Finish him

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Confidently striding up to the table, James still completely oblivious to your presence until the girl sitting across from him coughs while pointing in your direction, he turns around with a wide smile that immediately fades. Pulling his casted arm from around the other girl "what...what are you doing here?" Smirking "surprised to see me huh, I mean especially since apparently I'm dead." The blonde-haired girl turns around visible confusion written across her face, waving cutely at her "hey, hi, yeah I'm James's girlfriend miraculously back from the dead. Or well I was... James's girlfriend I mean obviously I did not die that would be absurd, not quite as absurd as this lying piece of shit cheating on me once again though, that's much more believable."

James's jaw drops, the girl pulls as far away from him as possible "you said she was dead? You pig! I slept with you...out of pity!" Laughing at her "yikes bet you regret that one, don't you? I mean you don't even have to technically count it, I bet you couldn't even feel it. Trust me I know from experience, but let me tell you it gets better someday you'll find someone better, I mean not as good as the man I've found I think I was blesses with the last of his kind. Want me to tell you how much better he is?" James stands trying to interrupt you, rising your hand in a one moment gesture right in front of his face "hold on James honey I'm not done I know how hard it is for you being used to finishing early and all but I'm just getting started."
Counting fingers on your hand "let's see first off, my new guy is actually handsome James is ehhhh... he's okay I'll give him that but this man... whew this man is something else... he's so beautiful his existence makes you question if he's even real. Secondly he actually loves me, something this asshole lied about on numerous occasions, truthfully I don't even think he's capable of love... well loving anyone other than himself that is, my new man shows his love with every action whether it's expressing his feelings vocally, emotionally, or physically he doesn't hesitate to show me how he really feels. Which brings me to my third point, let's talk about the sex... oh boy the sex is... well it's the kind of sex that makes you realize every other feeble encounter was child's play, this is the kind of sex that you feel all the way in your gut... literally...the kind that leaves you weak, bruised, full, and satisfied. I used to think James was good in bed but (turning to James) I'm sorry my dear it's only because I didn't have this to compare it too... maybe try improving the way you.....well actually try improving all of it. Fourth reason he is better, I've only been with this man for barely under a year and already he wants to make me his bride. James played me for five years and all I got out of that was an std test because he couldn't keep it in his pants, which seems to be a reoccurring theme with him."

James grabs your wrist hard pulling you back "that's enough stop it (y/n) I think you've made your point." Glaring at him "I think you better release me before you get more than a broken hand, trust me next time nothing is holding him back." He grips tighter before letting go, the woman moves closer "wait I thought you said you broke your hand saving a fellow employee from certain death?" Laughing again "girl... don't you realize by now everything out of his mouth is a lie?" Turning around facing the rest of the cafeteria, everyone's watching the scene go down "in fact wouldn't you all like to know the real James? His full name is Jamielynn his family wanted a girl, oh that's another thing he once said nobody here liked me because I worked directly for the commander well... wouldn't you like to know that his grandpa was the Count Dooku and James actually has some pretty high up family status but sadly he lacked in the sith abilities department among other things he's lacking and was shunned from his own family sent to be a bottom rank for the first order. Oh, what else, hmm... he sleeps with a nightlight, he still occasionally wets the bed, oh and he's notorious for lying, stealing, and cheating." Smirking at his horrified expression "did I leave anything out?"

A mischievous grin lines his face "since you're telling everyone so much about me why don't you share a little bit about yourself? Who is the new guys that's soooo great? Wait... what is that on your necklace? Looks oddly familiar if I do say so myself, exactly what do you do for the commander again?" For a moment anxiety flashes 'shit what do I say?' Then grasping the necklace thinking a quick plead 'Kylo forgive me for what I'm about to do.' Not backing down "oh this? It looks so familiar probably because you have seen it before, actually a time or two but usually much closer to your face. If everyone must know the man I was talking about just happens to be the commander." Loud gasping fills the room making your cheeks turn a bright red "yeah that's right, I'm with the commander. Although I usually just call him Kylo, are you happy James? You thought you had one upped me but yet again I took away all the power you thought you had, I'm done being your shadow, your emotional puppet, never again will you play me."

James struts forward puffing his chest out anger fuming, for a quick moment fear hits your stomach not knowing what he might do next. The blonde woman steps in front of you just as James has raised his fist, throwing a cup of hot tea directly in his face making him recoil crying out in pain "you deserved that you jerk! (Turning towards you) I'm sorry I swear I didn't know you were still alive I would have never..." nodding in her direction assuring her you understand, taking this moment while he is still patting at his face keeping everyone's attention, to slip out the side door 'was he going to hit me? He's never acted like that before; I need to find Kylo.'

Rushing down the halls towards Kylo's office knowing that is where he's usually at during this time, the sound of footsteps trailing not far behind creeping into hearing range. Pausing listening to see if they are following then noticing they only continue to get louder and louder, panic setting in walking faster towards Kylo's safety. A loud voice booming across the hall making you stop dead in your tracks "get back her (y/n)!" Knowing immediately, it belongs to James walking faster knowing his office is right around the corner "I said stop! You think you can treat me like that and get away with it? Once I get a hold of you, I will make you regret that decision. Hell, my life is over anyways why not ruin your precious commanders along with mine, take his sweet little (y/n) away from him forever."

Kylo's door coming into view, sighing in relief reaching out for the handle only to feel James grabbing your wrist pulling back violently while placing one hand against your mouth then pushing you hard against the door his slightly burned face glaring down at yours. "You little bitch, you really thought you did something back there didn't you? Thought you were so tough... what you think because you're fucking the commander, you're untouchable?" His heavy hand roughly grabbing your jaw squeezing hard "Where is your commander now? All I wanted was one last fuck but no you just had to get this courage out of nowhere."

Biting hard against his palm making him pull it back in pain just long enough to mumble "no! Leave me alone James!" Quickly shoving his hand back over your mouth "it's no use, who are you calling out for no one's around it's just you and me." Just then the door behind you flies open, falling backwards into the open arms of Kylo his large frame hovering as his chest heaves up and down rapidly.

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