Unexpected event

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At the end of the ceremony Kylo releases his grip from your side before walking towards the front of the crowd, the loud hissing sound of his voice booms along the walls as he informs the audience of his acceptance into the new leadership role. Still spacing in and out the sound of him calling your name twice snaps your attention back "(y/n)...(y/n)" as he gestures his finger in a come here motion, shaking your head for a second then immediately taking the place beside him feeling his arm rest along your hip once more. "As Hux was previously saying not only is the first order under a new supreme leader I will also be accompanied by this woman, she is to be just as respected as me if not more. Her presence within the order is monumental..." something below catches your attention darting a quick glance down noticing its Carmen bending down reaching for something.

An unexplainable sickness washes over when suddenly everything moves in slow motion watching as she stands back up pulling her arm back with a snap to her wrist something small and shiny comes hurtling forwards heading directly for kylo, before he can even react using all focus flinging out your outstretched palm stopping the sharp pointed blade inches from his chest, the dagger sudden spins around flying forcibly straight between her piercing blue eyes. The entire crowd scrambles away as her body dangles for a moment before collapsing the floor, looking back Kylo quickly grabs your hand pulling you from the stage dragging you hastily back into the empty hallway hearing Hux addressing everybody as the two of you disappear "stay calm everyone...STAY CALM!!! Everyone is to return to their quarters or workstations not like we've never seen a dead body within the order before, move along!"

Once inside immediately Kylo sharply turns towards you "what the hell was that what just happened?!" Trembling your voice shakily responds "I...I don't even know...I saw her..." harshly he snaps "saw who?!" Trying to swallow and collect your thoughts "carmen...she...she was trying to kill you or something? I saw her reaching for something under her dress and I remembered from yesterday that's where she kept her dagger, but I could feel her intentions Kylo she wanted to hurt you...to kill you. I thought for sure you would notice everything was so slow but the closer the blade approached the more I knew you were distracted so I...I just acted. I was so mad and frightened I lost all control of my emotions all I wanted to do was destroy her for attempting to take you from me...why would she do that Kylo I'm so confused I don't understand!"

Finally noticing how flustered you are his demeanor changes and suddenly his arms around your trembling figure hugging tightly "I don't know either (y/n), she must have been sent here to assassinate me and without you...my ego would have allowed it to happen. I had no idea what was happening, and I should have, all my training for what? To be killed by some little whore!" Feeling him tense up beneath making you forget all about your own overwhelmed emotions both hands lift the mask from his face allowing you to press your lips into his kissing roughly, the kind of kiss someone displays after just cheating death. A few moments pass while the two of you are still locked together before Hux comes walking through the door "Supreme leader we have removed the body from the common area she's been taken to the medical bay for holding until we can figure out just exactly who sent her, I assure you I was unaware of the girls intentions when selecting her for the interviewing I was told she was already a lifelong servant with great experience." Pulling back unsealing the kiss "wait now that you mention it yesterday she told me she had been trained for battle since she was a little girl and I didn't think anything of it...why didn't I question her further...I fell for her seduction."

Hux darts a confused look in your direction before raising his hand "nope, don't even want to know, as far as we can tell the coast is clear she seems to be the only person wishing harm upon you, I will inform you right away when we figure something out sir." He marches off down the hallway leaving the two of you alone again, feeling your eyes line with tears "I'm so sorry Kylo I didn't know she was going to try and..." not allowing you to finish the sentence his lips press back into yours silently reassuring you aren't to blame and he's not mad. "(Y/n) had you not been there I would be dead right now, once again proving just how vital to me you are. Besides dying would have really put a damper in the rest of my plans for tonight..." glancing up at him with a clear confused expression "what more could we possibly have to do tonight, don't you think today has been pretty eventful so far?"

Letting out a fast chuckle his fingers interlock within yours tugging your figure as he begins walking forwards "well I mean it was something I deemed pretty important, something I've been planning for quite a while but...if you would rather..." instantly skipping to catch up "wait no! I mean...uh no it's okay we can do whatever it is you had planned...can't promise I'll enjoy it though, to be quiet honest I'm still really shaken up about what just happened, you do realize that's the first person I've ever killed right?" Seeing him smile out of the corner of your eye "oh you'll enjoy it...I promise, and yes I'm aware. But look at you, handling it so well I knew you had it in you. My first time was rough too but at least you get to live with the fact that your first kill was someone who deserved it and not all of your Jedi friends..." the smile fades with the last part and his gaze focuses straight ahead "oh Kylo I'm sorry I didn't mean to...that wasn't...I'm sorry..." the tone in his voice is deeper and laced with sadness "it's okay, it's in the past...where it belongs."

The rest of the walk is in complete silence until spotting a huge door at the end of a hall, with a light squeeze along your hand he says "I want to show you this room, but before I do I want you to know it's importance. This room has been the fuel to my existence for quite some time, from the very first-time laying eyes upon it arriving here at the first order I knew someday it would belong to me. That all my hard work would pay off, that someday I would achieve my sought-after leadership." Pushing with his free hand the force swings the doors open revealing an enormous room with beautiful bright red walls behind a large grey throne, guiding your figure with his hand bringing you towards the throne "I wanted to do this sooner but after the battle with Snoke this room was destroyed, I've had my men working hard to repair it just for you but they haven't finished adding my requested second throne. (Y/n) without you I would still be a sad, confused, angry, bitter man you have changed me...in multiple ways. I'm stronger than ever, I'm Supreme leader ruler of the first order...but most importantly...I'm happy..." gesturing for you to sit along the throne "there's a few things I wanted to ask you, are you happy here?"

Nodding your head "of course, this place is a little crazy sometimes...obviously...but as long as I'm with you I'm happy." Softly smiling he asks another question "are you willing to join the dark side?" Frowning for a split second "truthfully I still don't know where my heart lies Kylo... but if being with you means I have to join the dark side...then of course I will...I'll do whatever it takes to stay next to you." His eyes wince momentarily "joining the dark side doesn't mean you automatically become as cold as me...I never want you to lose that light within...at least not completely. I need you to balance my mood swings, something it turns out you're quite good at, but I need to know that you are on my side which happens to be the dark side." Reaching out for his hand "yes I'll join the dark side, I'll join you anywhere you go...always." Slowly guiding your hand back down it sits upon your knee as his rests on top, reaching into the inside of his tunic he fumbles for a moment "there is only one last thing I want to ask..."

*more chapters coming soon, school starts tomorrow but I promise to keep working on the fic! Thank you for the support 🖤*

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