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I hissed between my teeth and leaned against the wall as he took my arm to make sure I didn't fall. I would've shook him off if I had the strength. I glared at him and he just gave me one of his amazing, stupid ass smiles. " Fuck you," I replied back. "You put yourself in this position and see if you can do it with NOTHING to help ease this God awful pain. I wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for you." I regretted that as soon as I said it. A look of shocked hurt crossed his face for a second, but he covered it up quickly. "Whatever you need to say T. I don't care. This is partly my fault, and I wish, more than anything, that I could take your place, but I can't. What I can do is be here with you during this, and you can throw whatever insults you want at me. I can take it. If it makes you feel better, go for it." Damn it. "I'm sorry Colby, I didn't mean that. It just hurts so badly, and I think I'm trying to share the pain, trying to make it lessen somehow. " I sighed heavily, and leaned into him. He put his arm around me. " It's okay T. You'll get through this. I promise. All your friends are here for you. So many people love you. Now come on, let's take the few steps back to your room, and then you can rest while I pack your stuff." I groaned when he stood straight, and helped me back up. "Can you do it?" he asked, as I shuffled forwards a little, hissing as the pain overtook me. I met his gaze with my own tear filled eyes, and shook my head. "It's okay baby girl, I'm here," he said, before gently lifting me into his arms. I heard the nurse sigh, but it wasn't an exasperated sigh. It was more like 'oh my goodness, that's so romantic' kind of sigh. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my face into his shirt. I knew that I was lucky. Justin hadn't been back since the day I had broke it off with him, but the nurses had passed me the information that he had called to check on me. Denise had also let me know that he had asked her to keep him updated on how I was doing. She said that she thought he was doing okay, but she knew he was still hurting. "It's just going to take time for him to heal T. You know how that is," she had told me. I did know how that was, and I hated that I was putting him through that. Colby lay me down on the bed, and put the blanket over my legs. I had already gotten Denise to help me change out of the dreadful hospital gown, into regular street clothes earlier this morning. She had left to go get something to eat when Colby had shown up, leaving him to help me with physical therapy and packing. Even though the nurses could have done all of that, I was so grateful that my friends were being here for me. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go through this alone. I watched Colby walk over to the cabinets, and start pulling my things out, shoving them into one of those large plastic hospital bags. I hadn't mentioned mine and Justin's break up to him but I was sure that he knew. Denise probably told him because she had just smiled at me when I asked her if she did. "Do you want to bring these little shampoos and things or do you want me to give them back to the nurse?" he asked, turning around and catching me watching him. He smirked a little, but didn't say anything about it. I rolled my eyes. "Just give them back," I replied. "If I wash my hair with that stuff one more time, it's going to be so dry that it's just going to snap like a board." He nodded, and set the tiny bottles on the sink counter. He finished up packing for me, then sat down in the chair next to my bed, while we waited for the doctor come in to discharge me. "You feeling okay?" He asked me, taking my hand in his. I nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Still hurts but I can handle it." He smiled proudly. "That's my girl," he replied, making my heart flip in my chest. I so wanted to just pour my heart out to him right now...but I couldn't. I knew that I wasn't ready. The pain from missing Justin was still very fresh and raw. My heart gave me a little sear of pain from the thought, even as Colby squeezed my hand. I knew that I wasn't meant to be with Justin now. I recognized that, even though I did love him, Colby owned my heart. He always had. I had just been too damn stubborn to admit it. "T?" I snapped my attention back to Colby, realizing that I had just zoned out in my own messed up world. "What? I'm sorry," I replied, grinning at him sheepishly. He smiled, and rolled his eyes. "I was asking what you thought of us all taking turns helping you out. Cuz you know that the girls have to work sometimes. So Denise and I thought that with all of combined, we would be able to always have somewhere there for you." I raised my eyebrow at him. "What do you mean 'all of us combined?" I asked. "All of us. Denise, Sarah, Kenzie, Sam, Jake, Corey, Devyn, Katrina, Tara, and even Brennen. Everyone has agreed to help out, and be there for you." I was in shock. I didn't know what to say. "But Devyn doesn't even know me," I stammered out. Colby shrugged with a grin on his face. "Doesn't matter. You guys have been part of us since Florida. She knows that." I felt myself get emotional, and I hated it. I knew that I was going to be this way for a while, simply because I was in pain and that's what happened. "I love you guys," I whimpered, feeling my face screw up with me trying not to cry. I didn't even realize that he had gotten quiet, I was concentrating so hard on that. "We love you too," he replied gruffly, clearing his throat, then standing up. I realized what I had said then. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now