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Fuck. I was sobbing by this point, the tears just cascading down my cheeks as I gasped in every breath. "I'm sorry J," I managed to stutter out. He got up, walked to the head of the bed, then leaned down to hug me while I sobbed on his shoulder. "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay. You're going to get through this and we're all going to help you. You'll be back to normal, taking pictures of everything you see, before you know it." I laughed at his reference of me always having to take pictures of everything, and squeezed him tight. "Thank you. Thank you for always being here for me." He squeezed me back, then leaned away. "Of course T," he smiled. "So eat your breakfast, because I was told that you have to get up and walk for a little while. Rush it up." I groaned and popped the rest of the slice of bacon that I had in my mouth. "I know it's rough but it has to be done," he replied, patting my leg as he stood up. "I know," I groaned, rolling my eyes. "It just hurts." His face turned sympathetic. "I know it does T, but you're strong. You can do this. I'm here for you." I nodded, and smiled, trying to take the seriousness out of the conversation. "Okay, go clean or whatever it is that you're supposed to do while you're here. Let me eat in peace." He cocked his eyebrow at me. "Clean? I think not. I'm just a babysitter." I threw a dry piece of toast at him. "You're not a babysitter, you ass. Now go!" I pointed towards my door. He walked out, laughing the whole way. I smiled to myself, thankful that we could still talk and joke around with one another. It was almost easier like this, with no expectations from each other. He helped me with my physical therapy later that day, knowing exactly when to push and when not too. I was in incredible pain when I was finished. Once he helped me back in bed, he brought out his laptop and pulled up Youtube. He carefully got onto the bed next to me and started one of Jake's videos. "I know that you stopped watching them all after everything...but now it should be okay. Do you want to watch it? I know that his videos used to really make you laugh." It still amazed me sometimes when J really knew exactly what to do. I nodded, shifted my sore body just a little trying to get closer so that I could see the screen better. "No, don't move. I'll move. You're so hard headed," he replied, a small smile on his lips, while he shook his head. He scooted closer to me, gently, then situated the screen so that I could actually see it, instead of darkness. It was a video that I hadn't seen, since I hadn't watched anything in the past three years. I got so invested in watching the video and laughing and joking with J, that I didn't notice when Colby opened my bedroom door and stood there staring at us. "You're watching Jake's video? I'm actually wounded." His voice actually startled me, causing me to jerk my leg. "Ow, fuck," I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut and staying still for a moment until the worst of the pain had past. "Oh damn, I'm sorry T. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you saw me," he replied rushing to my side of the bed. Justin had already put his hand on my back, rubbing it while I sat hunched over. "It's fine, I'm fine," I muttered through clenched teeth. "Not your fault." I felt Justin move his hand, only to be replaced by Colby's. This was definitely weird. Almost weird enough to make me forget about the pain for a moment. I opened my eyes, and sat back gingerly as Colby moved his hand. "Are you okay?" he asked, taking my hand in his and pressing his lips to it. I blushed and glanced at Justin. While we may not have been dating, I didn't want to hurt him either. Hell, Colby and I weren't even dating. When had my life just decided to go off the rails and be just as crazy as it used to be. I thought I had grown out of that phase but I guess it's just life. "I'm fine," I replied, my voice low as I gently took my hand from his, and smoothed my blankets down on my legs. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I thought your day wasn't for another couple of days." He looked confused by what I asked him, and his gaze traveled to Justin. I saw anger flash in his eyes for a moment but then it was gone. Maybe I imagined it. "Just thought I would drop by. Sorry I didn't call. Didn't think it would be a big deal. Besides, I wanted to surprise you. I brought you this." He walked over to my desk, got something, then walked back over to me with his hand behind his back. "What is it?" I asked. "You didn't have to get me anything. You know that. You guys are spoiling me." He shrugged with a smile on his face. "You're worth it. Okay, here ya go." He brought his hand out from behind his back, and offered me my prize. "A Dairy Queen Blizzard?" I started laughing but I took it from his hand. "Yep, Oreo and Reese cups, just the way you like it," he said proudly. I put a spoonful in my mouth and literally moaned from how good it was. "Ooohhh, this is so good," I replied, taking the spoon out of my mouth. "Thank you so much." He shrugged. "I even had them add a little caramel in there. Thought you deserved a treat." "I take back what I said. You should definitely buy these all the time. Just like this," I joked, taking another bite. "Ugh, I love you for this." I heard Justin start coughing and realized what I had said. I froze with the spoon of ice cream halfway to my mouth. He stood up and looked at Colby. "If you're gonna be here till the girls get home, I'm going to go. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now