The towering one

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Pulling back his hand readjusting the bulge in pants "shit I already forgot about them, are my lips still red?" Taking your thumb and rubbing it along the upper right side of his Cupid's bow removing the final red stain "not anymore, also who did you forget about?" Standing he walks towards the door opening it, as soon as he does four women walk through the door before stopping in a perfect line as Kylo says, "These are the possible options for my new servant, I asked you down here because I wanted your opinion on which one to choose." Raising an eyebrow "new servant? I'm not sure I understand, I'm your servant?" The girls break the gaze from Kylo for only a moment each one checks you out before returning the frightened obedient stare towards him, he chuckles while leaning against the desk "you were my servant that is correct, but there has been some issues with that current position."

Crossing your arms glaring at him "issues, why haven't you said anything until now?" jealousy is slowly creeping in the closer you look at the girls, each one young and beautiful all of them dressed in gorgeous black or red tight fitting dresses or robes the image brings you back to the moment you met Kylo how frightened you were, and then your mind wonders to what happened next while being his personal servant. The images of all the sexual tension flood your mind with flashes of the first time seeing him nude, to touching yourself, to the first electrifying kiss the two of you shared, breaking the memory Kylo shifts uncomfortably along the desk while clearing his throat "(y/n) I can hear that...and I assure you the only servant I'll be sleeping with is you. But you have to admit you've been slacking lately, and I don't mind it of course we've been busy...but nevertheless my laundry and cleaning still needs tended too, besides you aren't my servant're soon to be my empress."

Quickly looking over towards the girls some of their cheeks blush and some dart their gaze away, Kylo chuckles again "don't be embarrassed they need to know the relationship we have, need to know you're mine and I'm off limits...(while looking directly at the girl on the far left) I could never be seduced by anyone but my love." Darting your own gaze towards her 'why did he look at her while saying that, is he attracted to her?' Looking the woman up and down you begin to understand why he would be, she's tall much taller than you almost as tall as Kylo with extremely long pitch black hair that frames her skinny heart shaped face perfectly, her beautiful skin shows no imperfections and her eyes are the most beautiful shade of deep blue making it almost impossible to look away. Kylo is watching you watching her before striding up slipping his hand into yours while blocking the view of the beautiful woman forcing your gaze upon him instead, softly he brushes some hair behind your ear "no one can compare to you (y/n)."

Satisfied by the smile lining your face he takes the place by your side still keeping a tight grip on your hand "I wanted to let you choose, so who would you like to take your place?" Looking at him then back towards the women "oh Kylo I don't know, I've never had to decide something like this before...I guess um...her." Pointing to the small one in the middle she's the youngest and most innocent looking, the girl looks up with fear in her eyes she goes to speak just as there is another knock at the door, Kylo looks confused but opens it anyways. Quickly rushing past him is Doris, completely out of breath stands panting beside the tall gorgeous woman "oh still haven't chosen I assume. I know I'm running incredibly late, but no one told me about this, I heard it from a passing trooper but I'm here now and I want to be considered for the position." Trying to conceal the excitement within walking up to her wrapping both arms around her soft welcoming embrace "oh Doris it's so nice to see you again, but I don't understand you do realize this is for a job?" She nods "yes of course, once I heard you two were looking for a new servant, I just couldn't contain myself. Oh, how I've enjoyed retirement, but the truth is I'm quite bored...and between you and me wouldn't it be easier to have someone who already knows the job take over? I mean if you would rather have this...(looking up at the dark hair woman) I would understand..." quickly cutting her off "no! no I of course it should go to you, right Kylo?"

The two of you glance in his direction noticing he is holding back a grin "I told you it's your choice, decide however you like." Smiling happily "well the choice is pretty obvious isn't it? Sorry girls Doris gets the job!" Most of the women seem pretty content with the decision, all except the tall one who frowns momentarily before following all the others out of the room. Watching them walk out shouting off towards Doris "I'm so happy you accepted, see you soon!" The room is empty again before Kylo breaks the silence with a chuckle "was somebody jealous of the tall one?" Glaring at him "I saw the way you were looking at her, she's so pretty and who would blame you for wanting to sleep with her."

Walking towards you his hand lifts your chin up "I must admit she was thinking of some pretty naughty things, her mind was completely filled with them." Looking at him angrily "you dominated her mind?" Leaning in for a kiss "didn't have too, she was easily projecting them outwards." Turning your face away just before his lips meet yours "were you enjoying them? What was she thinking, because if that's what you want then..." playfully grabbing your face forcing it back he kisses you passionately "oh my sweet Naïve (y/n)...she wasn't thinking about me..." another long passionate kiss as you stare at him confused "she was thinking about you...and the answer is yes I was enjoying it...too bad you didn't choose her we could have had a lot of fun..." pulling back blushing hard "she was thinking But why?!"

Laughing his hand slides up the front of your dress playfully rubbing the saber necklace "because you're beautiful, and sexy, and she knew it just well as I do. The things she was imagining...mmm...anyways, I think picking Doris was a wise choice...less distractions all I need is for some beautiful woman to steal you away from me." Bursting into laughter "no one could ever take me from you, plus I've never been with a woman before I mean...she was very beautiful..." mind wondering for only a second before Kylo laughs again "now who's the one imagining her? Do you want me to call her back in here? Let the two of you get to know one another?" Walking towards the door "don't worry I won't interrupt...I'll only watch." quickly grabbing his arm "no! No, don't do that please!"

Pausing with his hand almost at the touch pad "as you wish...she will be stationed her for only a few days before returning to her home planet...if you change your mind don't hesitate to ask." Immediately responding "I won't, trust me." Kylo turns catching the fading shade of pink leaving your cheeks, with a playful grin he responds, "are you ready for tomorrow?" Glad he changed the subject the tall beautiful girls figure dissolves in your mind to be replaced by the thought of tomorrow's inauguration "I uh...I suppose so, a little scared really. I've never been in front of that many people, what if they don't like me?" Scoffing "if they don't like you then they die, simple as that." Scrunching your face "now come on Kylo we can't just go around killing people simply because they don't like me, promise you'll work on that for me?" Rolling his eyes while sliding an arm around your waist "I can't promise but I'll try, besides, I highly doubt anyone would be dumb enough to object the new Supreme leaders' future wife."

Hearing him claim you in that title forces a wide blushing smile "about that...when are you going to..." pressing his finger to your lips stopping the question "I have a place in mind don't worry, it'll be sooner than you realize...but for now I must get back to work." Frowning but understanding, pulling out of his grasp heading towards the door "don't be too long, I miss you already." A sudden force stops your movement as he cradles from behind kissing at your neck "I miss you even when I'm with you, I promise I'll be done shortly now go you're too much of a distraction." The force releases you with a playful slap along your ass sending you a few steps forwards, rubbing the sensitive area as you walk out the door "one of these days Kylo Ren of these days."

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