Take it then

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Turning sharply facing the trooper "take out your blaster." The trooper stands frozen and confused not knowing if this is a trick or not, Kylo growls "I said draw your blaster, now!" Hesitatingly he complies raising his outstretched arm with the blaster tightly gripped in his grasp "good now...point it at me." Quickly darting his gaze to Kylo the trooper pleads "sir I don't exactly think that's the best idea." Slowly reaching for the saber on his hip "I am not going to ask again, point it at me and on the count of ten I want you to shoot. DO NOT HESITATE." Shaking his head "no way, I'm not going to be responsible for killing the commander I'd be a dead man!" Pulling the saber from its clip "disobey me again and you're dead either way, now (y/n) I'm not going to resist this at all. It's all on you, are you going to keep focus and stop the trooper from killing me or will you fail and watch me die painfully."

Trying to squirm out of the restraints "no! I do not want to do this Kylo I am not ready I'm not strong enough! I'm not going to just watch you die!" Turning back towards the trooper "then don't let me, now on my count...ten..." thrashing harder "KYLO STOP!" The trooper slowly begins rising his arm again "nine..." trying to pull your arms from the restraints "NO DON'T DO WHAT HE SAYS!" It's no use you are stuck "eight..." watching the blaster line up directly across Kylo's body "seven..." suddenly hot tears fall from your eyes uncontrollably "NO STOP THIS IS STUPID I WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP HIM!" The troopers finger slowly moves over the trigger "six..." screaming loudly but Kylo's focus doesn't flinch "STOP PLEASE!"

Now realizing he isn't going to stop and you must regain focus it's literally life or death "five..." closing your eyes tightly trying to block out all the graphic images of Kylo being shot and bleeding out from your mind "four..." the room growing silent the only sounds recognizable are Kylo's count down and the loud thumping of the troopers anxious heart "three..." trying to calm your breathing thinking exactly what to do once opening your eyes "two..." flinging them open the troopers hand trembling watching his finger move in slow motion closer and closer to the trigger, even slower is the deep slurred final number leaving Kylo's lips "...one..." instantaneously using all the built up energy from within to swipe your hand rapidly pulling Kylo's body from its spot flinging him towards you just as the blaster fires creating a burning hallow spot within the wall.

As soon as it registers that he did not die the trooper turns running out of the room, the force pulled Kylo's body so roughly it sends him crashing into your bound figure pinning him hard against you. Holding the position for a moment before slowly lifting himself off but remaining inches from your tear streaked face "I knew you had it in you." Eyes darting to his, glaring "that was so fucked up! How could you do that to me, why would you put me threw that! You could have died, and it would have been all my fault!" Slowly rising a hand two gloved fingers gently wipe away the hot flow of tears falling from your cheeks "shh...it's okay...let that anger flow it will only help you harness the dark side..." jerking your face away "fuck you! That was too far Kylo! Let me out of this I want to go to my room!" Tenderly pushing the loose fallen strands of hair from your face sliding them behind your ear "you're upset, as soon as we're done here you can return to our quarters." Harshly glaring at him "no, I want to go back to my own quarters. I don't want to be around you I'm so mad at you how could you do that to me!"

A quick flash of pain lines his face before changing back to the stern cold expression "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, now you're going to sit here until you're ready for the next test." Turning your face as far away from him as possible "I did mean it! Whatever then it looks like we will be here all night because I am done with these stupid tests! There is nothing else you can do that will change my mind either so don't even try!" Chuckling lowly turning with heavy slow stomps he walks to the far end of the room sitting on a lone chair keeping his gaze locked to your bound figure "lucky for you we've got all night..."

Hours pass as you remain restrained against the painfully uncomfortable chair Kylo hasn't moved an inch his heavy hot stare still glued to your body, having finally quit trying to break free about an hour ago yet remaining silent 'look at him over there sitting so smug does he have any idea how I would have felt if he had died? I can't give in...no matter how numb my ass is becoming.' Uncontrollably releasing a pained sigh while shifting in place Kylo follows by shifting with you "are you done pouting?" Shooting angry eyes in his direction "ugh! I am not...no. No, I'm not done pouting!" His deep chuckle fills the room "funny I used to think that was cute and now I just kinda wanna punch you in the gut so you'll shut up!" Sitting back further in the chair he sighs "would you like to know what I kinda want to do?" Hissing "no I don't! So, keep it to yourself I don't want to hear it!" Sliding a hand down his thigh it rests atop his knee before squeezing in frustration "Fine, I won't say it."

Without warning suddenly, your mind is filled with incredibly detailed images of the sexual interactions the two of you have shared "I'll just show you." Scene after scene flashes from the moment he heard you moaning in his room, to the mutual masturbation, him holding your underwear pumping his cock fast along their fabric lining them with cum. Trying to resist "stop! That is not fair, how do I get you out of my head?!" Sitting forward pinning his elbows on his thighs resting his chin along his fists "what? You aren't enjoying the show? I am... does it make you uncomfortable?" Squirming while the images change again quickly your mind is filled with you bent over his bed watching from his perspective as the paddle repeatedly smacks hard against your ass, with each whack your own flesh twitches almost as if you were right back in that memory the hot stinging pleasure from the spanking quickly mudding your frustration "ssstop... this isn't fair...how is this training anyways?" A mischievous grin lines his face "ah you're right, hmm why don't you try and rebound my images, try and force me from your mind."

A devious thought creeps into your mind 'I'll give him a taste of his own medicine see how he likes that.' Staring intently at him trying with all your might to flood his mind with the image of you on your knees sliding his cock deep down your throat, the only indication he gives that it worked was a subtle tense breath followed by his overbearing thoughts clouding your own the image of him staring at your bruised and bleeding ass the smell of blood easily distinguished the thought shifts to his tongue gliding up your thigh licking away the dripping trail of your juices mixed with blood, the imagery so real you can taste the sweet cooper tang upon your own tongue. Pushing back harder sending your own memory to him, you're on top riding him in the pale moon light your breasts bouncing with the rhythm as you try hard to combine the real ness of your moaning into his mind. Sitting back against the chair he lets out a low groan gripping a hand harshly along his thigh "so it is working! How does it feel?! Does it make you feel uncomfortable?"

Sighing deeply sliding a hand up his leg before pausing above the crotch of his pants, his thumb strokes slowly back and forth over a now noticeably growing lump "it is definitely making me feel something...although I'm not entirely sure that's exactly what you were going for..." blushing hard feeling confused, helpless, angry, and turned on "so what you're just going to touch yourself while you stare at me, will that get you off?!" Slowly his hand travels further up it leisurely begins rubbing the growth beneath the tight leather pants "so what if I do...you can't stop me now can you?" Frowning then trying with all your might to move his hand off the member, it barely shifts before returning to the slow stroking "foolish girl." Rising his other hand swiping his fingers swiftly, suddenly the silk laces holding the front of your dress together begin tugging towards him slowly unraveling the tight black dress pieces revealing your lacy undergarments "you are strong but did you really think you'd be able to control me?"

Huffing "hey that's not fair! I'm helpless!" Pulling the string completely out of all the little eyelets the dress falls open along your sides "I'm aware..." with another flick of his wrist the rose from earlier floats towards you, gradually it glides along your cheek down your neck across your collar bones the soft petals tickling your sensitive exposed skin. The pressure increases pushing its softness down along your breasts leisurely dragging its sharp thorns over your flesh cutting it faintly, releasing a quiet sensual gasp as little scarlet beads drip from the scratch rolling down the contours of your breasts. Kylo let's out a deep groan squeezing his member in lustful frustration, the rose continues traveling down your stomach with each inch further down you become more and more excited your mind wants to punish Kylo, to refuse him the pleasure of what he's trying to do but your body is begging for more. Suddenly the legs of the chair fling outwards spreading your legs far, gasping trying to pull them back together deeply he responds "it's no use...you know I can take whatever I want..." struggling for a few more moments before finally giving up "what are you waiting for hmm? Take it then..."

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