106 Colby's POV

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"I forgot to-" Terra tried to say, but was again stopped by her mother. "Yes, I'm sure you did. Always an excuse instead of just recognizing when you make a mistake. Not too much has changed I see." "Ma'am, no disrespect, but Terra was extremely nervous to come here. I should've introduced myself. I apologize," I said, standing, taking the few steps towards her chair, and offering my hand. She looked at my hand like she was positive I had been digging through garbage. "I hear that my wayward daughter has come home to visit," a man's voice boomed through the spacious room, causing me to look up. I assumed he was Terra's father, because there was something in the way he smiled that reminded me of her. Otherwise, they were as different as night and day. He had hair so dark, it was almost black, with a little gray peppered throughout it. Probably a little over 6 ft tall, dressed in a long sleeve, white button down shirt, with gray slacks. What got me the most was his eyes. They were the same shade of aqua as Terra's. "Hello Father," Terra said, standing to greet him. He hugged her, and kissed her cheek. "Who is this young man?" he asked, raising his dark eyebrows at me. "This is Colby, Father. Colby Brock. My boyfriend," she answered him. "Boyfriend? Really? Well, he must be special if we're meeting him. Nice to meet you son. My name is William Brooks. You can call me Mr. Brooks, for now," he said, holding his hand out to me. I took it, making sure that my hand shake was strong. My dad had once told me that men were judged by how they shake hands. It could determine respect, with the older generation especially, if you held eye contact, and had a strong but not overpowering grip. "Yes sir," I said, holding his eye contact. "It's nice to meet you sir." He smiled, and I honestly felt an instant liking to him. I might like this man if I didn't know how he had allowed his wife to treat Terra, and how he had ignored her. "Well, sit down then. Tell us how you've been. We haven't heard from you in a while," he said, his booming voice almost echoing through the room. I watched Terra scoot forwards on the couch, turn her knees to the side, and cross her feet at the ankles. I had never seen her sit like that. I looked over to her mother and noticed that she was sitting the same way. Must be an automatic reaction when she was around them. "I've been okay Father. I found a job doing photography. A good job but...well, it didn't work out," Terra said, sounding like she wished that she hadn't mentioned it at all. "I told you that was a child's nonsense dream. You should've went to college for something more stable. Instead, you run off with that boy," her mother said, curling her lip with the words 'that boy.' "Moving to Los Angeles of all places and you aren't even with the same boy anymore. Moving kind of fast, aren't we dear? I don't know what you were thinking." "With all respect ma'am, it wasn't her fault that it didn't work out," I blurted out, my voice hardening. Terra squeezed my hand. When I glanced at her, she gave me a short shake of her head. "Well, of course it was. Who's fault is it, if it's not hers? If she had stayed here, and gotten a real job, then she wouldn't be in this mess," her mother continued. I was really gonna have to bite my tongue here, wasn't I? If Terra didn't want me to say anything, then I would try, but I'd give anything to tell her exactly who's fault it was. "Now dear, let's not go over this again. Terra is a grown woman now, who is free to make her own decisions. We did the best we could, now it's up to her. I'm sure she has a back up plan. Don't you dear?" her father asked, looking at Terra. "Um...well, I uh-" "See William! She doesn't. Of course she doesn't," her mother chimed in again. "She does, actually. She's working for me and my partner. She starts as soon as we get back to LA," I blurted out, unable to take this shit anymore. Her mother raised her eyebrows and smirked at me, while taking in my clothes and chains again. "Really? Do tell, Mr. Brock, what kind of work could she possible be doing for you." I smirked right back at her. "Photography. Following her dreams. My partner and I have our own business and we're going to need someone with Terra's talent to accentuate our clothing lines, as well as advertise for our Netflix series that we are currently filming for." It was satisfying to see this bitter ass woman's mouth fall open, before she gathered herself and closed it. She smoothed the imaginary wrinkles out of her dress, and looked at her husband, then back to me. "Netflix series? So you're an actor. I should've known, of course, since you are from Los Angeles. Terra dear, do you really want your success defined by who you are dating? I thought I raised you to stand on your own two feet and make your own decisions." I heard Terra's little gasp of disbelief and looked over to her. Now her mouth was hanging open. She caught my eye and snapped it shut, then stood up. "No mother, you didn't. You never raised me. You only had time for me if it made you look good. Then only time you have anything to do with me, was when I threatened your image. You wanted me to make the decisions that you thought was best. You've never wanted me to be my own person." Her head snapped to her father, who had stood up too. I stood up beside her and took her hand to show support. 

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