70 Colby's POV

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I  started to shake my head, to just tell her no, but she spoke again. "Just for a little while?" She bit her lip, her eyes sad and begging. Damn it. I could never turn down a female in need. "Fine," I said, a little annoyed at her, but more with myself. "I'll stay for like thirty minutes but then them I'm going to bed." Her eyes lit up, and she passed me the remote, and scooted over on the couch. "Thank you Colby. My mind is just racing and I'm afraid to be alone right now." I nodded, and sat down, keeping the middle space between us. I leaned forwards to drink the last little bit of tea that Terra had left in her glass. "Here, I'll go refill it for you," Amber said, jumping up. I looked at her, a little surprised but handed her the glass. "Okay, thanks. Straight through that door," I said, pointing to the door across the room. I found something to watch on the guest account, some stupid comedy, nothing that I would need to pay attention too, or hold a conversation over. "Here ya go," she said, coming back into the room and passing me the drink, before she sat down back on her side of the couch. "Thanks," I said, taking it from her and taking a few deep gulps. "Oh, I love this movie," she said, leaning back, kicking her shoes off, and bringing her feet up onto the couch. Of course she did. I should really stop being an asshole, even just in my head. This girl hadn't done anything to me, but she did to T. I didn't like that. While T may have forgiven her, I would never forget the look in her eyes when we were in Florida and she told me about her ex cheating on her with one of so called friends. I saw her crushed spirit, and knew that I never wanted to see that look in her eyes again. So, while Amber hadn't technically done anything...I still didn't trust her. I did actually end up getting into the movie, as stupid as it was. We didn't talk, just the occasional laughter from both of us. I realized that my eyes were starting to droop, and I was getting hot. I fanned myself with my hand and sat up shaking my head, trying to clear it. "You okay?" Amber asked, looking over at me. I nodded, and picked up my drink, taking a few more swallows of the cold liquid. "Yeah," I answered, clearing my throat. "Think I need to turn the ac up or something. Is it hot in here to you?" She shrugged. "Yea, I guess. I'm used to being in a drug den, in the middle of Ga, with no ac so I'm kind of used to it. Do you want me to turn the air up?" I nodded, and leaned back. "Yeah, that's be great. It's right there in the hallway, to the right. They keep it on 75, but knock it back to 67 for me please." "No problem," she said, standing up and walking out. My head felt heavy, and I was suddenly so fucking tired. I reached for my drink again, but when I went to turn it up, my grip slipped and it spilled all over my shirt. "Damn it," I grunted, and set the glass back down gently. God, I was tired. I pulled my shirt off, over my head, then lay back on the couch, stretching my legs out. I knew that I would need to sit up, or go to bed, or something, pretty soon, but I just needed to lie down for a minute. The feeling was kind of familiar, but my brain was too foggy to think of why that was. I lay there, until I heard Amber's voice from far away. "Guess you won't be making it to Terra's bed after all." I tried to sit up, to tell her that yes, I would, but I couldn't. I tried to move, but I was too far gone and it just didn't seem important anymore. I felt a pull on my shoes, but then I slipped off into the complete darkness that surrounded my mind. I stretched and squinted against the light that was trying to invade my sleep. I felt hungover and I didn't want to wake up yet. Why was there light coming through the damn windows anyway? T always kept her curtains drawn because she liked the dark as much as I did. I felt her shift beside me, so I tightened my arm around her. I could feel her head on my bare chest. I let my hand trail down her bare side, until it rested on her hip. "C-Colby?" Well, that was weird. Sounded like she was talking to me from across the room, instead of right next to me. I squinted my eyes open to see what was going on, and turned my head towards where it sounded like her voice was coming from. There she was, gorgeous as always, her hair slightly messy, standing there in front of me in just the baggy shirt of mine that she had stolen a while back. "Hey beautiful," I said, my mouth thick, kind of like I hadn't brushed my teeth in a week or something. Ugh. That's when I noticed her eyes. That look. She was crushed, but confused. "What's wrong?" I asked, trying to sit up. That's when I realized that there was a girl lying on me, but it obviously wasn't Terra. I looked down, and saw Amber pushing her hair back from her face. She opened her eyes, and saw T standing in front of us. "Oh!" she exclaimed, sitting up quickly. "T, I can explain," I started, but honestly, I couldn't. I had no clue what had happened. "Someone better start explaining really damn fast," she said, her voice cracking. "Terra, I'm so sorry," Amber whispered, burying her face in her hands. "For what?" I asked. "Nothing happened. I accidentally fell asleep in here. That's it. We were watching a movie, and then..." I let my voice drift off, because I didn't know what to say after that. Amber kept her face buried, not helping the situation at all. "Where are your clothes?" T asked, her voice shaking. She was about to lose it. I could see it. I looked down, and noticed that I was still in my swim shorts, but my shirt was gone. 

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