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A gentle knock on the hospital door waking the both of you, quickly Kylo stands straightening out his pants as he rushes to throw on the rest of his garments. Nurse Yasmine slowly opens the door peeking her head around "good morning, I'm coming in... hope that's alright." Walking in she immediately tries to avert her gaze from Kylo buckling his belt, blushing hard "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting anything! I was just coming to discharge you... but I'm glad to hear you two made up." Embarrassment flooding over you after noticing she said hearing instead of seeing, cheeks burning hot "um... thanks... I am too." Chuckling "anyways, can we do this so I can finally get out of here, please?" Kylo still frozen in the corner completely in shock.

Noticing the awkwardness lingering she breaks the silence "yes of course, I just need you to sign here... and here... and there...." handing you a clipboard, after applying the signatures, taking it back slowly turning to Kylo who's staring down at her as he slowly slides on his gloves pulling the cuffs down tightly flexing his long fingers to fit inside snuggly. "Commander sir I need you to sign here basically just covering that you will be taking over the care from here." His still frame watching her, with a jerking movement he pulls the board from her grasp "I'm not sure what you think you heard, but I assure that you are mistaken. Making assumptions about your commander could easily backfire for you, next time I suggest..." speaking up cutting him off "Kylo!"

Darting his gaze to you, without speaking his expression clearly questioning the move. "Leave her alone, she's done nothing but be kind to both of us. Besides, come on did you really think we hid that well? You practically rammed a hole into their wall, and I know for a fact I have never been great at remaining quiet. I'm sorry Yasmine he's not the greatest at communicating he gets embarrassed easily, but he means no harm, but just so we're on the same page this stays between us, right?" Kylo remains staring directly at you while handing the signed paper back to her, his face stern yet playful the side of his lip slightly curling upwards followed by a quick twitch under his eye. He speaks in a low sarcastic tone not breaking contact with you until the last two words "my apologies, not to worry the damage to the wall will be fixed... you see my current position grants me the power to command certain things from my employees....without opposition."

She stands staring at you both momentarily before busting out laughing "okay first off, sounds like you're in trouble girl. Second, the secret is safe with me I am just glad to see you guys back together the chemistry is strong with you two. Anyways, you are free to go we will bring a wheelchair around for transport shortly." Without warning Kylo walks towards you grabbing your wrist then placing his other hand on the bed directly between your legs, grinning he swiftly tugs pulling you up in the air placing your stomach against his shoulder. "Actually, I think were good, I can take it from here if you'll just have her belongings brought to my quarters, thanks." Not waiting for a reply he is heading out the door walking down the hall holding tightly on the place just below your ass, Yasmine raises her eyebrows staring at you from the room watching your body lightly swaying with his pace. Only able to get a few words out before disappearing out the doors completely "uh bye I guess, thank you for everything!"

He is walking quickly, heavy boots stomping down the hall turning corners so fast your hair whips in the wind "hey um Kylo what exactly is happening?" Gripping hard onto your thigh "you think it's cute to interrupt me, to speak for your commander, do you? To imply I mean no harm, do you know what I am capable of? No? Well then... I guess I'll have to show you." The threat behind his words send your mind wandering 'okay so either he's about to choke me unconscious again or I'm about to experience something new, I'm not entirely sure which one I should be more afraid of?' Watching the floor tiles zoom beneath his feet when suddenly he freezes, the sudden stop shifting your body backwards almost falling from his shoulder but just in time his firm hand grasps tightly on your ass stopping the fall pushing you back in place.

Finally speaking making the situation known since you cannot see what's going on "General Hux, if you'll excuse me, I'm in the middle of something." Gripping onto his back trying to bend up to see what's happening "commander Ren, would it be wise of me to assume that whatever it is that you're doing is to benefit the first order? Or shall I ask Snoke his opinion?" Without releasing the grip on your ass Kylo's deep voice "It would be wise if you kept your mouth shut this time, and got the hell out of my way before I take care of my problem right here in the hallway." Gasping, using every bit of muscle to grab onto his hip bending as far to the side as you can, but only barely being able to see around his cloak, watching Hux March up to Kylo standing his ground "I won't tell Snoke this time, but just so you know you don't scare me Ren." Kylo releases a small chuckle from behind his mask "Get out of my way General, or you're next." Hux pauses rising and lowering his finger in sync with opening and closing his mouth as if he is going to speak but doesn't, his facial expression crossing between confusion, anger, and what is that... curiosity? Never the less he steps to the side allowing Kylo to continue the march towards his quarters, the closer it gets the more eager his hand becomes sliding up the silk pajamas you didn't even have time to change, groping your bare ass.

Hearing the touch pad beeping knowing you've arrived heart beating rapidly as the hatch swings open, he doesn't stop walking until inside the bedroom when he finally grabs your hips with both hands pulling you backwards flinging you to the bed. Moving into a squatting position with your legs tucked under placing your hands on your knees "what's going on right now Kylo?" Walking forwards slowly, with the wave of his hand the force dimming the lights to a soft red glow "I'm going to show you something." Gulping hard barely able to speak "what are you going to show me?" Arriving at the end of the bed he reaches out placing his gloved hand under your jaw rising your face up to look at him, letting out a deep breath followed by his low raspy voice from behind the mask "I'm going to show you the dark side."

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