She's mine

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*kylos view*

A low thud against the door catching your attention 'what was that?' Rising walking towards it one hand grasped tightly against your saber the other reaching for the handle just before opening the door hearing her voice crying out, flinging it open the figure of James violently gripping onto her as she slowly falls backwards comes into view. All rational thought vacating while thinking of ripping him to pieces, cutting off each limb, your saber tearing at his flesh flooding your mind just as she falls into your arms, everything plays out in slow motion her small figure turning around grabbing tightly against your body sobbing into your chest barely able to make out her words "I'm sorry Kylo I shouldn't have made such a scene I wasn't thinking of the consequences, he followed me he was going to hurt me Kylo, he said he was going to take me from you forever."

Gently scooping her up in one arm while the other outstretches force choking James throwing his body into your office then slamming the door shutting it powerfully, holding the restraint against his neck while steadily walking towards the black desk sitting in the middle of the room. Gently sitting her down on its edge stroking her face softly breaking the cold stare from James for only a moment "you know that I would never let anything happen to you, stay here." Pulling out of her grasp striding towards the now blue tinted James releasing the grip watching him fall motionless against the floor, kicking his stomach hard "wake up, I'm nowhere near finished with you." Coughing and gagging he gasps for air while trying to scoot backwards, with ease the force pulling him up pinning him to the wall your face inches from his close enough to smell his fear "oh James.... you are such a fucking headache in my life... every moment of happiness you attempt to ruin...what exactly did you think you were going to do to her?"

Trying to break the hidden bond holding him against the cold steal "come on man you know I wasn't going to actually do anything right? I was just mad; I mean look at what happened to my face." Taking your saber pressing it tightly to his cheek watching as he winces running it down the red tinted tone of his skin, igniting it making him flinch "ah..ah..ah... you might want to stay still or it's certain death and quite frankly I'm not done playing with you yet." Pressing the hilt hard against his cheek watching the hot flame dance so close it begins boiling and blistering the small burn on his face, his still body crying out trying to gain pity but only fueling your satisfaction.

Swiftly ripping open his shirt exposing his bare chest, pulling the saber from his scorched face moving it further down meticulously dragging it slowly along his chest far enough away not to kill him but close enough for the flickers to begin carving the words *cheating scum* into his flesh "now everyone you ever attempt to fuck will know your true self, no more hiding behind that pretty face. Oops guess it's not so pretty anymore now is it?" Each lick of your blade making him cry out calling for help, slapping him hard "it's no use, who are you calling out for no one's around it's just you and me." Fear lining his face "how does it feel to have your own words used against you? Do you feel the power radiating from my being? Do you fear death, can you taste it at my fingertips?"

James begins sobbing uncontrollably snot running down his face followed by a large wet spot lining his pants, laughing deeply from behind your mask "you're pathetic, really pissing yourself? What happened to the big bad man cornering a woman only moments ago? What, you are not as tough as you thought? Shocking... well I hate to break it to you but I'm exactly as cold and murderous as my reputation precedes me." Recoiling the saber slowly walking away his body still held tightly against the wall blood running down his torso as he begs to be freed "no James I don't think I will let you go, you've tried ruining my life by repeatedly taking (y/n) from my grasp and now I think I'll show you exactly what you'll never get to experience again."

Walking towards her she's still sitting on the edge watching the torture intently with the slightest grin across her face "you see James this... this woman is more than you could ever have hoped to have again, she's so much stronger now than when you gaslighted her into being with you the first time, she's mine now all mine every single inch of her belongs to me." James looks directly at her begging for her to stop you "(y/n) my dear would you like me to stop?" Looking up at you slowly shaking her head "no... actually I'd like you to show him exactly how much I'm yours." Darting you're gaze to her curiosity slowly creeping in, her expression turning into lust reaching out grabbing your belt pulling you closer to her, whispering "what are you doing? You don't have to do this."

Biting her lip "I know that... I want too... something about seeing him helpless and bleeding and watching you being it's creating this thirst inside me I didn't know was there...." looking up at you "Kylo..." running your hand behind her head slowly grasping onto her hair "yes?" Slowly she spreads her legs "I want you to show him your dark side, show him I belong to you, don't hold back..." pulling back hard on her hair "don't ask for it unless you think you can handle it..." slowly she licks her lips "even if I can't... I want you to make me...and I want him to watch."

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