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Heading back to your own room seriously fluster by a few things, 'why are you so horny? Why did you think it was okay to masturbate on the commander's bed? Why were you attracted to him? Did he know what you were just doing?'

Inside your room walking to the bathroom letting the sink fill up with cold water before splashing it on your hot face. Once you've relaxed a little bringing your focus to the wet spot inside your panties, sighing you say, "it sucks being horny as hell but sucks even more not being able to finish." Walking out of the bathroom sitting on the chair in your room now alone with your thoughts again thinking 'what did the commander mean all of his wants? Am I horny god yes, but does that mean I'm going to allow him to use me as he pleases absolutely not.'

Time passes before looking at the time it is now 5 in the afternoon realizing you've missed lunch which explains the rumble in your stomach. Taking the tablet sitting on the desk ordering food for the droid to bring soon, ordering a light dinner of baked chicken and vegetables pairing it with a bottle of red wine. After today you need a little something to calm your nerves the thought of almost being caught by Kylo Ren causes your heart to race. 'What would he have done if he caught you?' Pulling you from your thoughts you hear a knock at your door "come in" you say as the door opens, your droid hurrying to put the plate of food in front of you while wheeling back out the door grabbing the bottle of wine you requested. "Good evening (y/n) I do hope you find this dinner delicious and the wine quenching, enjoy." Thanking it as it rolls out of the room leaving you to dinner.

The food was amazing hitting the empty spot in your stomach exactly right, the wine was the best you've ever tasted and the strongest. Wishing you had known how strong it was before drinking two glasses by now, feeling a little tipsy finishing the dinner glancing back at the clock seeing it's now almost 6 pm, knowing that it will be dark soon. Standing you go the bathroom to clean up before heading out the door going towards the commander's room again.

Arriving at his door remembering this time not to cause a scene entering the passcode he had shown you. With ease the door flies open allowing you to enter, the room is the same as it has been each time tidy and spotless finding yourself wondering why he needed a servant in the first place. Walking over to his bed preparing to pull the covers back prepping the bed for his slumber, as you do you can't help but bring your eyes to the spot where you laid earlier noticing the smallest white stain right at the edge. Gasping thinking 'oh my god I know I was wet, but I didn't think it would have soaked through my panties onto his bed!' Quickly going to his bathroom grabbing a washcloth rushing back to the bed trying to scrub the spot as best as you can.

Satisfied that the spot is not visible, relaxing a little continuing to fix his bed, picking up his pillow in your hands sniffing the soft lingering scent of him again only this time placing it to your face inhaling deeply while letting out a small hum, holding it for longer than you should have. Fluffing the pillow returning it next focusing on the bathroom heading in turning on the bath water while choosing the eucalyptus oil and bubble bath again. Sprinkling them both into the bath watching as the water comes close to the brim, jealous you have never gotten the experience of a nice hot bubble bath.

The hatch opens, standing wiping your arm down with a towel, seeing the commander come in looking exhausted and sweaty as hell. He walks straight into the bathroom saying, "I'm glad you're still here, I have just finished a long training session and need you to assist me with my bath." Freezing on the spot gulping hard "uh... yes of course sir whatever you need." He tells you to step out of the bathroom while he undressed himself, he will call for you when he is ready.

Stepping out standing with your back to the door, thoughts envisioning him peeling out of his tight sweaty clothes, body glistening in the light. The thought making you throb thinking 'okay seriously? Now is not the time I will take care of you later.' Hearing him call that he is ready entering the bathroom, eyeing the mess of clothes in a pile on the floor to the shirtless exposed skin of his broad back "what would you like me do to commander?" Asking while walking closer to the tub, glad you put the bubble bath solution in approaching you cannot see any exposed skin below the water line. "I want you to wash my hair and scrub my back my arms are tired and weak from training." He says, walking to the cabinet grabbing a washcloth and a cup to rinse his hair, turning heading towards the tub kneeling, resting on your knees.

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