A new home

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Loud crashing suddenly wakes you from your slumber, confused still half a sleep stumbling to your feet quickly walking to the door of your quarters opening it checking what the hell is going on. "YOU. STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE!" Looking to the left seeing three storm troopers marching towards you swiftly.

Panicking, slamming shut the door with a thud darting across the room looking for places to hide, only now realizing how incredibly small and hollow the room is. Deciding to hide behind a clothes rack even though your feet must still be visible, it is the best you have got. To no avail listening as you hear the weak door fling open with ease, covering your mouth trying to conceal the harsh breaths escaping. "SEARCH THE ROOM." "SHES HERE." "WE EITHER TAKE HER ALIVE OR LEAVE HER DEAD. THATS THE ORDERS." 'Why were they here? Why are they taking prisoners?' Asking yourself these questions, realizing the only way you are getting out of here alive is to turn yourself in.

Inhaling deeply, stepping out from behind the rack, hands above your head. "I surrender please don't shoot!" "GRAB HER!" A storm trooper strides up to you yanking your hand from the air flinging you forward. Stumbling into the arms of the other troopers surprised with one sudden sharp pain feeling cold armor to the face, out like a light.

Jolting awake still in a haze almost thinking it was all just a dream, yet when coming to you see a trooper guarding the doors to a cell, the cell you were locked inside. Sitting up touching the now swollen tender face, knowing that is going to leave a mark. "Excuse me..." you say. "What am I doing here? Why did you take me?" The trooper turns around facing you "you were brought to the starkiller base to serve the first order. You will be given your assignment shortly." As he finished half assed answering the question, someone else walks in coming straight towards your cell.

This man walking with purpose, he sounds intimidating, that is until he turns the corner realizing it is who they call general Hux. Having heard how he can be ruthless, his appearance only making you giggle. "And what are you laughing about!?" Jumping, you had not thought he could hear you. "Um I'm sorry sir, I thought I..." He cuts you off. "Never the matter what you thought. I sense we will have trouble with you already, laughing as a superior of the first order approaches." Rubbing his fingers to his temples in frustration, this action only makes you want to laugh again, but quickly choking it back. "I will be assigning you to be Ren's personal servant, let's see how you laugh then." With that he turns sharply walking away.

The trooper turns unlocking the cell, gesturing for you to walk forward. Hesitating for a moment before deciding what choice do you have? Grabbing your arm harder than needed, face wincing darting him a quick look if eyes could kill, he would have combusted on the spot. "Where are you taking me?" Without slowing pace, he says "to the servant's quarters. You are lucky he chose you to be Ren's personal servant, mess up and you might die but it does come with the nicest servant's room on the base."

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