Our world without an end

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***Knowing she was right, that I've felt the pull to the light from the very moment I saw her, feeling my chest tighten a large lump forms within my throat. Looking up to the sky past it's glowing red hue, out into the galaxy imagining my mother, watching our union from afar knowing that her son will someday return home... can she feel the growing shift within the force? Within my heart? Can she sense the darkness fading? Holding back tears my gaze falls back down and words fumble from my lips "(y/n)...I had an entire speech prepared... the vows had been burned into my mind...but none of them matter now. The only thing that does is you...you are the missing piece, the only one, forever. I realize now, it was never you joining me...it was and would always be me joining you, the future you have planned for us won't come easy but with you by my side I'm willing to try...I love you (y/n)...Solo, now and forever... in our own world without an end."***

~~~Today was perfect it was everything you had ever wanted and more, words slipping from behind those perfect quivering lips flow down wrapping their silky warmth around you hugging every inch of your frame in their comforting embrace, knowing that this decision to work towards a brighter future, to the future he was destined for had to be one of the hardest things he had ever done, you could feel the anxiety within his grasp, the slight tremble against your palm. He's afraid, afraid of what's to come, afraid to challenge the order, afraid his empire will fall. 'Oh Kylo...my love...you will see...this was written in the stars...our meeting was fate...destiny...and our future will change the paths of many lives for years to come...' The man standing next to Kylo informs him that it's time, watching slowly as he uses the force to gently lift the lace veil over your head resting it upon your crown, nervously he glances back at the man before looking down into your eyes, loudly the Lieutenant questions if we're ready to complete our love forever. Nervously your voice shakes as the two simple words slip from your lips "I do..." shortly followed by his own deep shaken tone "As do I..."~~~

***Hearing him declare that I can kiss my bride,
glancing up locking onto her beautiful eyes, her lips form the most perfect smile, a smile I had grown to cherish, a smile to guide me when my fears take over, when the darkness clouds all thought...she's there...with that smile. Watching a single tear fall down her cheek just before a shift in her eyes they swiftly dart behind me, then unexpectedly she jumps into my arms wrapping herself around me, instantly pressing her lips to mine they line the contours of my mouth, kissing with such passion you'd think she was afraid I wouldn't kiss back, the type of kiss when you're afraid it could be the last. But of course I do, pressing back into her stealing that small gasp of air leaving her lips as our mouths seal together, taking in the moment it's motions so slow I can taste her, smell her, feel how tightly she's gripping onto my frame her entire body lifted from the ground clutching onto me, one hand clings to my shoulder, quietly grunting at the slight sting of her nails digging beneath the thickened tunic as her other hand softly caresses upon my cheek. I can feel the tremor in her touch, feel how fast her heart is beating and know peace because it only beats for me. Every moment I had ever doubted myself or doubted that I was worthy of love, of acceptance, of anything but disappointment and abandonment, vanish in this exact moment...she's mine and I'm hers, she whispers against my lips "Kylo...I..."

Suddenly the feel of her frame jerks...pushing quickly against mine distracting from the bliss, her posture changes and the soft touch along my face slips away, along with the cold rush of air that quickly fills my lungs from the absence of her lips. Immediately becoming aware of the sharp throbbing pain scorching through my shoulder pinching at every sensitive nerve, gently holding onto her hips slowly setting her back down trying to figure out what's going on, to make sense of the sudden change in atmosphere but that only confuses things further, when her feet touch the floor if it wasn't for my grip she would have nearly collapsed, somethings wrong...her light...it's fading fast.

It was not until the crowd had gasped that my attention was fully drawn back to her pulling myself from my own pain, looking down at my bride her beautiful eyes already shut right, her face rapidly losing color. Panic sets in as I fall to the floor holding her in my arms internally I scream, or so I thought as the room fills with the tormented sound of my distressed voice, the darkness of her dress hides any hint of blood but soon I feel it, feel the familiar warm trickle running down my tunic, down the back of my arm, many times had I felt the run of blood along my flesh the blood of my enemy's not....this...blood....her blood. Her lifeblood. With agony seizing my heart within its teeth and biting down, I used our connection to see...no...no no no...no I plead! I screamed her name, cursed at the galaxy for trying to take her from me, begging for the force to grant me the strength to save that flickering light within her.

But instead...as so many times before I submit to the seething venom of hate blossoming from the wounds buried deep in my heart. In my attempt to protect her from further harm, I set to locate her assassin. Revenge would be my tool to save her, I had to try. There's the vermin, that leer in his eyes...he practically reeks of her blood without a single drop on him. This isn't real it can't be real, he's too blame! He did this! He took her from me!

Off in the very back corner, the darkened figure of James stands by the balcony doors holding tightly to a stolen weapon with a smug smirk upon his face, he had won...he had stolen the very thing my heart ached for...he had ripped away at everything I had ever wanted. The fury in my eyes was matched with the pain of my grief, it was with a painful satisfaction that I made that smirk disappear harshly twisting it into agony as I crush his windpipe from afar, even through the force, his throat feels like squeezing fresh fruit, lively flesh giving way to my rage, pulverizing before his very eyes.

Kneeling at the alter holding her figure sensing the final breath escapes her lips followed by her light completely snuffing out...turning everything within the both of us pitch black, rage taking over with ease...blurring everything I allow myself to fall back into the familiar darkness of my soul...the darkness (y/n) had tried so hard to erase, glancing down my thumb wipes at the small trail of blood slipping over her lips it creeps down her lifeless cheek...she's gone...I failed her...I was supposed to protect her...she trusted me.

The crowd had turned to full chaos everyone screaming, running, and crying. The only thing I could do was reach out with the force choking every last bit of breath from his pathetic body, roaring "YOU!!!! YOU TOOK HER!!! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!!!" Slowly dragging him down the aisle the tips of his shoes scrape along the carpet until his gasping figure is mere feet away, lifting him into the air watching him struggle kicking needlessly, clawing at his throat. Teeth gritting, entire body shaking the growl escaping my mouth low and feral, holding him like this until his face begins to darken and his thrashing begins to fade, just before death a guttural squall he managed to release, fuels the fire in my veins. His face contorted now purple and bruised, watching from outside myself as his life comes to a bitter end, the force snapping his neck in two, hovering his limp body above the floor, squeezing at his dead flesh harder than ever, the veins within his eyes swelling at the sheer weight of the choke scorching that revolting face into my mind forever before finally releasing the grasp, letting his dead body plummet to the ground.

Everything moved in slow motion holding her in my arms burning hot tears falling uncontrollably, they rained down upon her face. My physical pain, my storm of emotion, my love for her... all of it used to fuel the desire for her to live vanish into thin air, the warm soft glow that was my (y/n) had faded stealing the life within her, death grips at my heart tugging at every sliver of light she had restored, pulling my happiness away with her. It wasn't until Yasmine ran to me, reaching out she tries to take her from my arms, forcing out a long painful wail "LEAVE HER!!!!! DON'T TOUCH HER!!! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE HER FROM ME!!!" Barely able to hear her plead "sir please! Let me help! Let me see what I can do!!" Flinging out my hand anger scorching through my veins, her figure flies across the room slamming against the wall "SHE'S GONE! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?! NOBODY CAN HELP HER NOW...(much quieter the broken exhausted sound of my voice proclaims) the light of her force has vanished...."***

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