12 Colby's POV

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"Colby, I-" She started to say something. I don't know what, and I wasn't sure that I was ready to hear it. I loved her so damn much and if she told me that she didn't mean to say that, or that she meant it in a strictly platonic way, like she loved all of her friends, then it might break me down. I was already having a hard enough time seeing her like this, and in so much pain. The doctor entering the room stopped her from finishing. She smiled and checked her chart. "Are you ready to go home?" she asked. T nodded. "Very ready but my ride's not here," she replied. I had forgotten to tell her. "T, I'm your ride. Neece couldn't make it. She's at her place, finishing up  your room." She looked confused and a little...apprehensive maybe. I wasn't sure. "Oh...okay, then I guess my ride is here." "Okay, we'll get you set up with an outpatient physical therapist. They should be calling you sometime next week. Until then, here's a copy of the exercises that you can do at home to rebuild your strength. This is going to take time, and you're going to get very frustrated, but you will be back to normal." The doctor turned to look at me. "Is there a plan in place to have someone with her at all times to help until she is able to do things without hurting herself?" I nodded. "Yes, all of her friends are going to take turns. We've got this," I answered. The doctor smiled. "Okay, if you could follow me to the nurses station to get the discharge papers, we can get those signed and get you guys out of here." I turned to meet Terra's gaze. "I'll be right back, okay? Don't move." She laughed and rolled her eyes. I felt my heart swell just from the smile on her face. "Yes sir," she replied. "Good girl," I said, grinning at her. I followed the doctor out of the room and she stopped me as soon as I shut the door. "Take this. I know that she's an addict and that she doesn't want to take anything and I admire that. But it's going to get bad. She's going to need something. As long as she doesn't take them often, and more than necessary, she should be fine. Okay?" She pressed the bottle of little white pills into my hand. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Terra was in really bad shape before. I don't want to trigger her addiction." She nodded. "I'm sure. This is a mild pill but it will help. It usually just knocks people out, allowing them to sleep through the worst periods of pain. She's going to need it." I wasn't sure that I wanted to take the bottle but she seemed insistent that Terra was going to be in a LOT of pain. I hated this but I nodded, and stuck the bottle in my pocket. I would give it to Denise as soon as I saw her and let her decide what to do. "Alright, let's go get that paperwork," she said, motioning for me to follow her. It didn't take long because they already had everything drawn up and ready for us. After Terra's signed everything, we were ready to go. She said goodbye to all the nurses that she had grown fond of over the past few days, and we headed out, me pushing her in a wheelchair. "I can walk," she had said, pushing the chair away. "T, it's mandatory. Everyone goes out in a wheelchair. Come on, don't be difficult," I answered. She glared at me for a second but then pushed herself up off of the bed. She swayed a little, and I darted to her side, grabbing her waist to steady her. "I've got it!" she said, looking up at me. Once our eyes met, and my body registered that she was pressed up against me almost, I wanted nothing more than to lower my lips to hers. I knew that she and Justin had broken up. Denise had told me, but T hadn't mentioned it. I was trying to give her time and let her tell me when she wanted too. I was beginning to think that she wasn't going to tell me. It had been four days and it was driving me crazy. So I acted. I leaned my head down slowly, giving her plenty of time to reject me. Thank God she didn't. When my lips pressed against her, I groaned, relishing the way it felt and the memories it brought back. She kissed me back, letting her body fall against mine, moving her lips and tongue with mine. I shouldn't be taking advantage of her right now. She had been through so much and I didn't want to make her feel like I was pushing her. So I slowly ended the kiss, and pulled away. Her eyes were shining brightly, the aqua more pronounced from the flush in her cheeks, and her breathing was labored. We didn't say anything as we stared at each other for a minute. I smiled, and leaned down, pressing my lips to hers once more, then guided her to the wheelchair. She didn't fight me this time, and sat down, pressing her fingers to her lips. The elevator ride was quiet, each of us in our own thoughts. Nothing was said until we reached my car. She started trying to stand up, so I put my hand on her shoulder, and pressed down gently. She looked up at me, confused. "Stay," I replied, grinning at her. "Let me put your things in the back, then I'll help you get in the car." "I can get in the car Colby. I'm not helpless," she huffed out, still trying to stand. "Fine," I replied, knowing that she needed to try and do this herself. "Just let me put this in the back first. Just so I can make sure you don't fall, okay?" She glared at me again. I had a feeling that she was going to be glaring at me a lot. "Fine," she replied, her voice hard. I locked her wheelchair so that it didn't roll off, then unlocked the car, and piled her things in the back seat. I kept glancing over at her to make sure that she was still seated and not trying to stand up. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now