Everything turns dark

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In the morning waking before the alarm goes off, eyes opening staring at the pitch-black ceiling mind clustered with far too many thoughts. Rolling to the side facing the big window in your room watching the snow fall slowly hitting against the glass melting the fragile flakes instantly, eyes focusing now to a low red glow appearing against the snowfall from a room somewhere in the base. Watching as it flares then disappears, then appears again, wondering if possibly a light is broken somewhere. The repeated flickering luminosity of it coating your mind stripping away any thoughts, watching it for many minutes before sitting up stretching, then standing heading towards the closet fumbling through the clothes choosing today for something not so revealing 'Kylo seemed pretty upset last night about the wonderful mark James left on my neck, I'd rather just cover it today than deal with him.'

Pulling a floor length black, long-sleeved turtleneck dress from the rack 'this should cover enough.' Picking a pair of pointy black boots to match, walking towards the dresser pulling out a matching pair of dark purple lace panties and bra. Sitting now at the vanity opening the drawers pulling all the various makeup pallets out settling for a few shades of black, lilac and plum adding a darker shade of purple to the lips, picking up the heavy metal brush running it along the length of your hair, leaving it long and straight today the more covered the better. Scanning through the jewelry picking up a long chain with a heavy rough black stone dangling from the end, changing out of last night's pajamas slipping into the undergarments taking a moment to stop staring at yourself in the mirror watching, skin glistening periodically with the flashing red glow stunned by the beauty of the image looking back at you. Sliding the dress on its tight knit fabric hugging every curve, traveling your hands along the outlined figure 'it's definitely covering my skin but doing nothing to leave anything to the imagination.'

Fully dressed now the sun barely starting to rise walking out heading towards James's door, rising a hand to knock only to hear his voice from behind "wow you look hot I'm half tempted to ravish you right here, did you wear that just for me?" Turning around facing him mind thinking 'if by that, you mean did I wear it for Kylo's own peace of mind then...' replying "Yes, but better question why are you still wearing the same clothes from last night?" His facial expression going blank before quickly answering "I didn't return to my room last night, I ended up just working on old orders." Studying his face his eyes not holding contact "you were out all night? Working...?" Walking past you opening his hatch going inside he turns facing you, saying "yeah what else would I be doing? Anyways I need to get ready for the day I'll see you later okay?" He shuts the door before giving you another chance to reply, standing there dumbfounded as to what just happened 'maybe he was just so shaken up by what happened last night he was afraid to come back?'

Still rather early in the morning slowly walking towards Kylo's room taking your time, leisurely entering the passcode to the doors, they open swiftly air blowing outwards, hair flowing back with its cool breeze. Going inside the room seeing Kylo walking towards his bathroom stopping at the sight of you he stares, a few minutes go by before speaking up "is everything okay commander?" Shaking his head while blinking "I'm fine. You caught me of guard coming so early is all, and that dress..." his eyes still fixated on you "if you don't like it sir I can go change, I was only trying to hide my neck..." he walks forwards stopping a few inches away his hand reaching out sliding behind the chain of the necklace slowly running along its length before gripping onto the stone, holding your breath watching him twirl it around his fingers then tugging at it bringing it closer to his face studying it. Eyes leaving the stone for only a moment focusing on yours "no the dress is... it's beautiful...it fits nicely." Letting go of the necklace it falls bouncing against your stomach his eyes watching as it does, stiffing he adjusts his shirt "I was just about to leave, if you'll excuse me."

Stepping around walking into the bathroom he leaves, the light lining the door frame with an outlined shadow pacing back and forth. Catching your breath not realizing you were holding it in nearly that whole time, eyes focusing on the lamp lit figure of his saber resting on the window seal, curiosity getting the best of you, feet quietly walking towards it stopping at the base of the window. Hand shaking reaching out towards the weapon, fingers touching the cold hard metal, heart racing glancing back towards the bathroom making sure it is still occupied. Wrapping your hand around the hilt it's large shape barely fitting in your palm, lifting it up slowly it's weight heavy enough to need both hands without dropping it, heart pounding against your chest bringing the saber closer into view eyes tracing each exposed section of hardware with one finger resting on the activation switch.

The bathroom door swings open right then, jumping trying to quickly place it back on the ledge finger slipping pressing the button, with full force the saber ignites the hot flickering flame bursting out of the emitters. Shrieking, placing both hands over your mouth watching the saber fall from your grasp slicing through the end table, preparing for it to just as easily slice through your feet, tightly closing your eyes. The room is silent other than the loud flaring of the saber, opening your eyes seeing it suspended in air inches from your feet, eyes darting towards Kylo standing in the door way arm outstretched watching as the saber flies to his grasp he marches towards you.

Immediately trying to explain yourself "Kylo I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me I know I shouldn't have been messing with it please don't be mad..." force choking you against the window his other hand raising the blade up to your face close enough to feel its sizzling temperature licking at your cheek. "You foolish girl, do you know how easily you could have injured yourself; do you have a death wish because I can grant that for you. I'm beginning to think you enjoy being hurt, do you want me to hurt you... to punish you....is that what it would take for you to stop putting yourself into these situations." Gasping for air, feet kicking against his thighs the words barely escaping "no Kylo...let... me...go." Not releasing, his grip squeezing tighter, your reflection on the eye piece of his mask revealing the slight blue tint of your face, the room coming in and out of view with a black fog pulsing within your vision, Kylo's figure fading into a dark mass before disappearing completely.

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