Severing ties

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Eyes opening in the morning surprised to find you are back in your own bed 'I could have sworn I fell asleep in the lounge last night' pulling back the covers to see you are tightly wrapped in Kylo's cloak 'okay that's really weird I know this was in the lounge how did I end up back here? After getting dressed, eating a small breakfast leaving heading for work clutching his folded cloak in your arms 'I need to return this, I no longer need it' James voice startling you from behind "heard you gashed your hand pretty badly last night, are you okay?" Confused "how did you hear that; I mean yeah I did and I'm okay but how did you know?" Laughing he catches up to you "I saw the commander leaving your room last night he let me know what happened, that's a big bandage you must have really hurt yourself." Looking down 'the commander? Kylo was how I ended up back in my room... but that doesn't make sense if he did that means... that means he knows about the lounge room and if he knows about it then does that mean he's that Ben person?' James speaking over your thoughts "hey why do you have his cloak?" Looking up at James then back to your own hands holding the fabric "oh um, last night I was really cold from blood loss, he loaned it to me I'm returning it this morning." He stares at you before saying "I could have sworn I saw him wearing it last night when he left, but I must have been seeing things. Anyways I'll see you later okay?" Waving as he walks away "okay see you" Saying then turning and heading off towards Kylo's room.

Entering the passcode, inside hearing the sound of the shower water running 'great he's still here maybe I can just quickly pick up his room, return the cloak and leave before he even notices' setting it down on the dresser stripping his linens stuffing them into the laundry basket, walking down the hallway picking up articles of clothing he's taken off one by one dropping them to the floor the last piece, his boxers sitting between the door frame half in the hall and half in the bathroom. Yanking them quickly, when tugging they get caught on the edge of the door frame pulling it shut loudly 'oh great, okay I really need to hurry' hearing the shower water shut off and the glass doors opening then closing his footsteps stopping for a few moments. Rushing to the bed making it, more sloppy than usual trying to rush now grabbing the cloak heading towards his closet, stopping frozen when hearing the bathroom door open and his wet footsteps approaching from behind.

Turning around slowly seeing him walking with his towel tightly wrapped around his waist, damp hair dripping onto his bare chest the water running down his shoulders over his chiseled abs causing you to stare as he continues walking directly towards you. Getting confused why he was heading in your direction averting your eyes looking from side to side, not stopping until he's right in front of you reaching his wet hands out grabbing the cloak his fingers grazing your arm. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I was just returning this.... thank you for getting me to my room last night I don't know how you found me but I ..." interrupting you "I found you because it's my room, and you don't have to apologize for borrowing this I'm only taking it back now because my other one is ripped and stained with blood." Pulling the cloak turning he walks away leaving you speechless so many questions you want to ask quietly speaking "are you Ben?" He freezes back turned to you "no I am Kylo, Ben is dead." Confused you say, "but how would you know where that room was if you weren't the author of all those journals?"

Turning sharply, he drops the cloak on the floor marching up to you cornering you against the wall one hand next to your head the other pointing in your face "don't question your commander! I said he was dead and that's exactly what I meant; you shouldn't have been snooping through my things anyways who gave you permission to do that?" Shaking you say, "I'm sorry I didn't know it was off limits I stumbled upon it by accident I won't go back if you don't want me too but please don't hurt me." He stares down at you his eyes saddening "Still thinking I'll hurt you huh, that subject is sensitive with me I'm sorry I overreacted." Looking up at him slowly reaching out touching his face softly running your fingers over his scar, while doing so he places his hand over yours pushing his face into your palm closing his eyes. In that moment all you wanted to do is kiss him to comfort him, holding his face for a long moment before pulling your hand back his eyes opening following your movements "I need to get going this laundry isn't going to wash itself..." he steps back allowing you to pass by him before saying "you are welcome in my writing room whenever you like, I don't need it anymore anyways." Smiling saying, "thank you it's become quite the sanctuary for me."

Grabbing the laundry basket leaving his room, in the washroom finally alone letting out a deep breath 'so he is Ben, but what exactly does that mean? He was training to be a Jedi master and his uncle... wait his uncle is the Luke Skywalker! But that means his mom must be...' the chime of the washing machine pulling you from your thoughts before switching out the laundry 'did he kill all those other students in training? He's said before he killed his father is he really worse than you had pictured...' shaking your head "no snap out of it this the same Kylo who ran a bubble bath for you, the same man who tears his own clothes to wrap your wounds... he's just misunderstood that's all even if he is evil you still love him." The last words slipping your mouth before you could stop them, turning around quickly double checking that you are all alone before sighing in relief had someone heard you that it could have been really bad.

Finished returning the laundry heading now towards the command office, inside you are met with Kylo sitting along the edge of the table patiently waiting for you. "Sir I'm just seeing if you needed me for anything else?" He watches you "actually I do." Looking at him surprised he never needs you for anything he always dismisses you "okay... what do you need from me?" He looks up at you, eyes hidden behind the mask "I wanted to check your wound, make sure you were healing okay." Shuffling "I'm fine commander really there is no need..." he stands walking towards you "I wasn't asking." His large frame towering over you, feelings of fear and excitement running through your body staring up into the blank mask "oh...uh...okay." Walking even closer towards you his chest now only inches from your own the low hum of his mask vibrating as he breathes before removing it "give me your hand" he says rising your palm towards him.

Gently he unwraps your bandage, cold air stinging the stitched cut causing you to suck in a quick breath "the nurse did a pretty good job, I've borrowed some supplies I'm going to clean it and rebandage it for you." Watching him as he swipes his hand, a box floating from the desk towards you remaining suspended in air, opening it inside are various disinfectant jars and a tube of ointment with a few packages of gauze next to a fresh bundle for wrapping. 'Why does he care so much if it's taken care of properly?' As if he's read your thoughts "you wouldn't have cut your hand if it wasn't for the awkward position I put you in, I feel responsible not to mention when you hurt, I hurt." Taking a bottle, he opens it "this is going to be painful so be prepared." Pouring the liquid out over your hand brings intense burning, tugging your hand back upon first instinct his own grasping yours tightly holding it in place before leaning down he slowly blows on the lesion. Each warm breath soothing the tingling pain, focusing to the puckered shape of his lips watching intently as each breath he sucks in before blowing out makes your heart flutter.

Satisfied he now begins applying a small amount of ointment to the cut his fingers gently running over the stitches "does this hurt?" He looks up his eyes laced with such kindness, replying "yes but it's okay, you can keep going." Taking his time, he wraps the rolled bandage around your hand before securing it against itself pressing firmly, the both of you standing still his hand pressed against yours, bodies mere inches from one another. Setting your other hand on top of his gripping before gently removing it "I need you to stop..." his eyes dart to yours, confusion written on his face "stop what?" Staring, the only thing you want to do is embrace him but the words out of your mouth are "I need you to stop being so kind to me,this makes things really difficult to keep myself from you. You are my boss and I  need you to act like it.... please..."

Stepping back he stares at you, eyes looking for signs of denial only to be met with your cold expression, his eyes change the warm honey brown turning black as he backs away ripping his hand from yours the floating first aid kit drops crashing against the floor the bottles rolling, he replaces his helmet turning marching towards the exit sternly he says "clean that up."

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