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"Is that enough or would you like me to stick around so that I can see her?" I laughed, relieved that he was able to joke around. That meant that she really did sound okay, and he wasn't just trying to protect my feelings. "No. Thank you so much J. For everything." "Yeah, no problem T. I- It was nice talking to you." "You too, J," I whispered. "So?" Colby asked. "What's going on?" "She's okay. J went over to her place. Her roommate said that she was working but he called her. She answered for him, and he said she sounded okay. I wonder why she didn't answer for me though? Or at least call me back." Colby rubbed my back comfortingly. "I don't know babe, but at least she's okay. That's what you needed to know, right? Now, as soon as you get all better, you can work on fixing that friendship if that's what you feel the need to do. I just...hmm." I glanced over to him. and noticed that he had what I liked to call, his "thinking" face on. His brow was furrowed, his eyes staring off into space. "What?" I asked. He shook his head, and pasted a smile on his face. "Nothing. If you feel the need to repair your friendship with Amber, then that's what you should do. Just be careful. I was watching her this past weekend, and I just get an off feeling about her. Could be just because she's a big flirt. I don't know. I just don't want you to get hurt." "I know she's a lot to deal with Colby. I know she's a huge flirt, but she's my friend. Or she used to be. I owe her. The way I left her...it wasn't right," I replied, twisting the bracelet that was around my wrist. He nodded. "Okay. If that's what you need to do, then I'll support it. So," he said, a real smile finally crossing his handsome features. "Are you ready for a weekend all to ourselves?" He grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him. I laughed, and leaned my head back on him. "Definitely ready. It'll be nice to have an empty house for once, without five different people up my ass. Wait though," I said, turning a little so that I could look at him. "What about everyone else? I know where Denise and Kenzie are going, Sam and Kat are doing their thing, but what about Jake and Tara? Are they going to be making a surprise visit this weekend or?" I just wanted to be prepared for anything. He nuzzled my neck and started to pepper light kisses against the skin there. "Kansas," he murmured, laying more light kisses down my shoulder. I felt my body heat up, as he continued to work his magic on me. "So," I started but my breath caught when I felt his teeth nip against my neck. "So, no one is going to stop by then." "Nope," he murmured again, then skimmed my skin with his fingertips as he  moved my hair out of his way. I turned towards him, grabbed his shirt, then lay back, bringing him with me. I giggled at the smile that spread across his face, and pressed my lips to his, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and let my fingers tangle in his hair. He braced himself over me, not letting his full weight press on me. I was doing much, much better, but I still had to be somewhat careful. "Oh! Well then." I groaned against Colby's lips, and waved my hand, indicating that I wanted the intruder to leave. "Sorry, no can do T. It's time for us to go. You guys will have all weekend for this." Colby broke the kiss, and sat up, an irritated look on his face. "Sam. Read the room brother," he said, glaring at his best friend. Sam laughed and shrugged. "Sorry. You told me to be here at nine. It's nine. Maybe you shouldn't have let Elton borrow your car." Sam's brow furrowed. "Actually, why did you do that? That wasn't very smart of you. You either won't get it back, or you'll get it back destroyed. Remember last time?" I sat up, as Colby sighed. He stood, then helped me to my feet. "I'll be back in the morning. Before everyone else leaves so that you aren't alone." He placed his hands on my hips, as I once again wrapped my arms around his neck. I pouted, poking my bottom lip out, earning a smile from him. He leaned his head down, and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "Okay, I'll see you in the morning beautiful," he said, pulling away from me. I bit my lip, smiled, and nodded. "I'll be counting down the minutes," I said, almost laughing as I said it. Sam let out a bark of laughter but coughed, trying to cover it. Colby shot a glare at him, but his eyes were too full of laughter to be serious. Sam shrugged again, a big smile crossing his face, making his vibrant blue eyes almost twinkle. "I love you," Colby said, kissing me again quickly. "I love you too," I replied. "I'll be here when you wake up. If you don't decide to wake up super early anyway." I laughed, and nodded. "Okay. Now go, before Sam grounds you." Sam raised his eyebrows, grinned and opened his mouth to say something. Colby shook his head, and threw his hand up. "Don't even say anything Sam," he said, glancing back at me. "Did you have to go there?" I giggled again. "Solby always wins," I replied, shrugging. "I'm so done with you both," he sighed. Sam and I busted out laughing, as we caught each others eye. "What did I do? I didn't even say anything!" "You were going too," Colby said wryly. "Let's go before you two decide to gang up on me." He clapped Sam on the back and pushed him towards the hallway. "Yes, sweetie," Sam replied, leaning towards Colby like he was going to kiss his cheek. I laughed, as I watched Colby link his arm through Sam's as they left the room. I could hear their laughter until the front door closed behind them. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now