The missing piece

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Turning around standing face to mask with Kylo he stares down for a moment then begins dragging you down the hall, pulling back in the opposite direction trying to pry his hand off "Kylo! Let me go!" Continuing his march hand squeezing tighter pulling you with him your feet trying to grip the floor but the heels have no friction sliding easily along, rounding the corner you just passed spinning then pinning you against the wall "what are you doing. I specifically told you to wait in my chambers." Refusing to look at him staring down the hallway ignoring his questions, he pushes harder against you "answer me, now."

Suddenly hot tears begin flowing down your cheeks, hardly able to speak head falling downwards too embarrassed to look at him "Kylo... say it isn't true..." he pauses for a few moments then slowly releases the death grip around your arm, hearing his helmet hiss then come into view as he sets it on the floor. Gently rising your chin forcing you to look up into his eyes, behind them are a multitude of emotions flashing from fear, anger, sadness and sympathy, wiping away your tears "what do you want me to say (y/n)... I told you to wait... do you have any idea the day I have had? It calmed me knowing you were safe in my quarters, physically and mentally..." frowning trying to pull away from his grip "just let me go Kylo..." holding steady while cupping your face in his large hand turning it back towards him with a quick glance around he softly presses his lips into yours whispering against them "no, I'm not letting you go, I'll never let you go."

The tenderness of his kiss mixed with his warm embrace briefly clouding all negative emotions, in this exact moment nothing else is real time has stopped all surroundings are blurry and slow, the only recognizable sound is the synchronized beating of your hearts. Reluctantly breaking the bond pulling back his expression hurt and confused as he leans back in reconnecting the kiss mumbling "quit pushing me away, don't let James ruin your perception of love... you know me... I know you... I love you." Tears falling again lining his cheeks making him pull back "how did you find out?" Shaky voice softly answering "I haven't... for sure yet at least... I just know...and well you just sort of confirmed it..." hastily he replies "oh...I'm sorry...I thought... just the way you're acting it seems like you already knew." Placing a hand on his chest gently reassuring him "it's not your fault, don't be sorry you tried to tell me multiple times and I wouldn't listen, mostly because deep down I already knew what you were going to say."

Rubbing against the now sore spot lining your arm "I saw him with a woman, they were incredibly close, and he was in the process of trying to make a move. I stopped them, and it took everything in me not to kill him (y/n) trust me that's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I've made some pretty difficult decisions." Slightly laughing against the slow cry "you should have just done it, the least you could have done was cut off his unfaithful dick and brought it back to me as a trophy." His eyes widen trying to read if you are joking or not "if it makes you feel better, I did shatter his hand and hopefully crushed his ego." Tilting your head puckering your lips "actually... it kind of does." Laughing then frowning again "gosh Kylo... I'm such an idiot how could I not see this coming?" Kissing you again "don't say that you aren't an idiot, he's an manipulative asshole who took advantage of the purest soul I know, besides you were smart enough to find your way back to me, the obvious better choice."

Smiling holding tightly around him until the sound of the cafeteria doors open pulling him away, quickly he's picked up his helmet placing it back on while straightening his clothes just in time for a few troopers to come striding by. Frowning again "are you going to hide me forever?" Waiting for them to pass before finally speaking "no, I promise... I am working on it; you do not understand Snoke does not understand us... this...what we have. Just bear with me a little while longer I swear soon you won't have to hide anymore." reaching into his pocket "I was saving this until later tonight... but I think you need it now...turn around and close your eyes." Slowly spinning holding a deep breath, feeling his hands wrap around gently placing something along your neck its cold heavy weight sliding down your chest resting at the bottom of your breasts. Running a few fingers down the smooth chain until reaching a long pointy pendant at the end, opening your eyes lifting it into view a sharp breath escaping when seeing it's a dainty beautiful long necklace holding a small sleek black plated gold pendant with a familiar shape formed from a red crystal, an exact replica of his saber.

Turning around holding it so tight the small blades jab at your palm "where did you get this?! And why are you giving it to me?" Gently pulling apart your grasp slowly rubbing his gloved fingers over the little indentions "I had it made, the crystal is a part of the remains from the very kyber crystal that powers my saber. I have saved it all this time... for something... or someone... special. I'm giving it to you because you are my missing piece... without you I'm unstable, unpredictable, and dangerous." Feeling as if your heart could explode jumping up hugging tightly kissing against his helmet "thank you, I love it... and I love you... so much..." hugging back tightly squeezing a little too hard "...kyloooo...can't... breathe..." releasing the grip your body falling downwards about to crash on the floor just before he's grabbing your arm pulling you back up "sorry about that, now look the (y/n) I know is strong and brave and wouldn't stand for any bullshit James tries to pull. Brace yourself and go confront him, you know where I'll be if you need me."

Brushing out your skirt centering the necklace sucking in a deep breath "you're right, I got this... okay... I'm going now, don't try and stop me." Chuckling "I wasn't going too." Slowly walking away holding tightly to the small saber Kylo's hand smacking against your butt, wincing "still very sore Kylo!" His voice fading in the background "just proving how strong you can be, now go ruin him." Rubbing your ass heading down the hall the cafeteria coming into view again, a sudden rush of anxiety hits strong enough to almost make you turn around but instead pressing your lips to the pendant "I got this, screw James I can't wait to call him out in front of everyone." Placing both hands on the door handles swiftly pulling them back, a rush of air flowing against your skirt all eyes in the room looking at you while your focus locks to the familiar back of James his arm wrapped tightly around a blonde haired woman.

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