A new servant

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*Kylo's view*

Startled awake suddenly from whatever nightmare you were suffering from this time. Frustrated you huff tossing on your stomach hoping to fall asleep again, knowing that you won't. A few moments go by before you push up off the bed now sitting looking around the dimly lit room knowing you must get up soon anyways. Somehow managing to pull yourself out of bed sleepily heading towards the bathroom.

Once inside undressing and stepping into the shower turning on the water letting the coldness hit your skin without hardly flinching. You have always enjoyed an icy shower after a nightmare. Washing yourself then stepping out going towards the closet choosing an outfit that looks almost identical to all the rest, as you do every morning.

Leaving heading to the meeting room to work on the tasks for the day, once there you are informed by general Hux that our troops have stormed a planet overthrowing its leaders capturing some slaves in the process. He tells you that they will arrive shortly as they were captured during the night before.

A few hours pass, Hux returns with the news that he has assigned a rather attitude prone slave to be your personal servant. Annoyed as to why he would choose someone who is already showing signs of being difficult clinching your fists. "If they continue to misbehave you will be the one to deal with the mess general Hux." You knew that your old servant Doris was retiring and yet you still weren't prepared to be served by someone new, she's always been there for you almost like a mother figure, stopping 'servants aren't important and definitely aren't family.' Hux interrupts your thoughts "she has been shown her quarters and is expected to show up within 30 minutes from now." Frowning your eyebrows irritated at the sound that it's a woman that will be your servant, all you can hope now is that she is old like Doris you don't need any more distractions.

Waiting for this servant to show, you discuss the reports of the nights previous battle with the other ranks. Beginning to grow severely impatient as you notice the time is five minutes past when she was said to arrive, taking your helmet off saying bluntly that if she isn't here soon you will kill her yourself.

With that you hear a small voice from behind speaking up introducing themselves turning around to your surprise you see a young woman in a beautiful leather dress, her beauty catches you off guard as you were not expecting to see someone such as her. Commanding her presence, clutching her chin tightly as to prove who is in charge you warn her of her misbehaviors surprisingly, this servant speaks up trying to defend herself, you won't allow her to make a fool of you in-front anyone. Quickly reminding her who you are, face so close you can see the smoothness of her skin, the color of her eyes and smell her sweet rose scent catching you by surprise letting out a harsh breath near her face.

You inform her of her duties and your expectations before dismissing her, turning to leave before you make a bigger fool of yourself. 'How is it that this woman has already made you aware of things you haven't had any interest in since you were young?'

Finished with your duties for the day exhausted from dealing with idiots you make your way back to your quarters opening the door, you are instantly met with the strong smell of eucalyptus not a terrible smell but not something you aren't used to, Doris always used cinnamon in your baths. That must mean the new servant girl is preparing it this time, walking past the bathroom seeing the door is a jar.

As you pass glancing seeing her stand to her feet quickly removing her submerged arm from the water, the way she does as if she's afraid you will kill her for her doing the job description? She walks out telling you she's put some oils and soaps in the bath, the oils you are used to, but the soap will be something new as Doris never used it much. Telling her whatever she did was fine, you are tired, dismissing her you begin to undress.

Taking the garments off one by one you can still feel her presence behind you, eyes glued to you continuing if only to see how long she will stay there, after a few moments as you are getting close to exposing your bare chest finally speaking up telling her to leave. Still not sure why she was watching you in the first place, she leaves for the night as you finish undressing heading towards the bathroom.

Sliding into the bathtub noticing she made the temperature far too hot for your liking, but it was a nice change. The smell of eucalyptus fills your nose making it scrunch but enjoying the smell none the less. Allowing yourself to relax, an action you are not entirely comfortable with.

After the bath heading to your room noticing she pulled the covers back neatly almost as if she was scared you'd kill her if they weren't exact. Seeing also that your clothes are laid out neatly like she pressed them against the bed to remove any traces of wrinkles. You wonder 'is she a perfectionist or does she assume you are one?' Either way you appreciate the effort of it, getting dressed then slipping into bed lying there for quite a while since sleep seems to take its time with you. Not knowing when it happened, but you fall asleep still getting sweet whiffs of eucalyptus calming you further.

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