A high number

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Slipping on a pair of tall black heels before slowly leaving the room heading down towards the medical wing, the entirety of the walk consists of running multiple scenarios through your mind again and again 'being kidnapped in the middle of the night then being brought to this base, the intense fast paced relationship that's developed between me and Kylo. Now learning I am force sensitive, the thought of him trying to teach me how to harness this new power is exciting and terrifying. What if I am no good, what if I cannot learn what he wants to teach me? How does this effect my future? How did I go from a nobody to the future wife of commander Ren, this all feels like a dream it can't be real at some point I have to wake up right?'

Turning the final corner, the ward coming into view, easily recognizing the tall dark figure silhouetted behind the frosted glass doors he is standing close to the short stout figure of Yasmine they seem to be looking over something. Walking closer barely able to pick out certain words leaving his mouth "you sure....high...understand..." knocking quietly on the door watching him straighten out then eyeing her figure heading towards the door she opens it "oh hi (y/n) Come on in we were just discussing your results." Following her around into her tiny office Kylo is standing at the far end of the room holding tightly to what you assume is your chart his eyes glued to you intently, Yasmine takes the chart from his hand then passes it to you "well you definitely have some pretty impressive levels, almost higher than the commander himself."

Darting your eyes to Kylo when she says this, his focus still locked on you with a demeanor that is hard to read 'he looks mad...but why would he be?' Looking back to Yasmine "what...what is my number?" Smiling she points to the small typed number 13,000 in black ink "only five hundred less than mine." Kylo's voice speaks deeply from across the room "I knew you must have had a high count to be able to read my thoughts without any training but I had no idea you'd be so close within my range." Glancing down at the floor unable to look him in the eye feeling as if somehow you've disappointed him "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say I didn't choose to randomly develop this I ..." without hearing his approach seeing black boots appear in front of your own feet with a sudden leather hand touching your face he lifts it up to look at him "do not apologize, I am not threatened by your power I'm in awe, somehow you continue to surprise me."

Awkwardly Yasmine starts heading towards the door "if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check on the Cardin patient..." turning towards he quickly "James? He is still here? Uh..." shuffling in place "how...uh..." glancing towards Kylo noticing his calm expression slowly fading to irritation, quickly looking back at her "how's he doing..." her focus keeps shifting between you and Kylo as she questions whether or not she should answer "he's doing much better, unfortunately we weren't able to save the um...well you know. But he's actually supposed to be released within a day or two...I can take you to him if you'd like?" Simultaneously when you answer out loud Kylo's voice booms inside your head both of you saying "NO!" Glancing back up to Kylo the anger building simmers slightly with your quick refusal "no...no thanks I don't really ever want to see him again, I was just curious is all."

She nods before dipping out the door surely to avoid any more of the awkward situation, a deep sigh comes from behind "do you still love him? Am I wasting my time? Am I not enough for you?" Immediately wrapping your arms around him holding tight, surprisingly pulling himself away pointing a finger down at you "no stop (y/n) I'm serious, you mean so much to me I've risked everything for you...EVERYTHING. Yet you still ask about him...(balling his fist) that...that piece of dirt (slamming the fist into Yasmine's desk creating quite the dent) if you want him then go, (pointing towards the door) go to him, but if you leave never step foot around me again...I won't chase you twice." Shocked by his sudden cruel behavior quickly throwing yourself at him again holding much tighter than before softly sobbing into the fabric of his shirt words falling from your mouth rapidly "no Kylo it's not like that I swear, I'm sorry I didn't mean it to come off like I still loved him I don't I could never, I was just curious I've never been involved in something like that I don't exactly know how to handle the situation. I love you so much... you are my everything, I know you have risked so much to be with me, and I'd never betray you. Please I am sorry...I love you. I'm sorry you're all I have...all I need...all I want...just you forever." The room is completely silent besides random machine beeps from across the hall or the quick sucks of air between your muffled sobbing, time is slow and quiet feeling as if he's completely distanced himself, wondering if you've lost him forever.

Finally feeling his heavy arms wrap around, one rests against your back the other rises gently stroking your hair softly he says "don't cry I can't stand to see you upset...It's me who should apologize I know you aren't used to violence and its consequences, I don't know what came over me the thought of you returning to him is too much...I wouldn't be able to function without you." Pulling back staring down before very softly kissing your tear lined cheek "come on, there is somewhere I want to take you." Staring back happy he is not mad but confused "where else could you possibly want to take me?" Chuckling "you do realize this place is huge right? But this place...I want to test your abilities." Wiping away your tears he tugs at your hand pulling you out of the nurses office past the room only you know holds James inside, down a number of different hallways until arriving at a secluded door slowly he opens it revealing an odd metal chair directly in the center.

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