The greatest of stories

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Waking in the morning surprised to see the space next to you was empty wondering to yourself if last night had somehow been nothing more than a dream until stepping out of bed spotting the dry white stain knowing that at some point he must have snuck out without you ever even waking, a little disappointed but understanding knowing that he likes his traditions. Smiling at the tray of breakfast sitting on the dresser with a small note attached *(y/n) I'll be gone when you wake, I love you more and more each day and can't wait to see you walking down the aisle, I know you'll look stunning -your commander* grinning at the last bit knowing how much he's grown in the short year and a half you've been together. During your shower letting your mind wander back thinking of all the things that have happened to you in life, every trade, all of the hurt, sorrow, sleepless nights, loneliness, and abandonment seemed unreal as if life had never began until arriving here on the base, until meeting and serving the commander and ultimately falling hopelessly in love.

A few other thoughts creep in, like how years ago the person you thought you'd be marrying is locked away deep within the base and how you couldn't imagine a life with him now after Kylo had shown you what true love is, what it means to be someone's soul mate, someone's everything. Once finished freshening up making your way down to the small room he had arranged for you, the one where you first tried on the dress. But not before stopping by the medical bay grabbing Kylo's ring from Yasmine, her girlfriend Kamira had handcrafted it just as she did yours with the very last bit of kyber crystal forming a small ruby band directly in the middle of two pitch black stripes. After thanking her noticing its near noon and the wedding is set to happen at sunset quickly darting towards the fitting room, opening the door disappointed to see the same three women impatiently awaiting your arrival.

Wasting no time they quickly grab you tugging, squeezing, patting, curling, applying, and priming every part of your body until all that remains is slipping into the dress, shocked at how fast it felt and yet the sun had now begun moving closer towards the planets edge. Just as the women were about to finish lacing up the back of the dress a quiet knock comes tapping upon the door, one of them opens it letting the sound of a familiar voice peek through "oh hello, would (y/n) happen to be here I wanted to give her something." Excitedly calling out "oh Doris! Yes, I am in here past all the mess! Come in!" rounding the loose tapestry her adorably dressed figure comes into view, rushing as quick as the heavy dress will allow wrapping your arms around her "oh I am so happy to see you! Can you believe it is happening? I'm going to marry the Supreme leader!"

After a few back and forth endearments she finally says "I'm so proud of you (y/n) when I first met you I could tell instantly that you were going to be gravely important to the commander though at tha time I hadn't anticipated just how important you'd become to me in the process." Nearly crying trying not to mess up the beautifully applied makeup turning towards the three women "could you give us a moment please?" One shrugs and another questions "your dress isn't finished we still need to lace it." Doris happily interrupts "oh I would gladly do that! If (y/n) would allow me too that is..." nodding your head "yes of course..." not hesitating they all leave the room allowing Doris to finish with the dress, just before she does she hands you a gift letting you unwrap it while tightening the gown "I have no use for this anymore and well I couldn't help but think back to the first day I let you borrow it, if I had any inclination I'd say it had a hand in helping you with the commander am I right?"

Once the gift is unwrapped you couldn't help but giggle after seeing it's the smutty book she let you read not so long ago, blushing heavily " could say that...thank you so much Doris I'll cherish it forever." After hugging her goodbye she says she'll be waiting at the ceremony and that you look gorgeous, the door shuts behind her and you're left alone in the room staring at yourself in the mirror shocked at your own beauty once more. Just before leaving noticing they forgot to add any lipstick, quickly searching through the drawers trying to find that special shade of vermillion swiping it over your lips smiling knowing everything is nearly perfect, all that's left is placing the kyber necklace around your neck then tucking it neatly behind the dresses bodice.

Sighing heavily, glancing out the window noticing it's just about time, reaching for the door multiple emotions run through your mind 'this is what I've been waiting for, I wonder what Kylo is doing right now. Is he just as excited as I am?' A small wave of sadness brushes over knowing you won't have anyone to walk you down the aisle, but immediately holding your head high knowing your strong enough to do it on your own and that Kylo loves you no matter what, soon you'd be standing in-front of him clinging on to the greatest love story in the galaxy.

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