His return

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Passing the three-month mark was hard but finally hearing from a passing trooper that he is at least alive, stationed on a ship looking for something in the Galaxy was all you caught as they walked off. That day you went through every emotion possible starting with anger 'how dare he just leave me here wondering what's happened to him.' Denial 'maybe he hasn't had a way to communicate to you?' Depression 'if you meant anything to him, he would have found a way.' And finally, to acceptance 'I knew getting involved with him was trouble, I'm done.'

Instead you've actually been spending more time with James after all technically you and Kylo were never a couple and he hasn't spoken to you in fourteen weeks, time now spent eating meals together, following him around as he fixes random broken things throughout the base. The nights are usually spent in the glass room lying on the pillows arms locked around James, feelings for him slowly coming back yet not quite over Kylo, you still haven't let him in enough to have sex but you don't know how much longer you want to wait. Tonight showing up before he does waiting patiently, finally the door opens he walks in embracing you tightly "I'm so glad you dumped that other loser and came to your senses (y/n) I knew you'd come back to me." Heart fluttering you say "I didn't dump him I told you that, he hasn't contacted me this whole time and I'm not going to just wait like a lost puppy until he decides he cares enough to communicate with me." He looks up at you "well yeah but obviously you're done with him, right? I mean we're together again that's what this is right?" Shaking your head "honestly James I don't know what we are, I enjoy being around you but if I'm being totally honest, I don't know what I would do if he returned. You don't know him he has this magnetizing effect about him something that's incredibly hard to resist, but as of right now in this moment it's just you and me so shut up and kiss me."

Lips met with his the two of you kiss sloppily, he lifts you up carrying you to the cluster of pillows laying you down as he begins roughly unbuttoning your shirt a sudden lust within him as he fumbles with the last few buttons tearing them loose exposing your bra. "Hey! That's a really nice shirt you know." Laughing as he runs his hand up your skirt, hands clawing at your panty hose as he huffs before flipping you around on your stomach placing his hands to your hips pulling you to your knees lifting the skirt up above your ass. The sound of your panty hose ripping loudly against the silence feeling him slide your panties to the side, his fingers dig in you "fuck I've missed this." He says as he prods his fingers inside the feeling of his hand is something you have forgotten, it is much rougher than Kylo's even his method of pleasure so rough with no real intent of pleasing unlike Kylo every time he touches you each moment filled with intense pleasure, momentarily picturing the fingers being his instead of James. The thought instantly causing you to let out a moan before being brought back into the moment with the sound of James "I've missed fucking you, I knew I'd get the chance again." He pulls his fingers from you fumbling for a moment before feeling the tip of his penis against your slit "wait James hold on." Saying as he pauses "don't you want this? I can make you feel good remember how I used to make you feel?" Sighing saying, "yes I do, but I just don't know if I'm ready for this." He rubs the head of his dick against your ass up and down saying "just try and if you don't like it, I will stop okay?"

Thinking for a few moments "I don't know..." he starts pushing the head of his dick between your folds, looking up out the window just then you happen to see a TIE ship fly into the docking bay. Immediately pulling forward as he slips out from you "hey what's wrong why are we stopping." He says, ignoring him fumbling to your feet "look James I thought I was ready for this but I'm clearly not okay, I'm sorry to leave you like this I just need some time to think okay?"

Leaving him on his knees naked from the waist down his expression confused darting out of the room heading towards your own. Almost there messing with the buttons on your shirt buttoning the top ones hastily while tugging at the skirt trying to hide the torn hose, not focusing on where you were walking bumping hard into someone before quickly looking up only to be met with the commanders stiff body, face hidden behind his helmet. Frozen in place quickly stuffing the torn shirt into your skirt before saying "excuse me commander you are blocking my way."

He stands eyeing you as he reaches out his hands, watching as they rise to your shirt, he slowly buttons the top button. Words falling out of your mouth unable to control yourself "where were you, why didn't you tell me you were leaving! Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Still standing in front of you he finally pulls his helmet off, his beautiful face now lined with a large gash across it, the stinging feeling seeing him visibly harmed pushing you over the edge reaching towards his face softly grazing the pink forming scar beginning to sob "oh Kylo... you're hurt... what happened to you."

Jerking back, his hand quickly grasping your wrist hard forcing it away, he moves out stretching his arm pointing, his low harsh voice hisses "go." Quickly darting past him before turning and saying "you can't just ignore me commander! I'm done, just so you know that employee I was afraid to talk about was James and since you disappeared, we've actually gotten quite close." Watching as his body stiffens his face burning red he clinches his fists, without speaking a word he turns walking off in the opposite direction. Once around the corner hearing loud crashing the sound of metal ripping open, mixed with the loud hissing of his saber, his loud scream echoing down the hallway startling you.

Not wanting to stick around running to your room slamming the door shut behind you, ripping the clothes off your body throwing them against the wall. 'What the actual fuck was that! Why did he just throw a tantrum as if he were upset? Like he gave a shit.' The night is spent continuously cursing Kylo racing thoughts 'did he know what you were just doing? Obviously, he buttoned your shirt up he must know... I wonder how that makes him feel? Why did he reject my touch... is it really over between us...'?

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