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We walked back to the living room, and sat down, me and Amber on the couch, facing Colby, who had decided to sit in the chair across from us. "Can we get a glass of tea, or a water bottle Colby?" I asked, pushing Amber's hair back from her face. "Yeah," he said quietly, and got up to go get the drink. "Did you stay sober, or did you mess up?" I asked quietly, hoping that she would tell me the truth when it was just us. She leaned back and covered her eyes with her arm. "I messed up at first. I don't know why. It was just there, and all I could think about was that I would be able to just do it once, and then stop. That's when I admitted myself into that clinic. Amy, my roommate, said that she wouldn't have it out around me anymore, so I went back home. It was fine for most of the week, but I would see the mirror that she used on the coffee table and it triggered me. I didn't want anything more than I wanted a line, but I stayed strong. But then tonight..." She moved her arm and stared at me, her eyes filling up with tears again. "I couldn't. So many people showed up, so many different kinds of drugs. I tried to stay in my room, but people kept coming in, trying to find a bathroom, or somewhere to...well, do harder drugs and have sex. I couldn't take it. So, I left and now I'm here." Colby walked back into the room then, and handed us both a glass a sweet tea. She took it, but I noticed the slight shake in her hand. "It's okay. You can sleep here. We don't have a guest room though, and I can't just let you in the girls' rooms so you'll have to sleep on the couch," I told her. She nodded. "That's fine. I don't care. I can't thank you enough for this T. Really. Thank you so much." I placed my hand over hers, and patted it. "Of course. That's what friends are for. Are you okay? Do you need to talk?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, I think I just want to go to sleep. It's been a long night." I nodded, and stood up. "I'll go get the blankets and pillows for you." Colby stood up with me. "I'll help you." We walked out of the room, and towards the hall closet where we kept the extra bedding supplies. "Are you sure about this?" He whispered, opening the door. I ducked inside, grabbed a couple of pillows and passed them to him. I met his gaze, and put my hand on his cheek. "I know it's messing up our alone time, but she needs help. We can help her find somewhere else to stay tomorrow but it's too late tonight. It's only one night." He shook his head, and pursed lips. "That's not my problem. I get that she needs help T. I just don't think you should trust her so easily." I opened my mouth to reply, but he cut me off. "No, just hear me out. I know she's your friend, but even you said that she's hurt you before. She's lied, helped your ex cheat on you, blamed missing drugs on you, all of that. Why would you think she's different now?" I handed him the blanket that I had in my hands. "Because that was before she was my friend Colby. She's changed. That's not who she is now. I'll trust her until she gives me a reason not too." He dragged his hand through his hair, then automatically fixed it. "Okay, but what about the missing pills. You didn't take them, so who did? Elias didn't. Aryia didn't. None of my friends would do that. So who did it? Amber is the only one that we aren't sure about." He was starting to piss me off. "So, you're telling me that my friend, who's an addict, is automatically guilty? How does that work Colby? How did you come to that conclusion? Is it because she's an addict? Because I'm an addict. Aryia is an addict. Elias is an addict. Your other friends may not be addicts, but they still like to have the occasional 'fun' night with party favors. But it's my friend, the one with no money, who came from the wrong side of the tracks that you suspect?" "No, Terra, that's not what I'm saying. I don't care if she has money or not! I-" I pushed past him, cutting him off. "I don't care. I don't care if she did take them. I don't need them here! I would've taken them, without a doubt. So, whoever the fuck took them, did me a favor." I was breathing hard through my nose, my anger rising. "Terra, baby, that's not what I was saying and that's not the point." He placed his hands on my upper arms, and rubbed them, up and down. "All I'm saying is that you know she's done you wrong before. I'm not saying don't give her a second chance. I'm just saying be careful. I don't want you hurt again. You trust everyone so easily, and I just think you should be a little cautious. That's all." I sniffed, cursing that stupid thing that happened to me when I would get mad. I wanted to cry, and hated crying. "Okay. I'll be careful," I replied softly, and sighed. "I'm sorry I got so upset. I already get so much bullshit from the girls, especially Denise, because of Amber, and I feel like it's a battle with everyone but she needs my help. I left her before. I owe her this Colby." He stared down into my eyes, and bit his lip. "You don't owe her anything, but I love you. Do what you need to do. Maybe ask what she's been up too though, because you've been trying to get in touch with her for a week. I don't like seeing you worried and it pisses me off that she just showed up, when you've been worrying." I smiled, seeing the little frown cross his lips. "I'll ask, but I feel like I know. She's been messing up. I know she has. When we fail ourselves, we don't want others to know." I shrugged, and leaned up to press my lips to his softly. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now