A special gift

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After reluctantly agreeing that one night apart isn't so bad when compared to a lifetime together the two of you made your way back to the shared quarters, it was excruciating saying goodnight letting him slip from your grip after begging one more time to break tradition, not leave your side. But he was stubborn and pulled away after the two of you were nearly out of breath making out against the hatch doors like a pair of teenagers "(y/n) I promise it'll be okay, I'll be right down there just a few hallways away. Just think the next time you see me will be when you are walking to join me by my side...I love you and cannot wait to solidify our love to the galaxy. But...for now I have to go..." with one last kiss his hand slips from within yours long enough to unlock the hatch pad, forcing the doors to swing open "get some rest, we'll be together before you even realize..." backing into the room watching the doors close, creating a cold metal barrier between you and the love of your life.

Standing in place for longer than needed letting the silence surround you with its bittersweet embrace until finally snapping out of it knowing that he's not gone forever and that he's not far, if needed you could call for him, instead to pass the time you choose to take a long relaxing bath. Spending well over an hour and a half making sure every single inch is prepped for the big day tomorrow, the time passes almost forgetting that Kylo isn't lying in the bed waiting for your return suddenly brings a heavy sadness within your heart knowing once you finish drying off and step out of the bathroom that you'll only be met with darkness. Finally pushing through and stepping into the empty room half expecting him to surprised you anyways with his welcoming figure waiting patiently but it's no use the room is dark and the bed is empty, sighing heavily while slowly slipping on your pajamas not even noticing the small rectangular box sitting upon the edge of the bed until going to pull back the sheets seeing it move from the corner of your eye.

A smile slowly creeps along your face while speaking into the darkness "really Kylo...again?" Walking towards the gift it's not nearly as embellished as the cloaks packaging but it's special none the less, its sleek black box is at least a foot long but only about four inches in width. Nervously lifting its lid followed by the soft red velvet layover, being fully surprised at the small black, slickly finished hilt resting within its case, gently reaching down running a few fingers over the top of its smooth texture starting at the top with its emitter touching each small little triangular spike that perfectly resemble a crown down to its hand grip which is completely smooth besides a few small circular ridges that encompass the hilt all the way around. Sliding your figures around it's cold metal pulling it from the box and lifting it into the soft red light, studying its beauty all the way down to the rear grip which is slightly thicker than the main, being cylindrically shaped like a vase it's base holds a single red ruby.

Gasping at its beauty while slightly being confused 'I thought building a lightsaber was something the master of the blade had to preform? What about the crystal?' Having already tried igniting it with no use the blade remains coiled "hmm okay then..." lifting the box off the bed a small note falls from its bottom, reading *(y/n) I see you've found your hilt, I know you must be a little thrown off but I assure you that I have a trip planned for the two of us to travel and find your crystal together. I at least wanted that part to be special...personal...and then comes the part where you will need to bleed it when you are ready of course... I hope that you find its subtle beauty just as breathtaking as I have found yours. Soon you will be fully prepared to rule the galaxy by my side, as my partner, my student, my lover, and my empress.*

Hugging the hilt close to your chest knowing he could never have gave a more perfect gift the night before forever, playfully swinging it in various battle motions watching the moon light dance along its glossy finish while you spin and pose letting your nightgowns lacy fabric flow freely with each stance, until finally stopping with your figure directly in front of the mirror, looking as a near stranger stares back. Her reflection is beautiful and strong, her hair beautiful and healthy flowing loosely around her fluster face, it's tips brush along the bodice of her completely lace floor length gown with beautifully hand sewn patterns revealing everything beneath its sheer black mesh letting the curves of her figure easily be illuminated by the moons soft glow.

Standing one foot Infront of the other she kneels towards the mirror holding the saber pointed directly towards its reflective glass, instantly the image of Kylo standing in the same powerful stance flashes fast knowing that his training has rubbed off greatly. Smiling happily then returning to a normal stance lowering the hilt before gently setting it and back in the box and placing the box upon the dresser, finishing with the covers then jumping into the bed feeling it's silky sheets hug around your figure just before turning to the side grabbing Kylo's pillow and hugging it tightly. Inhaling deeply his intoxicating scent fills your nostrils making you sigh deeply wishing with every fiber that it was actually him wrapped snugly in your arms, lying restless for what feels like an eternity before finally drifting off to sleep only to be woken up sometime in the night to the sound of the hatches swinging open.

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