69 Colby's POV

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"It's just how we are. Can't show others that we're weak, ya know?" Terra said softly. I smiled, and brought her hand to my lips. "You're anything but weak Terra. Come on, let's get back in there." Incarried the blanket and the two pillows that she had gotten out for Amber back to the living room. Amber was still sitting there, but she was leaned forwards, putting her almost empty tea glass down on the coffee table. She looked up when we walked in and smiled. "Thank you. By the way, that sweet tea is amazing! I haven't had any decent tea since I've been here." Instead of telling her goodnight, T sat down next to her. I guess we were staying up a little later. I sighed and lay the pillows and blanket down beside Amber, then took my seat back across from them. "I think about going home sometimes," she said quietly, leaning back. "Just because it's familiar, and it's hard out here, not really knowing anyone, trusting anyone. Then I remember that I have no one there either. Guess I burned those bridges pretty well." I watched as Terra put her hand over Amber's and gripped it. "You have me," she said smiling at her friend, then glanced at me. "And you have Colby. Right, Colby?" I raised my eyebrows at her, unsure of what she wanted me to say. I guess she wanted me to lie. "Yeah, sure," I replied. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really have a problem with Amber. I just hated to see T get caught in something that I wasn't sure that she could handle yet. I wasn't placating her. She was anything but weak. However, I knew she still fought with her own demons, plus recovering. Helping someone else who may not even want the help could be too much for her. I really hoped I was wrong. I used to trust people too easily, but after so many years of being used for you name, social standing, or who your friends were, I put a guard up that I would probably never take down. It was just the way it was here in LA. I wasn't mean, but I wasn't going to be stupid either. "Thanks you guys. I really appreciate you saying that. I feel like you have enough to worry about though, without me adding to the mix." She smiled at me, but I just stared back, trying to figure her out. T leaned forwards, and grabbed her drink, turning it up. Somehow, the subject went to some fun times that the girls had in Georgia. Granted, they were usually high, but they did have a few good memories together. "Oh my God, do you remember when we tricked JJ and Levi into thinking that we were together?" Amber laughed out. T let out a loud peal of laughter that warmed my heart. I couldn't help but smile while I sat there quietly watching her with her friend. "I had forgotten about that! I thought Levi was going to faint," she exclaimed, laughing. "I think it was hilarious that they weren't mad that we had supposedly cheated. They had no problem with it at all. Double standards," Amber replied, smiling and shaking her head. "Guys are like that," T said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not," I interjected, speaking without thinking. "You're not?" Amber said, eyeing me, one eyebrow cocked. "So you would be mad if you walked in on T and I making out? You wouldn't want to just join?" She leaned forwards, and rested her elbows on her knees, her cleavage pushing out of her low-cut shirt a little more. I was used to that type of thing, so it didn't faze me. I kept my eyes locked on hers, not daring to look down. "Nope. I would be pissed. And hurt. Cheating is still cheating, same sex or not. When I love someone, I don't want to share them with anyone." She was quiet for a moment, just holding my gaze, but I didn't back down. I meant what I said. "Whoa," T said, grabbing my attention. I looked away from Amber, and over to see her holding her head. "What's wrong?" I asked, standing up, and going to sit on the arm of the couch beside her. She shook her head. "I think I'm just really wore out. I know I took that muscle relaxer ages ago, but it just kicked in for a second time somehow. I need to go to bed." She lay back against the couch, her hands dropping to her sides, her eyes closing. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked again, worried. She waved her hand at me. "Ummhmm fine." I chuckled a little, then stood up, and picked her up bridal style. Her head snuggled into my chest, and her arms went around my neck. "Mmm, like it here," she said, her voice a little slurred. Either the muscle relaxer really was just now kicking in, which was weird, or she had completely worn herself out today. "I'll be right back," I told Amber, then carried T to her bedroom. When I lay her head down, I kept her bottom half up to edge the blankets back. Once I finally had her in the bed correctly, I took her shoes off, and pulled the covers up to her waist. "I love you baby girl. Get some sleep," I whispered to her already sleeping form as I leaned over to press my lips to hers. I sighed, and walked back into the living room with Amber. I wasn't staying, but I thought it would be rude if I didn't at least come back and tell her that I was going to lie down with T. "Hey," I said, leaning over into the room, holding onto the door jamb. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hey you." "Yeah, I'm gonna go lie down with Terra. Just thought I'd let you know. Watch whatever you want. There's a guest account you can sign into. The password is 'just here for a night' no spaces." Her face fell but she nodded. "Okay...I guess it would be pointless to ask you to stick around?"

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now