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 I knew that I would just become melancholy if I kept thinking about it, so instead I concentrated on watching my friends. Everyone here had been a part of my life for a very long time. In different ways, sure, but still part of my life. Amber may not have been a great friend in the beginning but her and I had really connected eventually. She was a total flirt and I knew that, but she did have a good heart for the most part. I guess she wasn't everybody's cup of tea though, and I could understand why. Hopefully, I'd be able to talk to her and try to calm her down a little. Everyone was gathered around Sam and Colby, hugging them, toasting to their success. It really was amazing how far they had come. I felt tears sting my eyes as I watched their happy faces, and thought back to their Vine days. They had worked so hard to get to where they were, and it wasn't easy. The fandom was amazing, but it was also toxic as hell sometimes. Or it used to be. Since I hadn't been part of it in a while, I couldn't really say. "Hey." I heard his soft voice, and looked away from Devyn hugging Sam to meet Colby's blue eyes. "You okay? Are you hurting or something? What's wrong?" I sniffed and shook my head. "I'm okay. I'm just really happy for you guys. This is huge." He smiled that big grin, that took up half of his face, and made the fan girls knees weak...including mine. "It's pretty great, right? I can't believe this actually happened. Sam said that we had a meeting with the producers tomorrow to start planning the trips." I smiled back at him, then yelped when he swept me up in his arms, hearing the laughter from our friends as he pressed his lips to mine for a long, drawn out kiss. I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. For a moment, everything was fine. The outside world disappeared and it was only Colby and I again. Nothing else mattered. The fact that he would be leaving didn't matter. The fact that I was still in recovery didn't matter. The fact that Denise still hated Amber didn't matter. We were lost in our own little world, secluded from the rest. I heard someone clear their throat, like it was far away, in a dream maybe. Laughter followed, then yells. "Colby, damn brother, get a fucking room before you start strippin!" Colby growled against my lips, then ripped his away from mine. I hate to admit that I whimpered, but I did. I wasn't ready for him to stop kissing me. I missed that passion between us. It had just been small, light kisses, and hugs because he was scared to hurt me. I guess he wasn't thinking about that right now, and I was so grateful. "Jake, shut the fuck up," he said, sternly. Everyone laughed, as he set me gently back down on the ground, but kept me close to his side. "Okay, let's party! We definitely have something to celebrate now!" Katrina exclaimed, standing next to Sam. He had his arm around her waist, keeping her close to his side as well. Everyone cheered and raised their cans of White Claw, bottles of water, and sodas. Corey set up the music again, and had it blasting. Some started dancing, even though Corey, Tavan, and Chazz were showing everyone up with their amazing dance moves. Amber walked over to them and started trying to learn what they were doing. She wasn't too bad. Sarah, Brennen, Denise, and Elias were back at the pong table, playing beer pong. Sam and Katrina were talking quietly, sitting under the canopy, her head on his shoulder. The rest were just chillin over by the fire, talking and laughing. "You wanna find somewhere to sit?" Colby asked, speaking quietly as he looked down at me. I nodded, and he walked me back over by the pool. We sat on the edge and let our legs dangle in the semi-cold water. "I'll be glad when you guys get this thing heated," he replied, shivering a little. I rolled my eyes, and nudged him with my shoulder. "Not all of us are rich, rich Colby Brock." He chuckled, then leaned over and dipped his hand in the pool. "I may have a lot of money, but I'd trade it all in if that was the only way that I could keep you forever." My heart skipped a beat when he said forever. Before I had time to register it, and figure out what to say, cold water splashed up into my face. He had actually just splashed me. I gasped, and blinked the water from my eyes. "You ASS!" I exclaimed, watching his start laughing so hard, he lost his breath. I pretended to be mad, but in all honesty, it had been forever since I had seen him this carefree. Since we had gotten together this time, the atmosphere was always peaceful, and calm. Boring might be a better word. Don't get me wrong, I loved spending time with Colby. I would always love it. Whatever we did was fine, because I was with him. But when I remembered how it used to be so easy to laugh, and just have the best crazy moments with him and our friends...I missed it. "What are you thinking about?" He asked quietly. I leaned my head over on his shoulder, and sighed. "About how easy it used to be between us. I know it sucks having to look after me all the time and make sure that I don't injure myself more. You can't just be you around me. None of you can, and I hate that." "T, stop that. We don't mind helping you. We've talked about this so many times. You will fully heal, and then everything will be back to normal. We'll go on the craziest adventures, I'll throw you in this very pool, and chase you around the house, if you want me too. Stop worrying so much," he replied.

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now