good thing this car has AC."  We got into the hot car, and I cranked the air conditioner up to high, hoping that it would kick in soon. She wasn't lying. The heat here hit different. I watched her take a napkin out of her purse and start blotting her face. Before I could ask what in the hell she was doing, she started muttering to herself.  "I really don't know why I bothered putting this on. It doesn't matter how much setting spray you use, or how long you bake it, it's not gonna last." I started to laugh, but covered it with a cough when she glared at me. "You always look amazing," I said, pulling out of the motel parking lot. "Says you and you're biased," she retorted. I laughed, and shook my head. "Biased or not, it's still the truth. Relax. It's doesn't matter what they say. You're an adult now Terra. They can't hurt you unless you let them." I pulled out of the motel parking lot, and saw her sink back in her seat and start twisting her rings again. She was so nervous and I hated seeing her this way. The things that she said about her parents confused me. I had an amazing childhood. Both of my parents were loving, and I was raised in a very structured home. I couldn't believe that her parents were that bad, if she turned out the way she did. Yeah, so she was addict. So what? A guy from my hometown was too, and he had two loving parents, with no big traumatic events in his life. It just happened sometimes from bad choices. "Am I going the right way?" I asked, after she didn't say anything for a while. "Oh, um...no actually. You were supposed to turn back there. I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she said, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. "Relax T. I'm gonna be right there with you. It doesn't matter what they say. This town, and the people in it, aren't your problem anymore. Okay?" She nodded, but I didn't think that my words made much difference. She told me to turn a few more times, until we were in a small, upscale, suburban neighborhood. "Right there. The one with the blue Corvette in the garage." "Daaamn," I said, whistling between my teeth. The home was old Victorian style two stories, with a four car garage, painted with a pale yellow color, with white trim. "How many rooms does this place have?" I asked, dipping my head to look up at the house after I pulled in to the driveway. "Ten," she replied, absentmindedly. "Huh?" I couldn't have heard right. "Ten rooms? Bedrooms? Or like, in all?" "Bedrooms," she said, looking embarrassed. "Wooow," I said, looking back up at the house. "It's got 5 bathroom and 2 half baths. Stupid really. It was only ever me, my mother, and my father. It's just for show. A flex against the other elites in the town," she said, rolling her eyes and looking at the house in disgust. "Must've been interesting to grow up here," I said. "Not really. I hate this house. It's so extra. This house is part of the reason that people tried so hard to make me believe they were my friends, when really they were just using me. Shit," she muttered, staring at the wrap around front porch that had 2 wooden rocking chairs on it, along with a porch swing. I looked over and saw a lady standing on the porch by the front door. My mouth fell open when I saw her. It was Terra. Or it would be Terra when she got a little older. The woman looked exactly like her, except her face had a few lines, her blonde hair was curled, undyed, and perfectly styled, and her knee length conservative pink dress with matching jacket was pristine. "That's your mom," I stated nodding towards the woman. She had a look of distaste on her face, but held her hand up in a short wave. "My mother," Terra corrected me. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her. "Why do you call them that? Why don't you just call them mom and dad?" She looked at me with surprise in her eyes. "I never really thought about it. It was just expected. I would get into trouble for not speaking articulately and enunciating my words correctly. Mother and Father were the only correct terms for them." I didn't speak, but I was stunned. Who the fuck makes their kids call them Mother and Father? It wasn't a huge deal, I guess, but it was weird. "She's going to continue to stand there until we get out of the car. Just so she can have something else to bitch at me about," Terra said, opening her door. I got out and went around to meet her, and shut her door. She was so nervous, I actually thought she might pass out. Her face was more pale than usual, even with the remnants of makeup on, and her hands were trembling. "You're okay," I said, taking her hand in mine. "I've got you." She took a deep breath, and we started walking towards the woman that I knew to be her mother. Terra stopped at the foot of the stairs, and looked up at her mother. "Mother," she said stiffly. "It's nice to see you." "Yes, well, it would've been nicer if you bothered to call me sometimes and let me know that you were coming. Especially with company," her mother said, taking in my outfit. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now