Unfamiliar reflection

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Facing the closet once more eyeing all the gowns with their beauty far better than anything you have ever owned in your life. Slowly walking forward, you look at the pieces thinking what impression you want to give off for the first time. After all, first impressions are the most important. Thinking maybe something sexy? Shaking your head quickly 'no that will not do, you do not want to come off as a desperate little servant there for his "every" wish.' You think maybe a pant suit? Shaking your head again 'no that will come off entirely to strong, even if you are a woman of power in your own mind you doubt Kylo Ren would appreciate trying to be one upped from the start.'

Settling on a floor length leather ball gown dress with a boat neck, the dress itself was not too fancy no jewels or special decals but it stood out to you in the sense that it felt bold and strong. Searching next for a pair of shoes, skimming across the rows and realizing that almost all the shoes are heels in some way. 'Man' you think 'can't a servant have some comfortable shoes?' Choosing a pair of matte black leather platform heels.

Walking out of the closet laying the dress and shoes on the bed noticing the dress size is exactly yours. Shrugging and saying to yourself with a bit of attitude 'and what if I had another type of body shape? Is this what Kylo "expects" his servants to look like?'

Turning around walking towards the vanity, stopping momentarily in front of the mirror. Gazing at the reflection looking back at you, looking at your clothes noticing how cheap and ragged they look. The thought of wearing elegant dresses and jewelry sparks a smile on your face thinking 'to finally be able to dress how you've always envisioned yourself will be a much-needed change.'

Sitting at the vanity opening the makeup drawer deciding what look you would like to go for. Choosing a neutral brown and black smoky eye, with black glitter dusted across the lids, then noticing that the foundation is exactly the shade of your skin tone, pausing for a moment kind of weirded out. 'It couldn't be a coincidence that the dress and makeup are specifically perfect for you. Could it?' Thinking as you continue applying the makeup. Stopping at your cheek running your fingers along the now less red less swollen but still visible mark left by some jerk storm trooper. "I would have gone peacefully." You say rolling your eyes trying your best to cover the spot with makeup.

Next choosing the shade of lipstick you want to wear, deciding on a dark blood red, bold, and strong, a theme you find yourself following. Moving next to hair, what should you do? Choosing an updo with a black hair pin secured tightly behind the bun, while letting a few curly strands fall to frame your face. Now picking some of the beautiful jewelry, a subtle single chain silver necklace with a black diamond in a pear shape with a pair of long dangled earrings with ruby stones that barely brush your collar bones.

Standing, walking to the bed to get dressed sliding off your old worn clothes while searching the dresser drawers for fresh undergarments. Opening the drawers to find them full of beautiful underwear and bras, nothing like the plain cotton panties you were used to. Sliding on a pair of matching underwear and lace bra, then putting on the dress and shoes.

Once finished breathing deeply while turning around, pausing for a moment taking in the image staring back at you.

'Who is that woman?' You think while running your hands across the puffed bottom of the dress up the sides of your rib cage gliding across the shape of your breast then stopping at the end of the diamond on the necklace. Foreign, this woman staring back... but you must admit you love what you are seeing.

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