Should we keep her

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Looking at Kylo he stares back at you before shaking his head "you wanted her, you do it...maybe you'll finally realize why I can't keep my damn hands off you." Blushing hard taking the place next to her in bed watching as she kneads one breast while slipping her fingers between her legs rubbing at her own clit she moans "don't be shy, you've touched yourself before, yes?" Quietly responding "uh yeah many times." removing her hand it finds your own the wetness of her fingers catching you off guard causing you to pull back, giggling she says "it's only going to get more messy, think you can handle that?" Slowly she drags the hand across her abdomen over the small mound of flesh just above her slit before pushing your own fingers between the slit she guides them in a slow up and down motion over her clit moaning to each passing brush "you know what to do, just touch me how you'd touch yourself..." gulping hard looking back at Kylo who's still sitting on the edge of the bed very slowly stoking his cock.

Focusing back on her watching your fingers as they begin slowly twirling around her clit soft and tender, responding she slowly moans replacing both hands to her breasts massaging them to your touch "see you're a natural." The feeling of her clit is familiar yet foreign knowing the mechanics of it but still lost since it's not your own, instinct takes over as you dip your fingers down sliding them inside her core feeling the warm tight ridges of her walls grips around she moans a little louder "that's know exactly what you're doing." Slowly pumping your fingers in and out feeling her wetness coating around sliding them up bringing the juices to her clit returning the circular motion with a quickened pace watching as her body responds with a few upward arches and moans bucking her hips into the air, not knowing who to focus on you glance back and forth between Kylo rubbing along his cock to her still massaging one breast her other hand finds its way to yours groping and playing with your nipple.

Suddenly the familiar secret touch begins lapping at your own clit moving in the exact same speed as your fingers playing with hers forcing the both of you to moan together, she laughs "are you getting off just on touching me? I mean I get it I'm hot but damn that's a first..." in between your own moans shakily responding "nnnooo iiittss Kylo hhee uuses the fforrccee ttoo tteassee mee..." hardly able to focus on the pace around her clit because the one around yours is too intense making you stop momentarily. The invisible twirling also stops as Kylo speaks from behind "I'm following your lead my dear...if you want to cum then you better make her cum too..." sighing before pushing two fingers back inside her scooting closer so your other hand can begin the circular motions around her clit again. She grips around your fingers moaning a little louder than before enjoying the combined pleasure, in agreement the lapping returns to your own spinning in quick little circles how he knows the exact pace of your own fingers you don't know but it's definitely a different sensation.

Looking back over to him the slow stroke has returned to a faster jerk gliding his cock in and out of his hand, biting your lip making your fingers pleasure her faster the thought of his cock inside is making you pulsate. The room is filled with both of your moans, hers a few octaves lower than your own making the difference easily distinguishable but none the less incredibly hot she begs "I'm close don't stop..." the plead quickly pulls your focus back to her watching your fingers sliding and twirling in and out and around her pussy knowing her sounds of pleasure are from your own doing turns you on more and more. Keeping the pace her walls clamp down every few seconds while her moans get higher in pitch, just before she orgasms the pace around your clit stops breaking your own building climax forcing out a pouting moan "fuck, don't stop that's not fair..." before he can respond she jerks arching her back both hands fall to the bed gripping hard onto the sheets as her walls pulsate around your fingers squeezing rapidly her fast gasping moans fill the room she cusses in-between the orgasm "there is no...fucking've never...done...this..." finishing it off with a few last circles she jerks to the overstimulated rub letting out exhausted moan after moan.

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