Lingering thoughts

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'The job itself seems easy enough right? Besides the idea of having to help the commander with his bath.' That thought makes you shiver; deciding you might as well start as you pull back the covers on his bed making sure they are uniform and equal in hopes of impressing him. Taking his pillow in your hands you begin fluffing it up, by doing so it makes a breeze of strong aromas flow to your face, you can't help but enjoy the manly musk of it. Placing the pillow back down walking to his dresser opening the drawers, unlike yours his is filled with many different types of underwear all plain black boxer briefs with no other colors 'is this the only color that man knows how to wear?' You think. Taking a pair with your hand noticing how soft and expensive they feel, never thought you could feel the price of underwear yet here you are. Next pulling out a pair of black night pants, walking to the bed you place them gently down making sure there are no creases in the clothes.

Next heading to the bathroom once again taking in the beautiful design of it going to the tub turning it on the water running with heat rising from it, looking around wondering if he likes anything in the bathtub. Seeing a cabinet, opening it chuckling to yourself as you see bottle after bottle of oils and soaps of different names, smells, and colors. 'I guess even a commander is entitled to liking a bubble bath, right?'

Picking one of the bath oils popping off the cork, smelling the scent of eucalyptus, this smell makes you close your eyes while picturing a calming sensation rush over you. Eucalyptus is your favorite scent, no idea why but it feels so calming to you also picking a bottle of regular bubble bath; this gesture is more for yourself. Deciding right then that you will use bubbles every night unless he commands otherwise so that when the time comes for him to ask you to help him wash his hair or anything else you have a barrier between your eyes and his completely nude body.

Kneeling next to the tub dripping some oil and soap in while you run your hand in circular motions against the water. Continuing this for longer than a moment enjoying the feeling of the warm silky water on your arm, all your life you have had to take cold showers with a group of other slaves.

Hearing the hatch door swing open again as you quickly pull your hand from the water, the commander walks past the bathroom door not paying any attention to you at all. You walk out "master Ren I've prepared your bath; I added some bath oils and soap I hope that you don't min.." he cuts you off. "That is fine, you can leave now." He says as he begins undressing even with you still in the room.

You can't help but stand there for a moment watching him, his back turned to you as he takes off his cape laying it across a chair in his room. Next he undoes his belt tossing it on the cape he then removes his gloves by placing one finger to his mouth and biting with a swift motion he pulls the gloves from his hands one at a time with ease, placing the gloves gently on his dresser counter. Next you watch him begin to unzip his outer coat as he pauses... "I said you can leave." He says with a harshness you were not expecting, you didn't even realize he knew you were still there.

"Yes sir, enjoy your night I will be back in the morning." Turning quickly, walking out of his room hearing the doors swing shut loudly. You find yourself just as lost as you were while trying to find his room in the first place as you begin what is becoming a familiar pattern of wondering the endless halls in search of a room.

Finally, somehow you end up on the hall of the servant's rooms now this time you made sure to mentally keep note of each twist and turn so that you wouldn't have trouble in the morning. Arriving back at your own quarters walking inside; thankful to be back at what is beginning to feel like the only place you feel totally safe currently.

You decide it would be smart for you to take your own shower, walking to the bathroom just as happy to see its design is beautiful too. Not quite as big as the commanders but a much better upgrade from the cold shed you are used to showering in. Plus, this is your own personal shower pausing for a moment 'honestly as of right now I can't complain with how this day has ended.' You think while noticing your bathroom doesn't have a bathtub saddened but quickly correcting yourself  'you are not selfish like that.'

Going to the shower turning it on to warm up while you undress, unzipping the dress slowly pulling the sleeves down your shoulders one at a time you stare at your reflection in the mirror watching as the dress falls to the floor. Continuing to stare as you trace the lacy bra with your fingers, you've always known you were attractive to an extent but in this moment, you are speechless at the beautiful body looking back at you. Next you unhook the bra letting it fall as your breasts are freed, then removing your underwear tossing them to the side.

Stepping into the shower immediately melting into the warmth of it, you can't remember the last time a shower wasn't ice cold. Washing your hair and body slowly enjoying the privacy, once you are done you lean back against the shower wall with the hot water still hitting your exposed skin.

Closing your eyes, to your surprise the first thing that pops into your mind is Kylo Ren back in his room undressing. Snapping your eyes open confused as to why you would even picture that. 'Sure, he's an attractive man but he's cold and heartless.' You think.

Finishing the shower getting dressed for the night in a sheer top and shorts, slightly annoyed that almost everything you have to wear for bed is either sheer, or exposes way to much skin. Waking to the bed you huff knowing you have to remove a stupid amount of little pillows before you can even lay down. After doing so you climb into your huge bed lying back into the comfort of it, letting out a sigh also realizing this is the first bed you've slept in since you were a child.

Running your hands from your sides all the way up the length of the bed smiling at how big it is while knowing it is all yours. Turning on your side taking the pillow next to your head pulling it close to you while wrapping your arms around it, cuddling it close burying your face into the fabric. Relaxing now allowing yourself to fall into a deep sleep almost as if you had not properly slept in years.

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