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 I don't know why the thought of us being alone together made me nervous but it did. Maybe it was because she was quiet and observant, leaving the impression that she saw more about you than the others did. That was kind of a scary thought. I didn't have anything that I was purposely hiding but I think that everyone keeps a part of themselves hidden, just for themselves. Sometimes the mind can be a scary place and to feel like someone can see that, just for a few moments even, is terrifying. I made my way downstairs, towards Corey and Devyn's room, when my phone vibrated. I stopped mid way down the stairs to check it. It was Colby. "I miss you already," it read. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't stop the smile from shaping my lips. "Dork," I sent back, then kept walking. I knocked on Devyn's door, and waited for her automatic "come in." I walked inside, staring up at the multi colored clouds that Corey had fixed on his ceiling. I had seen it on videos, but to actually be under it, looking up, was actually amazing. He had kept it this way for a long time too. I looked away, and met Devyn's sweet gaze. "Hey Devyn, thanks for this," I replied. "Of course. It's no problem. Here's a bag of my lightest makeup. It should work pretty well for you. If you want, you can use our bathroom, or I could even help, if you'd like," she added, shyly. I knew she really loved doing makeup and she was really good at it too. "I'd love your help," I responded. The grin on her face grew larger, and she clapped her hands like an excited child. "Yay!" She exclaimed, making me laugh while also putting me at ease. We went inside her bathroom, and I sat on the edge of the large tub, so that she could reach me. She expertly applied everything that was in that bag to my face, but wouldn't let me look until she was finished. Once she sprayed the setting spray over me, and fanned it dry, she let out a squeal. "You look amazing T!" she exclaimed. "Okay, you can look now." I stood up and looked in the mirror, gasping when I did. Somehow she had made it natural and glamorous all in one. The girl in front of me did not look like me, but I could see myself in her. "How?" I breathed out. "It's just makeup," she said shrugging. "You gave me a great canvas to work with. It should last the rest of the day too. At least ten hours." I nodded, still staring at amazement at the girl in the mirror. She was beautiful. The pale, sparkly green eye shadow had accentuated my aqua eyes, and they were framed by super long, dark eyelashes, making them pop even more. My face was contoured, highlighting my cheekbones, and the angle of my jaw. The pink, slightly red lipstick that she had chosen, made my cheeks a little pinker, but the honey blush that she had lightly applied toned it down. "Wow," I said, still amazed. Devyn rolled her eyes, and laughed. "The way you're acting, you'd think you've never worn makeup before. It's not that big of a deal." I shook my head. "It is though. I've obviously worn makeup but just lightly. I just never learned how to do all of the extra stuff. It seemed like too much work." She laughed again. "Well, it does take a little longer to do. Come on. Corey texted and said that people were showing up, so I guess we better go outside. You wanna help me take some snacks out too? It's not much. We'll probably just call Post Mates or something later. Get some pizza or something, I don't know." "Sure," I replied, smiling at her. "Thank you Dev. I really appreciate this. Maybe you can teach me your ways one day." "Absolutely," she answered, hooking her arm through mine, like we were the best of friends. I had a feeling that we would be. We walked into the kitchen, and I noticed a veggie tray, and a meat, cheese, and cracker tray. That was it. "We're gonna take that cooler outside too. It's fully of White Claw, and bottled water. You know, just the main essentials," she said, flipping her hair. I laughed, and picked up the veggie tray. "Where are we taking it too?" "I'll get that," Colby's voice rang out behind me, almost making me jump. I turned, and he took the platter from me. "Thank y- whoa," he said, stopping in his tracks as he looked at me. I blushed. "Thank Devyn. She worked her magic." "You look amazing but you always do," he said, winking at me. He grabbed a baby carrot from the veggie tray, dipped it in the Ranch dressing, then popped it in his mouth walking out the back door with the tray. "Well...I guess I'll grab the other one," I said, smiling and shaking my head at what had just happened. "Okay, can you tell Corey to come help me with this cooler?" Devyn asked. I nodded, and grabbed the meat and cracker tray, then headed out the back door. I followed Colby to under the Tiki bar to set the trays down next to the grill. Corey was standing off to the side, talking with Chazz and some other guy that I didn't know. "Hey Corey," I called to him. His head shot over to my direction, an infectious smile already on his adorable face. "Yeah, what's up?" he answered. "Dev said can you come help her with the cooler." "Sure thing," he answered, then jogged towards the back door. Colby took my hand in his and walked over to speak to Chazz. "Hey brother, how've you been?" Colby asked. "Good man, how bout you?" Colby glanced at me, then back to him. "I've been doing great." Chazz smiled at me over the White Claw in his hand. "I bet you have been," he said, laughing.

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now