First day on duty

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Waking early in the morning rolling to one side staring out the big window in your room. Noticing how beautiful the planet is with a soft glow of red highlighting the snowfall, it's breathtaking. This new life you were thrown into is much different than your old, all you have ever known is slave work and abuse. Now living on the starkiller base in this immaculate room, with incredible amenities and warm food it is almost as if the universe is rewarding you for something you've never done.

Pulling the blankets close to your face closing your eyes letting your mind wonder about the future, will you be Kylo Ren's servant until you are old and gray like Doris? Is there more coming to your life, will you ever find true happiness? Sighing you decide it's time to get up for the day, sliding out of bed and slugging towards the bathroom where you rinse off.

Now feeling a grumbling in your stomach you order a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast with a side of black coffee, the little droid arriving much faster than you expected leaves you with the meal after wishing you a good morning. 'Such a cute little thing isn't it' smiling you thank him before he rolls off. Taking your time with the hot meal thinking of what sort of outfit you should wear today; it will be your real first day on the job after all.

Piece of toast still in hand walking towards the closet staring into its abyss, 'hmm I really think something beautiful yet practical would be best for today.' Choosing a velvet dress with bell sleeves that falls just below the knees, matching it with a pair of black ankle strap heels. For hair today you decide to let it down flowing naturally, pinning back one side behind your ear. The makeup was easy enough, going with a natural Smokey eye finishing with a soft red lip. For jewelry picking a silver necklace that has two black roses on either side before meeting a shining ruby in the middle, matching it with a pair of simple ruby studs.

Once dressed making your way to the commander's room making sure to take the right path this time, arriving the hatch swings open letting you walk right in. Surprisingly, you see the commander still fast asleep in his bed, worried you arrived too early looking at the time 'no it's 715 am he should have been gone by now.... do I leave?' Deciding you do not want to give off the impression of never even showing up for the first real shift, walking quietly into his bathroom and begin cleaning, making sure to be as silent as possible.

Before entering his bedroom, you slip your shoes off so not to wake him walking quietly placing what you can into the laundry basket and dusting the furniture. Just before turning to walk out noticing his towel from last night's bath is laying half next to him and half across his bare chest, creeping up slowly placing one hand on the side of his bed while reach over him for it tugging slightly as you gradually glide it across him.

He twitches in his sleep rolling over to the side, his face now towards your stomach as his hand moves up the bed grazing your leg before he jumps awake grabbing onto your thigh strongly he swings you around, landing flat on the middle of his bed. "What the hell are you doing." He says as he's standing over you towering like a giant. "I'm so sorry sir, I was just simply trying to grab your towel so I could wash it." You say holding the towel towards your chest, staring at you intently finally he lets go of your thigh before walking off to the bathroom.

Standing, tossing the towel into the laundry basket before rushing out the room, once in the washroom you take a moment to place your fingers where his had been moments ago. Wincing it's still tinder he gripped so hard you could see the slight tint of his hand print. Patiently and very mundanely waiting for his clothes to wash and dry before folding them neatly and returning to his quarters.

Inside placing everything neatly in its spot before leaving, knowing you are supposed to go to the commander to see if he has anything else for you to do but instead really wanting to skip out. Putting on a brave face you head towards his workroom, arriving you inform the guards who you are and walk inside. Ren is sitting at the end of an exceedingly long desk with his face resting in the palms of his hands. "Commander..." his face darts up chilling you with his stare. "I was just seeing if you needed me for anything else, or if you were okay with me going back to my room."

He stands walking towards you not stopping until he has you pressed against the wall firmly. Taking his gloved hand he traces the now green tinted bruise on your face "I thought this would have shown you how easily it is to get hurt working for the first order, this morning in my quarters I could have easily snapped your neck with one swift move." As he says this you feel a tight pressure growing on your neck while you are slowly being raised off the floor. Taking your own hands, placing them on his outstretched arm grasping tightly while pleading with your eyes to let you go. Just like that he releases letting you fall to the ground gasping for air, he turns walking out before saying "catch me off guard again and you won't be so lucky."

Rising to your feet rushing back to your own room holding back the hot flow of tears that follow. 'Why must you work for someone who wants to kill you so badly? Why is he allowing you to live when clearly he hates you?' Staying hidden away in your room all day until you see that it is time once again to prepare his bed and bath, reluctantly finding yourself back inside his room.

Thankfully, this time no sign of the commander letting yourself relax exhaling out. Turning down his bed while picturing how easy was for him to overpower you, the thought makes you shiver as you reach for his pillow fluffing it sniffing the musky scent paired with a hint of eucalyptus, the eucalyptus is heavenly but combined with the strong smell of Kylo it gives you goose bumps.

Moving to the bathroom preparing the tub with the oil and soap, pouring in the soap you hear the hatch door hiss open just then noticing the bottom of your dress has slipped into the water. Pulling it out squeezing and ringing the water from the fabric the commander walks into the bathroom, stopping dead in his tracks he stares eyeing from your face down. His eyes pausing longer than comfortable at your raised dress, he now walks right to you before kneeling and placing his hand on the still visible mark he left this morning. Looking up straight at you his thumb pressing against the swollen mark rubbing gently "sir it's okay you don...." he stands now only inches from your face, brushing your hair back before saying softly "it was not my intention to hurt you (y/n) understand that I didn't know who you were in that moment... forgive me."

As he walks out leaving you speechless still holding the damp dress in your hands, finishing with his bath water excusing yourself. Back in your room now in your own shower running your fingers back to the mark on your thigh 'he is so confusing, one second he tries to choke me to death the next he's apologizing for a simple welt.' Still the thought lingers of how gentle he was, showing you a side of him you did not know existed.

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