Don't leave me

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*Kylo's view*

Her rejection painfully jabbing constantly, 'what does she want from me, I've tried everything. I tried to treat her kindly, nicer than I have treated any woman in years. Only for her to push away even the simplest act of treating her wound. If she does not want kindness, I will resort to showing her darkness, it's much easier allowing that to flow through anyways.'

The rest of the morning spent hiding away sulking, always staying close enough to keep view of her, watching as she enters the cafeteria eyes locking straight onto James he's sitting with other people, especially close to one woman in particular 'who is that, does she not notice this, hello (y/n) open your eyes.' Sitting, she eats with that scum, cringing as she laughs with him 'she's never laughed like that with me.'

The two of them head off together arms locked hand in hand, the image is repulsing. Walking far enough behind them to go unnoticed the long day spent hiding out of view watching as she flirts with him while he works, only momentarily thinking this is an invasion of privacy 'after reading what she wrote about him not a single part of me trusts him.' Hours go by spent following and watching, the sun slowly beginning to set only sends more anger throughout 'is she just going to ignore her duties?' Losing them momentarily, walking down the dark hallways peeking around corners only to see it is another dead end. Finally turning down a particularly hidden hall spotting the pathetic figure of James standing against something, walking closer hiding behind a filing cabinet a good twenty feet from them.

Rage boiling when noticing wrapped tightly around his waist are her legs, the two of them kissing like inexperienced teenagers 'does he not know how to kiss you (y/n), surely you know the difference between his careless actions to those of a real man. I know you must, I have shown you. Every move with James is rushed he pays no attention to your needs his hands petting you like a virgin, has he ever satisfied you?' Watching him fumble pushing you back against the table taking no time his hand advancing to the sweet spot between your legs anger within, blacking out any logical thoughts, fist meeting the cold metal of the cabinet the sound echoing throughout the hall just loud enough snapping yourself out of the fury.

Staring only for a moment longer, pleased to see it has successfully interrupted the gross display. Darting off around another corner just before both of you pass right by the now dented cabinet, allowing much more distance between us not wanting to get caught before heading off towards my quarters. Thoughts racing 'does she really want that fool, he doesn't even pay attention to your body language (y/n) clearly you were uncomfortable with that situation, do you even notice it yourself? Have I been paying too much attention to it; can't you see him and I are completely different? Which of us are you really into, if it's truly him then you are no match for my affection anyways.'

Rounding the hall towards the room immediately spotting the two of you, he's pinned you to the wall his hands overpowering again 'that is it, fuck this guy.' Anger raging stomping towards him, hand flinging him against the wall not nearly hard enough his small bulge poking up through his pants, half disgusted half amused 'does he think that pitiful excuse for a dick would actually please you? Does he even feel it now that you've experienced a real cock?' Her half attempts to stop me from killing him are almost cute, thinking she can over power me the only reason I haven't killed him yet is because I know he'll fuck things up for himself and I'll be here waiting for her when he does. Watching him run away like a little bitch is just as amusing 'he's no man (y/n) see how he leaves you at my mercy not caring if I take my anger out on you.'

Inside the room her anger showing with failed attempts to get a rise out of me only hearing her say something about me being an asshole 'is this not what you asked for?' Undressing making her as uncomfortable as possible enjoying the awkward expression on her face, following her towards the bathroom pulling off my boxers laughing internally at the attempts to block the view. Turning around walking closer watching her eyes scanning my body staring long at the length between my legs 'I see you looking at it, even fully soft I'm bigger than him, aren't I.' Eyes now focusing to her neck anger flowing again, right on her smooth neck is a large red and purple hickey 'is that what you like? Marking your beautiful skin with his disgusting stain, your skin was mine not long ago don't you remember.' Seeing it causes a sharp jab to the heart gripping hard onto her face letting my anger flow with my words not even realizing what I am saying, her eyes showing fear and pain the only reason for my release. Walking away before doing any more damage anger still radiating from within, the hot water burning my skin still sitting down anyways any pain elsewhere is better than the pain in my heart. Her words still lingering in my mind rubbing it in my face that she will be with him tonight 'not long ago I could almost call you mine... you slipped right through my grasp only making me hate myself more.'

Not sleeping good all night, dreams interrupted with thoughts of the two of them doing things I can only wish for now, finally giving in waking up early showering and getting dressed pausing near the window hand gripping tightly against my saber. Mind clouded, thinking of everything that's unfolded lately, nervously igniting and recoiling the blade staring out the window watching its red glow exposing the falling snow, repeating this action subconsciously for well over an hour.

Finally snapping out of the trance, resting the saber on the window seal walking towards the bathroom, before reaching it the doors swinging open eyes falling to her figure standing against the hallway lights, hair falling gently to her shoulders. Watching her walk in stunned by the tight figure-hugging dress she has decided to wear, it caresses every curve. Her voice pulling me from undressing her with my mind, walking forwards holding back every impulse to reach out touching her, instead fumbling the dangling necklace she is wearing 'how easy it would be to pull you against me with this.' almost blurting out its one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen her wear stopping before making a fool of myself. Dropping the necklace watching as it bounces, her breasts slightly jiggling at the friction making my pants increasingly uncomfortable. Leaving, walking into the bathroom to compose myself, pacing trying to think of anything but what she is wearing underneath that damned dress.

The images finally subsiding, walking out of the bathroom immediately alerting to the sound of my own saber igniting, as if everything is in slow motion turning facing her watching the saber falling towards the floor instinctively stopping it. Rage over taking my every move and thoughts, the room turning black, eyes watching helplessly from within my subconscious, her fragile body dangling above the floor gasping for breath needlessly kicking against me. Regaining control again the room coming back into focus, concentrating on her limp figure quickly releasing the force catching her mid fall from above. Laying her flat across the bed ripping my helmet off pressing my head against her chest listening for any signs of life, hearing the faintest beating, sighing with a huge relief "(y/n) wake up, snap out of it open your eyes... breathe damnit..."

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