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"I'm so sorry. You know I never would. I just forgot when you dropped that bomb on me." I laughed a little. "Sorry. But yeah, I told him I loved him. I told him I wasn't ready to be in a relationship because of my leftover feelings for Justin. I think I might be ready now though." "Oh my God, for real?" "I knew it!" "Haha, it's finally happening!" I grinned at my friends' excitement over my love life. "I'm going to see how I feel after Justin sits with me. If it goes the way I expect it too, I'll tell Colby that I'm ready." "Ugh Terra, I'm so happy for you. At least something good is coming out of this shit show," Sarah replied. "Also, we can double date, because you know Justin didn't really like Brennen. But Colby is his best friend!" I laughed as she clapped her hands together. "Yeah, I just have to pray that Colby still wants to be with me like that. Sometimes, I'm not sure," I answered. "Besides, I think that Justin just didn't understand Brennen's sense of humor." Sarah rolled her eyes. "Whatever. My mans is funny." We all laughed at how protective she was over Brennen, then a huge yawn racked my body. It kind of stuttered through my body, because I couldn't inhale as strongly as my body was asking me too. "Okay, you need to get some rest. We'll see you tomorrow. Need anything before I go? How's your pain?" Denise asked, smoothing my hair back from my face. She was actually mothering me right now. "I'm fine Neece. I promise. Just sore. The pain isn't bad but I am tired. I'll call you if I need anything," I promised her. She worried her bottom lip watching me. "Where's your phone? Let me put it on charge right here next to you. Do NOT go to the bathroom without one of us walking with you. Got it?" She gave me a stern look. "Yes ma'am," I replied, grinning. "Good. Okay, love you T. Goodnight." My other friends spoke their love and goodnights leaving me alone for the first time in a while. It was peaceful. I picked up my phone and swiped it open. I found the secret folder that I had buried in it, and put in the code to open it. When the folder opened, I started looking through old photos of me and Colby. The ones that I couldn't bare to part with, even though I told myself that I was over him. The ones that I almost forgot about until just now. I smiled as the memories rushed back to the front of my mind. Florida, the sneaking around that we did, the way his dumb ass climbed over the balcony column to his own room because of crazy fans, the nights we spent together, the dancing, the fight at the bar, the hot air balloon, all of it. I ran my finger across my phone screen where his face was. This pic was one that Denise had taken and sent to me. I hadn't even know that she had taken it, at the time. It was Colby and I in the hot air balloon. My face full of amazement and wonder as I stared out at the world around me. It was taken right after Colby got me to open my eyes and I got over my fear. He was standing right next to me, his own face full of wonder. Only he was watching my face instead of watching the world around us. If I didn't the people in this picture, I would swear that the guy was so in love with the girl. Only, he wasn't because we barely knew each other in this pic. He was infatuated with me at this time and I was fine with that, because I knew what followed. I sighed, and kept looking through my old secret photos, laughing when I came to the one where he had basically thrown me into the water when we were in Savannah. Sam had taken this one. Kat had sent it to me. There were pics of me and my friends with the Trap Boys, pics of us hanging out with Tara and Kat in the motel room, while the guys talked among themselves, even pics of us dancing to Kat's songs. Literally every memory that I had about that time was in this folder. I was so glad that I had decided to hide it, instead of deleting that time in my life. I would've hated myself. Next thing I know, I woke up to someone yelling. "OH TERRAAAAA, WHERE ARE YOU SWEETIE??" I jerked awake, yelping when a jolt of pain went down my body. "Fuck," I muttered, moving to sit up gingerly. A knock sounded on my door, and just as I was about to say 'come in,' the knob turned and Corey came in, Devyn shaking her head behind him. "Corey! I told you to wait for her to answer! You can't just walk into a girl's bedroom like that!" I smiled, watching her 'scold' him. He smiled back at me, and shrugged at Devyn. "I knew she wouldn't be changing or anything. She can't move Devyn." "Nice to see you too Corey," I replied wryly. I nodded and smiled at Devyn, acknowledging that she was there. She smiled back but didn't say anything. Corey's head went from her to me, then back to her. "Oh, that's right. You two don't know each other. My bad. Dev, this is T, er, Terra, I mean. Everyone calls her T though. T, this is Dev, but you probably already know that." His head went back to Devyn. "See, she used to be a really big fan, not sure about now, but back when we went to PlayList Florida, a few years back, she was. Knew literally everything about us. It was kind of scary to be honest," he said, glancing at me with a fake scared look on his cute face. "Oh shut it Corey," I said rolling my eyes. "Hi Devyn, it's really nice to finally meet you. It's been a long time overdue. I'm sorry that I haven't really kept up with your videos...it was too hard for me to watch anyone associated with the Trap House after...what happened with Colby and I." 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now