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Once inside carrying your body towards the bathroom counter gently setting you upon it leisurely pulling last night's slip over your head then dropping it on the floor, stepping back removing his own clothes the pants fall to the floor revealing his completely nude figure, pausing for a moment he stares at you for longer than usual. Awkwardly shuffling slipping a hand up tucking some lose hair behind your ear "what are you looking at?" Taking a few steps closer with outstretched hands resting onto your thighs they slowly glide upwards moving in sync with his pressing frame that slowly parts your legs the closer he gets, hands still gliding up around the shape of your hips his fingers curl behind the small straps of your underwear very slowly tugging at them "how did I get so lucky, of all the choices in the galaxy to be my servant I was given you...I thought for sure I'd have another sweet as she was I definitely wouldn't be in this exact position."

Knowing he was trying to be serious but bursting out in laughter "oh come on you're telling me you never got frisky with Doris? I know she is older than both of us combined but I know she is a little freak...actually I know it for a fact did you know she reads smut? She loaned me some books when I first started and whew let me just tell you...come to think about it one of the books she was reading was the very reason I was so freaking horny that day in your quarters...the uh masturbation mishap... without good old Doris and her books that probably would have never happened so actually, without her you really wouldn't be in this position." His face quickly turns to disgust "no (y/n), I never got intimate with her, and thank you for the very prominent image of her reading smut...I could have gone my whole life without thinking about that, you do know she's like a second mother to me right?" Making a regretful expression "yikes....I'm sorry." Pulling out from between your legs "actually I'm glad you were able to successfully kill my growing problem, let's just hope it returns or looks like you'll be regretting that decision for a while."

Hoping off the counter pulling your underwear down the rest of the way and swiftly unclamping your bra tossing it to the side striding past him with a quick smack along his bare ass "I could make it return right now if I wanted too and you know it." Jumping to the sudden handprint along his back side "well that was a first." Giggling "hmm maybe you'd like to be spanked with a paddle too, I'll have to give that a go." Walking into the shower behind you reaching over your figure turning the water on with a stern face "I'd like to see you even try..." not breaking eye contact trying to seem intimidating "one of these days I'm going to be fully in charge and you're going to like it." Stepping around walking beneath the water he begins washing his hair "that is if we make it past tomorrow." Immediately snapping his head forward with soapy suds running down his face "shit (y/n) I'm sorry that was cruel of course we are going to make it past tomorrow I'm sorry I was just trying to joke around..." staring at him blankly trying to make it seem as if your upset then turning around you begin fake crying into your hands. Almost slipping he rushes behind hugging tightly "I'm sorry please forgive me I didn't mean it I swear, we will be together forever and I promise I'll let you be in charge I won't even use the force I'll let you do whatever you want."

Slowly turning the fake cry into a giggle then grinning "thanks, can't wait." Squinting his eyes with a low growl "not funny, I thought I seriously upset you." Standing up on your tippy toes playfully kissing him "Nope I'm fine, now finish's washing up so you can do me." Leaning his head back under the water "someone's becoming quiet spoiled I see..." gasping hand falling against your chest "who me? Never..." after finishing with his hair placing both hands to your hips swiftly spinning you around submerging you beneath the water slowly dripping soap down your back his hands begin scrubbing in circular motions lathering your body, feeling him lean against you his lips right next to your ear "it's okay...I like to spoil I get to enjoy all of this while doing it."

Towards the end of his sentence his hands roam around to the front gliding the suds over your stomach and breasts sliding easily across your wet soapy skin playfully lingering over them kneading their shape in his hands sighing into your neck "I swear you're like a sex magnet every time I try and keep my mind pure you just....well hell you just exist and bam my cocks (exhaling deeply) frustrating..." placing both hands onto the wall in front of you then slowly pushing your frame back against him your ass brushing against his member it throbs to the inviting pressure, lustfully responding "so why deny want it and I want it..." slowly his hands fall to your hips gripping them tight slowly rocking back and forth his length slides between your legs gliding along your ass and slit groaning deeply with each forward thrust the incredibly slow pace makes each inch forward tingle throughout. Holding one hand in pace the other slides back up your stomach cupping a handful of your breast, leaning forward locking his lips to your spine licking along its outline kissing seductively whispering lowly along your skin "I'm trying so hard to resist...but..." the hand placed at your hip slips down reaching between your legs holding the tip of his cock pushing it between your slit making it rub against your clit with each slow thrust, squeezing your breasts he groans "fuck I love you...I need you...I want are impossible to resist."

Feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter the glide of his cock becoming easier with each drive, feeling the hot water flowing against your back between his hot lustful kisses it slides between your bodies making a soft slicking sound with every thrust of his hips. Releasing a quiet moan it softly echoes throughout the spacious shower, letting go of your breasts his hand creeps up wrapping his fingers around your throat the thrusting increases striking his cock along your clit over and over with low grunts escaping between the playful kissing groaning "mmm fuck I...need...(a quicker harder thrust) hard thrust drives into your clit)...stop..." with one final thrust he pauses holding his throbbing cock between your slit, with a begging moan "don't stop please it feels so good..." squeezing tighter around your throat with a tender bite to your back the glide along your clit returns even slower than before but almost even more pleasurable. Moaning louder "yes...don't stop..." letting out another long deep groan he pulls back sliding his cock from between your legs "no...not yet...I want to make love somewhere more special today."

Still remaining propped up on the wall letting your head falls in disappointment "that was more cruel than what you said earlier I'm so turned on right now, what am I supposed to just suck it up?" Without wasting another moment in the shower, he steps out responding as he walks towards the bedroom "trust me it's much harder to refrain for me than it is you, finish up and let's get dressed." Spending a good five minutes contemplating whether or not you should finish yourself off but instead trusting that he will fulfill the deed in due time, washing up then stepping out drying yourself off heading towards the bedroom eager to start the day.

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