A soft warm glow

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Abruptly the view disappears and is replaced by the familiar walls of the chambers, Kylo grips tight on to your figure panting heavily quaking beneath you, lifting your face noticing his chest is glistening against the darkness rubbing your eyes it comes together 'was I crying in my sleep?' Attempting to sit up only to quickly be pulled back down his hands grasping your frame tightly making any chance of movement impossible, squished voice "Kylo what just happened I'm so confused?" Gasping for air he slowly responds, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you...I was having" interrupting him "was I inside your nightmare?" Glancing down confusion very visible "it's possible...what did you see?" Trying to unscramble everything you can remember telling him about the void and feeling helpless and in pain to watching him cling onto your lifeless body "why would you dream that it was so...so awful it felt so real." Slowly trying time calm his breathing "I dream it almost every night...especially recently...I don't know why you were sucked into this one I must projected it into your own dream I'm not really sure."

Rubbing his cheek trying to comfort him "was I ...did I die?" Clenching his jaw tight "yes...you always do...no matter how hard I try to stop it the ending is always the same..." asking softly "who killed me?" Trying to pull his face from your touch "it's always different, it's been an accident, Hux, Snoke, yourself, and even me... those are the hardest...but always somehow you die in my arms..." turning his face back towards you kissing him softly holding it your fingers line with his tears "I'm sure it's just because you face Snoke tomorrow that's all, it's just a dream it's not true I'm right here." Finally giving in kissing back the fear easily felt beneath his quivering lips his embrace so tight it's almost hard to breathe, reluctantly pulling back "you do know today is our final today together before..." cutting you off "I'm aware... I've been trying not to think about it...but obviously failing and it's not our final day don't say that." Shaking your head "I didn't mean it like that I just...well can we not spend it in bed worrying about what's to come? If...it is my last day I want it to be happy, I want you to be happy...I want you to know how much I love you."

Gently gripping on to your waist turning himself over bringing you along his frame now hovering over yours warm honey eyes staring as he leans down pressing soft lips into yours, with a slow tender pace they skim along adding and releasing pressure with each loving forward press taking the time to feel every parting and closure from the contours of your mouth tasting you playfully with his tongue. Running a hand up beside you it slides behind your head softly grasping a handful of hair he tugs backwards allowing more space between your neck and chest, heavily his lips travel from your jaw down the sensitive areas along your neck where they linger repeatedly kissing softly over and over every now and then changing to the other side he hums into your flesh "I know that you love me...I can feel it, I could feel it from the first time you stayed all night with me. It is a radiating warmness it surrounds you like a soft glow, the only time I felt it weakened was when you were with...him, but it never disappeared. I could feel it every time you would ask me if I needed anything else in my office, every time we would pass in the halls, even still I always feel it. It's warm, loving, comforting, the only way I can describe it is...it's like feeling the sun shine along your skin on a cold winter day, smelling rain just before it happens, feeling butterflies flutter from within, it's everything I've ever enjoyed... beaming from you, don't ever question if I know that you love me because it's very clear..." placing both hands to his chest "you can literally feel my love for you?"

Feeling his lips curl into a smile along your neck "yes, I've never been able to sense that type of thing with anyone else either, don't know if that means it's something only shared with us...or maybe nobody has ever loved me like you do." Giggling "I doubt I'm the only one who's ever loved you, but I'm glad you know it's true. I wish I could feel something like that coming from you, it would be nice..." quickly pulling back "you doubt my love for you?" Fingertips clutching on to his shoulders tugging back down "never I swear, I just meant I wish I could literally feel it like you described it. I bet you would feel like...looking out onto to freshly fallen snow the way it sparkles in the sunlight...the warm feeling you get when a cat pushes up against your legs...or the hot tickling sensation as warm tea flows to your stomach. You would feel that way to me..." chuckling he lowers himself back down returning hot heavy kisses to your neck, shivering beneath the tingling pecks "you know what that does to me right?"

Without removing his lips they travel down kissing at your collarbones humming "mhm" closing your eyes enjoying the sweet caress of his mouth your whole body responding to the act both legs relax resting against his hips allowing him to push harder into your frame feeling his slightly hard member brush up along your panties, letting out a soft moan. With one last playful kiss directly above your bust sitting up resting along his knees both hands glide up from your waist grazing over your breasts one pauses cupping a handful the other continues to your lips where his fingers graze over the shape of them before pulling both of them away "if I could I would spend every hour exploring every inch of your body, but...not just yet." Pouting with a "humph not fair...I'm all turned on now..." laughing with a quick thrust of his hips the hard feeling of his member slides along your slit "so am I, don't worry my love that's been added to the plans for today (groaning in frustration he pulls up and away) just not right now (offering you his hand) come on let's get freshened up."

Laying there in protest contemplating teasing him 'I could just begin touching myself how could he resist that right?' but ultimately trusting him reaching out grasping his hand he tugs you up hastily lifting your body high against his placing your legs around his waist carrying you into the bathroom.

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