Heavily implied

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Following him into the bathroom the two of you share a quick refreshing shower, stepping out before you allowing you to finish washing up. Once done, walking out of the shower he's standing by the door holding a towel open waiting patiently, smiling while walking into his embrace he begins drying off your body running the towel around your chest and stomach down both legs then slides it up around the back where he wraps it tightly around your figure. Swiftly he places one arm around your waist dipping it below your ass then easily scoops you up tossing you onto his shoulder, giggling while he walks back into the bedroom with a playful smack on your butt he flops you down onto the bed before heading towards the closet.

Still lying there slightly stunned by the sillier side he is displaying but enjoying every second of it "someone's in a good mood today I see." Calling out from the pits of his closet "I'm excited." Scooting to the edge standing then creeping in behind him scrunching as close as possible without being heard "why are you so excited?" Jumping he drops the handful of clothes he was gathering, smoothly turning a wicked grin lines his face as he walks slowly towards you, not stopping with each step back he continues forward until you are pinned against layers of garments. Looking down his face barely visible against the poorly lit closet surrounded by nothing but dark clothes, for half a second his demeanor is very intimidating, that is until he leans in stealing a slow playful kiss. "You know most people would probably refrain from trying to spook me, I can't tell if you're brave or naïve."

Wrapping your arms around his shoulders standing tall on your tippy toes trying to be eye level with him but still only reaching up to his nose "I'm not scared of you, bring it on." Chuckling, without hesitation he's slid one leg behind yours swooping it under, your body quickly falls down to the floor landing in the pile of clothes he was just holding and before you have a chance to move he's flung his saber into his grasp pointing it down in your direction igniting it forcefully. Gasping then pushing yourself as far against the clothes as possible watching the bright red blades light up the dark closet, looking up Kylo's figure is illuminated by its glow he's standing tall one hand dropped to the side the other pointing the saber at you. Any sane person would be terrified but all you can think is how silly he looks standing above in only a small towel that's poorly wrapped around his waist with the prominent v line peeking out, smiling wickedly slowly you begin sitting up moving your face closer towards the saber watching as he tries to remain in charge slowly stepping back he's surprised to see you keep following calling his bluff, knowing he failed recoiling the blade "see I'm not afraid of you." Staring he reaches out a hand, grabbing it he pulls you up promptly "you have no idea what I could do with this saber, but...I'll refrain. Besides, we need to get dressed we are going to be late."

Picking up the clothes walking out of the closet he lays them out on the bed, for himself his usual uniform wondering 'does he ever wear anything different?' And then noticing he's picked an outfit out for you as well, a pair of leather pants and a black lacy top that closely resembles something you'd wear in the bedroom, next to it is a black formal coat that has two buttons near the middle "what do you want me to look like your apprentice?" Frowning he says "you don't like it? I thought it would suit you well, to me it says leader but with a little bit of seduction added in giving me something nice to look at while trying to command these idiots." Dropping your towel standing naked for a moment, his eyes slowly checking out every inch "no I love it, makes me feel like someone important. Also if you don't get a good enough peek just think, all of this is hidden beneath those clothes..." still staring he reaches down adjusting his towel "get dressed, we don't have time for that...right now."

After both of you are finally dressed walking towards the door "hey can we run by my quarters?" Pausing he says, "I thought these were your quarters now?" Awkwardly laughing "well I mean you never officially said it was final..." interlocking his leather-bound hand with yours "I am not hiding you anymore, what's mine is yours and you are mine. I don't care who knows it." Stomach filling up with butterflies "finally...." he darts a quick glance at you before pulling his hand away sliding on his helmet "I'm joking! But really can I just grab a few things?" Nodding opening the hatch he gestures for you to go first, walking down the halls your heels clicking along the marble followed by his loud stomps.

Once rounding the corner coming down the servant's hallway the few people leaving for duty stop and stare watching the newly outed power couple stride by, the feeling of supremacy quickly going to your head. Arriving at the old familiar door pausing for a moment "this used to be the only place I felt safe on this base... and now... the only place that feels that good is with you." Sliding his hand around your waist he pushes the button to the hatches; they swing open revealing the unchanged room with the bed sheets still pulled back from the last time you slept in them. Walking inside grabbing a bag from the closet you begin shoving makeup and jewelry inside followed by some more undergarments making sure to grab all the super sexy ones, striding up behind reaching his hands around your waist pressing his large frame into yours rummaging through the drawers he grabs a pair from the very back pulling it out he says "don't forget these, they look fun."

Chuckling at the barely there lace panties noticing the crotch is completely missing, turning around facing him "wait, you had all of this stuff pre placed in my room right?" Deep voice from behind the mask "yes..." your expression confused but playful "so tell me, why were these in here? Did you just think I was going to end up sleeping with you?" Pressing himself further against you sliding a hand up your stomach playful fingers grazing your breasts the hand continues until it's gently around your throat, tilting your head up he slides his thumb across your bottom lip dragging it along lustfully, a low vibrating response "You were to be my servant after all...I was preparing for anything." Playfully teasing him "what were you going to make me fuck you after a long hard day?" Pausing with suspense "do you want me to answer that?" Eyes widening pouting your lips to speak with one finger raised towards his face, hushing you "you know I would have never forced it, only heavily implied."

Finally finished grabbing everything you needed both of you head out the door, stopping looking off towards James's room pausing for longer than Kylo likes, he tugs a little roughly at your arm "come...now." Snapping out of it quickly following beside him but mind still bogged finally breaking the silence "Do you think he died?" The grip on your arm tightens then slowly releases "I know it's bugging you for reasons I don't understand, but we will find out today okay?" Satisfied with his answer, happily walking beside him towards the commanding office making a quick stop to drop off the bag of belongings in Kylo's... now your quarters.

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