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Someone was behind them, following them out into the semi lit back yard. I saw Tavan, but couldn't make out who he was with. They were blocked by Sam and Kat. When Tavan walked towards Corey and Chazz, I saw who it was and I gasped, sucking my breath in deeply. It couldn't be. She wouldn't actually have the audacity to show up here after what she did. "Babe," Colby said, pulling his hand from mine. "Ow," he said, shaking his fingers out. "Colby," I whispered, not taking my eyes from HER. I saw her shake hands with Corey and Devyn, a smile on her face like she hadn't just tried to ruin my life. "What? What's wrong?" he asked, following my gaze. "Oh fuck no," he breathed out, just as stunned as I was. Amber was standing next to Tavan, her arms wrapped around his waist. "I can't believe he brought her here!" Colby said, his voice hard as nails. "He doesn't know. None of them do," I replied, keeping my voice low. Lot of good it did me. Denise is just too damn observant sometimes. "It's just Amber. Yeah, she's a slutty bitch, but we been knew. What's the problem?" she said, watching us, one eyebrow raised. "I thought she was your "friend," she said, moving her fingers to show quotations. "Not anymore," I said. "I want her to leave. I'm gonna go tell her to leave." "No, you won't," Colby said, holding my arm tightly so that I couldn't get up. "You aren't completely healed, no matter how much better you are, and if she hurts you...well, I'll go to jail, cuz I'm gonna kick her ass." I had heard him angry before, and it always shocked me a little, seeing my usually sweet tempered guy, with such a hard glare in his eyes and to hear his silky voice so full of venom. "No, you're not," I said, arguing with him. "You'll go to jail Colby. She's not worth it. She's not going to hurt me anyway. Just let me go." "Too late," he said, leaning back, but pulling me against him in a protective manner. I looked back towards where they had been standing and saw Amber walking towards us. "Is she fucking crazy?" I muttered. I held her gaze, knowing that mine had turned into a glare. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, making my voice as hard as I could. "Look T, I know you're pissed at me, and you have every right to be. If I were you, I would never talk to me again, but I'd like to talk to you, if you'd let me." "No," Colby spat out. "You've burned this bridge Amber. Now I'd like you leave my home." "I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I like it," Neece said, leaning back with a grin and crossing her arms, like she was going to enjoy the show. "No offense Colby, I know that I've hurt and wronged you too, but not like you think. If I could just talk to you Terra, for just a minute. I realized that you really are my only friend, and I don't want to lose you. Even though I deserve it. Please." She stood there, her eyes boring into mine, begging for another chance. I almost wanted to say yes. But almost doesn't count. I shook my head. "NO," I said, louder than I intended too. It drew a few eyes our way, but the music covered it for the most part. "I'm done with you Amber. Maybe you should've thought about that before you did what you did. I know that what I did to you was deplorable, but what you did..." I shook my head. "It's unforgivable and I can't believe you even showed your face here." "Wait, what'd she do?" Denise asked, standing up. "Nothing important," I replied. "She just proved to me that what you guys always said about her was true. She's never been worth my time." I felt like that was a hateful thing to say, and it bothered me as soon as I said it, but I stood my ground. "Now, please do as my boyfriend told you to do, and leave." I was shaking, I was so thrown off and upset with her being here. Who does that? After what she did, she literally just showed up here, acting like all she had to do was say she was sorry? That she wanted to talk? What the fuck was wrong with this chick? "Terra please," she said, and I watched as the tears spilled over her bottom lashes. "I need you. I lied when I said that I was never clean. I was clean until I found the bottle of pills at your place. Then it just set me on a road to self destruction. Just like it always does. You know how it is!" "GET OUT!" I screamed, unable to control my emotions anymore. Colby tightened his grip around my waist, like he was scared that I was going to try and jump her. Maybe I was. I didn't know at this point. "Please just-" she started again, but Denise stepped in front of me, blocking my view. "I think she told you to leave, you piece of shit. I don't know what you did, but you're not welcome here. If you want to stay, by all means, do so. I'd love nothing more than a reason to kick your ass." Denise stepped back, and held both hands out and moved her fingers, in the symbolic 'bring it' gesture. I couldn't see Amber, but I could hear her. "Fine," she said, sounding defeated. "I guess I deserve this. I'm sorry Terra. And Colby. I'm just so sorry." Colby and I didn't respond, but I heard her footsteps walking away. Denise stood there until she was gone out the back gate. "Well, that was fun," she replied, sitting back down. "Are you okay?" she asked me, her voice softening. I nodded, but stared into the fire in front of me. "Yeah, I'm good. I should've listened to you, when you said that she would never change. I guess that's what I get for trusting in everyone." I felt sick again. Like I was losing my friend all over again. Then I remembered why, and felt even more sick. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now